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Everything posted by waybe2014

  1. Just thought I'd throw this on here. I know it's a zoot but it's the best one I've seen.
  2. New to trials and just got this so I thought I'd post a picture
  3. I guess he's using it as training material and if someone else is also filming he will be able to directly compare technique between different people
  4. Were you pedalling to help get up or purely using body positioning
  5. Ok I'm really new to this and have still lost count how many times I've seen this video
  6. I'm at the same stage. My problem is trying to release the brake so I can pedal kick forwards. I know I'm probably rushing things but hey
  7. Performance wise a seat will add nothing other than weight. They are purely there for aesthetics and relaxing.
  8. I'm also new to trials and I have a mod and a zoot and find it easier to learn on the zoot as it's more comfortable.
  9. Glad to see I'm not the only person at this stage in my trials riding
  10. Without timing and coordination power is irrelevant. In a trials context I'm new so everything feels odd but I know both my legs are of similar strength, yet a small child could kick a ball further than I could with my left leg (I'm right footed)
  11. Got carried away and just got another bike so I'll probably be on that
  12. waybe2014

    R/c Cars

    Might have to dig out my losi xxx but the batteries are probably shot
  13. Zoo lynx mod, not sure what year. Stock parts I think but wheels might be changed
  14. Cov I literally bought a bike from a friend of Ash 5 hours ago
  15. We'll I don't know if I can say I ride yet as I only got my first bike today, but I'm definitely in the older category. Probably be a new trainee for Ash
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