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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. I agree on the Bogart comment, cool guy , always got the broads
  2. Dean martin-in the cool cool of the evenin
  3. Dvd's records and clothes pretty much, used to have tonnes of tropical fish
  4. www.parkers.com usually has all insurance groups for most cars
  5. Isnt euthanasia a little similar to DNR?
  6. Random piece of information: I hate it when people use the word "bare"
  7. Seems odd your have such trouble in a cold water set up, all of mine were proper hardy to anything, didn't even have much trouble with any of my tropicals, guess its just luck of the draw. I proper miss having my tanks actually, beats watching the garbage on tv these days
  8. I think the thing you're forgetting is, you could of met any girl, just fate made you meet this new one. It sounds like you're too posessive and shes quite naive and treating you like shit because youre letting her. If shes causing you so much greif either talk to her about it or do the opposite and bide your time with mates and stuff until she gets in touch with you.
  9. I reckon thats too dated for what hes after though. Whats the actual 16k situation?
  10. Wouldnt that beat the object of "asking them what they think ?"
  11. Caleb


    Why dont you both post your msn logs?
  12. Cant take my eyes off you -Frankie valli
  13. Hahaha actually laughing at that, sounds like you're living life anyway mate carry on.
  14. I used to drink a few cans every night while i was uni, just to relax and help me sleep (living in halls) so nah
  15. Caleb

    Car Damage

    me and 3 others stayed at the campanile hotel i think it was? still got the key actually and the other 8 stayed at some hostel in the centre by the wetherspoons which sounded a lot better than our hotel practically on the motorway haa. Ended up in some gay bar near the venue and then just random pubs but was too sweaty and nackered to commit to a night out really so went casino then back to the hotel haaa. Yeah suppose you can have bad nights everywhere, mix of alcohol and people who can't handle their alcohol always results in a loss.
  16. The questionnaire is pretty shoddy in fairness, i got 6 yes and 6 no but the questions were left very open. I normally drink a bottle of whiskey a week half before thursday night and half before friday then drinks in town etc, normally a few cans on a saturday daytime too. Not worried at all really and wont be able to go town for a good 6 weeks anyway due to a broken knee so i guess ill have time to freshen up for when its healed.
  17. Caleb

    Car Damage

    Ah ball ache, i went Cardiff not too long ago for an oasis gig, didnt get such a good reception off the locals but still had a decent weekend and wrecked a hotel room if that's any reassurance?
  18. Caleb

    Car Damage

    Seems a wierd thing to happen to someones car randomly? has she got a possessive ex or something? hence the x scratch? hmmm
  19. cheers lads, went ibiza pretty much the same time last year and proper loved it, was expecting it to be a proper chavvy and commercialised but was just a proper funny holiday, 28 of us in a group went and everything went to plan, apart from me breaking my wrist on the second day haa. Think i might just go anyway, the name change they quoted me was £90 per person inc return + admin charges, and to take the holiday back 2 weeks or so would be an extra £140, when i only paid £240 for the initial holiday. Suppose if i cant get anymore people interested in coming i could always put the holidays on Ebay, but the fact that which ever party would buy them would be paying £180 automatically for the privilidge of name changes would be very off putting i imagine.
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