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Everything posted by Towler

  1. nice, shame bout the pics and about the <_<
  2. Remember alot of frames dont do rear disk break mounts, suppose a few have started to, Main reason is the amount of stress they cause on the frame wich leeds to cracks/snaps and at the end of the day companys feel they could do withought the hassle of replacement frames.
  3. Its got an extra gusset by the cnc'ed head tube. (top of down tube)
  4. you have started 3 topics within 24 hours all about sidehops.... I mean this in the most nicest possible way, your a fukin retard...
  5. remember what ben said though... he was using the other heatsinks, I have seen him ride with his blue's and they grip perfect. Anyways dont turn this thread into another topic. Common folks download and leave a comment about these videos they are truly awesome.
  6. Towler

    Toxsin Mod

    its super nice :D, all the cnc (Y) <3
  7. duncan i hope your having a laugh you and ben are double my skill
  8. make sure you get some pics (Y) cant wait.... ill enter noob
  9. would help if you told us about your style of riding street natty or both? current bike you ride? wheelbase stuff like that.
  10. got that email at work he he its pritty good / hard
  11. Towler


    As far as im concernt a chilled song is fine, along with simple editing but effects are also good if they are not over used / over done. The most important bit is the riding at the end of the day. So suppose you just have to try the best to your ability and if u bring a vid out a few months later then people can go oh he has got better.
  12. Ben has been practicing a new technique so hopefully in his next vid he will put some of his side hops in that I recorded. I have seen the street one and Ben I know you hate me saying this but you have improved loads... just face the facts and stop the denial. Ill download your natty one when I get home.
  13. "old Granny" also a story about a "girl aged 12" - all they do is choose a random person then take them to court. Its just to scare folk suppose it works to an extent. to be honest who cares.... If you download its your own responsability so if it bothers you dont dl, but let other people do as they please at their own risk.
  14. Nice pics and riding too ;) Is a shame about quality though, hopefully you will get camera fixed.
  15. Hope mono trials ;) ohhh look that... i just happen to have one for sale 75 including P+P with bolts spacers and router.
  16. Towler

    New Street Video

    Gaz that is a nice vid, your riding is very impressive. Nice front hooks and sidehops, well done (Y) get another vid out soon!
  17. if it anoys you that much.... wear something different. I used to wear trackys to ride, ok mine are fecked now. I couldnt care if someone said i was a chav because thats just fecking stupid as they are ment for sports. as i said if it anoys you that much wear something different.
  18. lol (Y) that would, although how many pads would i go through?
  19. I can go on that date, that will be ace.
  20. yer only thing that im un sure about is missing of the sheer on / off that you get from a disk. Suppose I could whack a grind on.
  21. Hey, basically Im going to try a magura out on the front again. My friend has gone back to a magura and he has improved alot, don’t think that has anything to do with a magura on front... he is pretty much just a beast although never admits it. I thought I might do the same because although the disk is powerful and don’t get me wrong I love mine and haven’t had any problems with it, but I don’t have much self confidence so hopefully if I try a magura again I wont be scared of hitting it. I also noticed benito uses a magura again, any reason? Anyways just wanted to know your thoughts, has anyone done so? or does anyone else feel that their riding is limited due to thinking about parts on your bike rather than fully concentrating on getting up the bloody wall or through a rock section..
  22. its shit..... it never works for me... >_<
  23. buy my 04 >_< its practically new, not had much riding at all no dents dont think there are any scratches.
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