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Dr. Nick Riviera

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Everything posted by Dr. Nick Riviera

  1. Michael Caine can never die, only the actors who portray him.
  2. Oscar Wilde? that's so gay.
  3. I really hope he doesn't die, he was just the most likely. They used to play this game at the local pub too, I can remember my dad coming home in fits of laughter, they had been watching the horse racing and the announcer had come on to inform people of the sad death of the Queen Mum, someone in the pool had caught wind of this and seeing as he was in for about a grand started cheering and shouting, this goes on for about five minutes until another chap from the pool shouts across the pub 'Tough luck mate, Dudley Moore snuffed it yesterday.' I'm informed that the look on his face was worth far more than the prize money.
  4. Shiny happy people holding hands. DrDoom, Fluoxetine is an SSRI, not a placebo.
  5. Gonna go on HC hq at about 9 ish, epicwinX11ty
  6. Anyone fancy a game tonight? If we get enough people we can have a private game.
  7. Anyone up for a private game tonight? (360) I'm tired of public servers.
  8. The piratebay is dead baby.
  9. We'll split a bottle when you come down. I'm sure I'll be able to get some here.
  10. What he said. The xbox controller was the swaying factor in my decision to buy one.
  11. Dr. Nick Riviera


    You must be imagining things.
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