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Dr. Nick Riviera

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Everything posted by Dr. Nick Riviera

  1. Surely text in images will hamper the amount of traffic you'll pick up from search engines though?
  2. I think it's already been mentioned, but La Haine is really f**king good. Don't be put off by the fact that it's a french black and white film, it's something else.
  3. I'm in a similar situation to paul, left at the end of the first year and they almost instantly started hitting me up for grant repayments, they actually (apparently anyway) consider the first year to end before the first day of the second year, grants and bursaries are supposed to cover you for the summer. Make sure you're in the clear, student finance are relentless shits.
  4. There's no scientific evidence for it, but that's a fact.
  5. This thread is stupid, as are some of the replies (Chinnery), I appreciate that domestic violence is heavy shit and that some people genuinely do not know what to do but for fuck's sake, If your partner is abusing you. LEAVE. end of story. Trying to make it work will be a world of pain and eternal mindfuck, get away from the crazy before it's too late.
  6. I was going to give you a serious reply, but that would encourage the situation. SM chat is worth keeping, purely as a paltform to discuss what a tool you can be.
  7. COMPUTER SECURITY tell me about it.
  8. THC is soluble in non polar solvents.
  9. Am I the only person that thinks it was absolute shit?
  10. Pro Tip - Paying for a TV license is like an idiot tax.
  11. It sounds awesome, but not sony/bose awesome? Keep chasing that dragon...
  12. hahahaha, that's hilsea lines, it's written in paint. park up by cosham roundabout and walk east along the bastions, there are quite a few little holes knocking about, this one in particular can be found here
  13. Which bank? why not phone and ask them?
  14. + It amazes me that people actually buy those gilette monstrosities, shaving is currently costing me less than a fiver a year. Straight, as in cut throat razors are the best, but it's a bit of an investment and years of almost cutting bits of your face off.
  15. I didn't believe it until I saw the videos either.
  16. Anyone got a BMX/spare bike I can borrow for the week?
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