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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Caleb

    The Music Thread.

    seriously brilliant taste there, been listening to my distorted bowie vinyls all today haha and the buzzococks too one of the best machester bands in my books pete shelly is awesome
  2. has that literally just toppled over? it looks like an enongated path now . . mint garden by the way, id be rpretty tempted to get a little enduro bike with something like that field right next to me
  3. Caleb

    The Music Thread.

    totally agree, mod all the way
  4. Caleb


    16,658 and a sore neck
  5. best way to hide your friends is by deleting your account, myspace is the biggest piece of shiit since betamax
  6. ok it might not be the worse crime in the world thats not to say its bad, i can imagine what happens to children, chineese are quite badly done to some as young as 12 been sold a prostitutes etc for sex tourists. the woman in the clip was arrested by the way Youtube Video -> Original Video
  7. daft yank, its pretty f**king terrible in my eyes, looking at the size of the child in comparison . . . you can see her shouting after her after spraying her, the kid probably crayoned the walls or something equally as stupid i imagine. agian on a side note that blonde news reader- YES PLEASE
  8. Caleb

    The Music Thread.

    i honestly dont believe people like listening to it and do so to fir into their little integrated groups, at the same time people can lisen to what they want and so long as they dont impose it on me i wont let them know what i think. on another note: the smiths-boy with a thorn in his side, what a song ! on another tangent - Isle of wight festival looks like a decent line up friday for stranglers saturday for sex pistols ian brown and Iggy pop. might go would be a right laugh just its 2 weeks before im going to ibiza so i imagine ill be scrounging all the pennies i can get my paws on !
  9. bit of a bump spending the night in crewe with some mates, gonna give the night life a run for its money
  10. i hear they're remaking deat wish too, that could have potential maaaan
  11. i used yto have some tropical fish, i had like 4 tanks at one point, 3 red bellied pirhanas in one tank, somne african cichlids in another, some coldwaters in a smaller tank then tonnes of tropicals in my 4 foot tank. really are cool to watch, im going to get another juwel tank soon and get some plec's and guppys etc hehe bit of a mix but oh well. was thinking abouyt getting a small milk snake a few months back but there not the most playful creatures. thinkign back ive had a bloody varied selection of animals in my younger years
  12. need to be much more specific and incude some open questions
  13. Caleb


    By any chance is the seller "retrokicks"? Just realiuse di had exactly the same happen and he agreed to a £10 partial refund which i never saw. if its him definitely leave negative and open a claim with paypal for the refund he initially promised.
  14. ive been on paypal help and say no to 0870 but directs me to this electronic upperclass whiney voice thats of no help. ive been trying to make payments yesterday but keeps lettng me know that "authorisation has failed" i havent changed my bank card my account is verified i have no limit i have correct funding in my linked bank account so if anyone has a number where i can speak to anyone would be much appreciated
  15. not being funny but why? its not really a new thing, people have been running disc kings for a few years, although rare, its pretty much a modification free set up. does look nice though, i had 205 avids on one of my old megamo's then opted for 160 hope trial's
  16. there like the most common colour a pair of maguras would usually go for around £60 on ebay so you should have kind of noticed. You got a link to the pahe? you sure she didnt but in bold "sold sold sold-do not bid etc? sounds obvious but i bid on loads of stuff without fully reading the description. the reason they put sold etc is because if there are bids on the item and its in the last day of the listing they can't legitimately end it so they make clear its sold.
  17. myspace and everything associated with it generic taste in music and fashion bad manners warm lager loose women people that use +1, spell words purposely incorrect, say epic fail and all the other shitty continuous internet inspired vocabulary
  18. i think the post office only exchange them if you got them from there in the first place (need a receipt to prove)
  19. Caleb

    What's Your Job?

    I've always been in two minds about bar work, on one hand you'd see a lot of your mates and be able to get wasted at the end of your shift. on the other hand you'd have to put up with ignorant wasted pricks all night in a sober state and probably miss out on a lot of the weekend . . .
  20. you're thanking him for causing you a shit load of grief and settling it like he should have done weeks ago?
  21. Caleb

    Hope Table

    haha yeah just stumbled across it, im quite content with just my hope xc salt shaker at the mo
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