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Everything posted by Towler

  1. "All the single ladies, all the single ladies, uhhhh uh oohhh uhh uh ohhh"
  2. Great video Ross, good memorys
  3. Great riding boys! Mufasah! that was some big stuff I miss my bike back home soon. When you boys next go out at the weekend please let me know cause ill come down! Watson... back with some bigger guns and even more skills by the looks of it Great pics lads.
  4. Fricken Awesome! When we going back? as Ross said.... the memorys of banter! Cant believe some of the stuff you did with a gammy foot! mega! be home soon, Towlie.
  5. That was mega!!! Tight like a tiger.... but very noice some big big stuff
  6. Some good pictures there, Would love to get back down there for a wee ride! (when its dry) lol As for your watch.... It was also in Ross's Front mag! Johny wear that with a suit and you will just look like Doofy! Dont disturb me when i'm cleaning my room! Cheers, Towler NA NA NAYE!
  7. Shut it Smeagol!! Cheers for getting the pics up Ross and thanks for the camera action Ben!
  8. That was mega! it had Ryan leech right through it! great video there! LOVED the Potato Wedgies! MEGA! Some awesome lines and a joy to watch. I did watch this the other day at work and have been so busy and not been near a pc at nights, would normaly have posted alot sooner! What frame you going for now that thing was lush! Man hugs, Towler
  9. I remember that beast tore up fort Augustus! that was the days!
  10. Great video, Love how you can show the banter you get out of riding via a video. Some good lines in there top job!
  11. Some nice riding there, those places look ace. Like the run ups!
  12. Quite like this topic. I have been through a hell of alot of bikes and parts... the only part I can say I have really held onto while changing frames ect is my chris king headset. I bought this new in 2004, still running it today and can honestly say I have never had an issue with it. its been bashed in and out so many frames now that I have to admit its not to difficult getting it out or into frames. Seriously impressed with it. Never thought about that until now!
  13. Ahhh lol I couldnt see the sidehop in the photos! Think I get where your comming from now, getting the flip dialed first (in some sort of skate park where there is ramps) then building a ramp and some sort of box or stack of pallets to then sidehop after the flip?
  14. Great weekend, I'm happy with a few things I managed!
  15. Also you get to see a bitch getting f**ked on the beach!
  16. Yeah, hopefully Aidan isn’t too busy doing his community service at the weekend!!
  17. Think Greg Wright form Aberdeen might be riding too!
  18. whats the line up? Ben Towler Stuart Rab Ross is Johny and Dunc's going?
  19. "why so serious?" Just kidding... pretty shitty dude
  20. ....Think I read that wrong, but I THOUGHT you were implying there that a full time rider would only ride when its dry and sit inside an twiddle his thumbs when it rains. You can't really call someone who wouldn’t ride in the rain a full time rider, maby a fanny!? I'm sure most would do their riding with a part time job just to get the extra cash and help them get by.
  21. Lewis check you, you "wee" Ryan Leech clone! That was a great wee video! ...The weather here in Scotland is just like that!
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