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Everything posted by Towler

  1. Hey, well you know my opinion.... if i were you id get the corsa AFTER you pass your test and in the mean while get saving for both. Dont quit trials to drive a car... if you have both bike and car it just means you can ride more and go more places. Save for both!
  2. Awesome riders..... what happened to vinco's legs?
  3. I cant really agree with that, There are alot of other comp bikes you can ride and they dont just have to be short. But then again each to their own, I ride a long echo team it suits me on rocks and street.
  4. My parents dont or didnt really help me with getting anything for my bike when bits broke or what ever. Suppose they thought it was stupid and a waste of money, but they seem pritty interested nowadays.
  5. I would buy a T with the "GRAVITY? ....No Respect"
  6. Yes you can get them in pink. A girl in my town has one or had one, not sure where you get them from but ill take a look and post up. EDIT: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...6lr%3D%26sa%3DN
  7. Bike: ZOO! pitbull 1085 2004 version Type: Stock Pros: Love the geo and the feel of the bike... just love the way it rides. Its strong and non-flexy. Cons: Cant really think of any as yet... I love it Recommend? Each to their own but i love it.
  8. Righty, this coming weekend (25th/26th Feb) me, ben@hulltrials, bobbyd, and sam, are heading over to fort augustus for a full weekends riding in this area. Saturday, riding the fort augustus comp area during the day, then some food, followed by a night ride at inverness. Then home to wherever (me, ben, darren, and paul are staying in fort augustus), Up early on the sunday morning, and riding rocks during the day, at a location to be decided on saturday by everyone. Then up to inverness again for a street ride then home at a suitable time. A pm has been sent to all the locals that i know of (well ben@hulltrials) so come along, all welcome, if you have any problems pm Ben@hulltrials, or call him on 07706883274 cheers towler and Ben@hulltrials
  9. ewan give me a shout man i can take both you and craig, we can take the wheels off ect. Could maby do something after next weekend if everyone else fancies it?
  10. Hot digady dog!, nice vid ben. you have improved loads... looking forward to the next one! .... word
  11. yer these jokes are all from a site they are pritty funny!
  12. I go out on my bike when im bored.... rain dont bother me so much.
  13. Also common with stollen cheques... basicly their way of getting dirty money turned to clean.
  14. .... god that looks stupid. IMO
  15. i cant phone them as it coinsideds with the hours i work and the forum i dont understand any of the ways folk fixed theirs. and Wow them selfs say its a hardware problem with your pc.. which it aint.
  16. a Da bomb with steel forks and viz rims.
  17. ... Just ride your bike, prolly useless comment to you, but colours don't make you ride better.
  18. Hey, Basicly everytime i try to install WOW on my pc it comes up with a few errors. I checked the site etc but nothing has really helped. Its not the cd or anything as i installed it on my other pc. I also tryed safe mode and copying the contents of the Cd to my Harddrive this did nothing as i kept getting the same errors it seems on the wow forums alot of people have had the same trouble. Please help me!!!! I can send you screenshots of errors on msn if anyone has any ideas.
  19. its expensive sending hopes off every month..... and not being able to ride for a few days. They are not reliable, i would be more scared riding a hope than a king.
  20. i would pay £2 every 3 weeks, 1 grip does the job.
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