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Dr. Nick Riviera

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Everything posted by Dr. Nick Riviera

  1. booster probably wasnt a good idea , and shouldve onyl done the bash on the side you dont use
  2. i meant the lever , but never mind
  3. exactly ^ the cyclinders are the same levers different one has 11mm piston and another 14 mm i beleive
  4. converse? pretty casual but not traineresque
  5. front wheels f**ked but you get a good impression of what it would look like with fattys
  6. thats gotta be close to 1200 just needs to be silver :turned: i want very much, looks a tad nicer than the ashton and leeson ( hunderstatement ) if only i had some money
  7. stone cutting as reccomended by tartridge
  8. You are worth exactly $2,468,190.00 w00t!
  9. looks the shiz from what i saw i weighed nothing , looks nice for a uci type bike
  10. is the kmc like a sigma conenctor? if so avoid like bubonic plague and 1100+ wheelbases
  11. bingo has happened to me twice , whats to be done? nothing either roll over and get a kicking or lower yourself to their level
  12. pink is a shade of red is a primary colour , what is black a shade of?
  13. wheres dave marshall when you need him? and black is a shade , but for the purposes of this it can be a color[sic]
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: so nice me lose ability talk properly to hee , looks nice in that colour would it be extra for it in black with pink decals? and whats the stats / measurements and also the weight cheers
  15. ive never played mgs games but i must and from what i heard the game plots make good storys
  16. hahahah bet that hurt right in the testiclé
  17. i say garage and scone heehheheh ( garidge and skon )
  18. * a shit bmx * hhahaa looks ace not as nice as the blue one who someone on here has
  19. this is the website of the guys who wrote the " london underground " song they are 2 doctors who have an entire album , go to the listen section to listen to a few songs from the album , the drugs song is ace and so is paracetemoxyfrusebendroneomicin (sp) www.amateurtransplants.com :( edit : stong language and intelectual humour so if you are easlily offended or plain stupid dont visit feck : chit chat please
  20. nah he's running the shadow conspiracy half link chain :(
  21. erm it'll probably rip your chainstays off , best stick with a maggy and run on a grind much better than tar
  22. its a 6 pot disc brake , nuff said?
  23. he was f**king close though
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