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Everything posted by Towler

  1. .... Ok you crazy bastards no doubt you are going to actually tax some real camels to try this... so make sure you whap some shinguards and a helmet on them. The flexability is also an issue will this be a lazy camel or an absolute nut bar of a camel.
  2. Towler

    Trashzen T-shirts

    Get some shorts made!
  3. I ran 26" forks on my mod a while ago with my hope xc built onto a 20" rim, Should work fine.
  4. i used to have to run my tryall on the rear, really flat as i used to struggle to get alot of spring out it, I have a maxxis on the rear now and i run the pressure alot harder than i used to and prefer it balance wize. going to make my front alot harder as well.
  5. Give IOLO a shout dude he is your man.
  6. anyone know the density of a potato?.......... Crap thread almost as shit as the hope pro2 breaking. Anyways as it has been said many a time its a comp frame... its like xtp's seen a fair few of them mangled, that would also be classed as a comp frame. Maby when you saw the crack, you should have stopped riding it then sent it back to onza.... no wonder if you sent that back they were not so keen on giving you a new one. EDIT: Ohh didnt mean any of that in a harsh tone.... its a shame that it cracked/halfed when you liked it so much
  7. Towler

    Trashzen T-shirts

    Any news on the t-shirts?
  8. Dont make me get that viz rim out!!! mwhaha... Ben honestly stop it with the fat jokes its actually really hurting my feelings, you do it when we are riding as well. I know im over weight but i am trying to lose weight you could maby try supporting me than taking the piss the whole time. your ment to be my best mate but take the piss out of me being "fat" all the time Regards, FAT TOWLER the over weight prowler!
  9. Ace vid ben, check your little dancing knee!!!! ha ha that hook at the end is impressive, especially with the confined space and rail in the way. Cant wait for your next vid Regards, THE Towler.
  10. The only rim you like is Damons!!!!
  11. Could well be i was told it was 100 but it may well be. I dont know much about cars. nice and fast though
  12. Chipping is naughty... Im sure its 100bhp at the moment.
  13. My new Tryall one is awesome... Cant believe how good it is, thought tryalls were a bit cheese but this one has opened my eyes! Much better than my Ronnie that lasted 3 weeks :/
  14. Just got my Golf 2.0 TDi today
  15. I like the look of that apart from where the down tube meets the head tube. More to the point any info on the geo?
  16. Don't even get me started on people waxing walls! :@ In my town they wax this wall which is one of my local riding spots. Thing is never seen any of them riding it, Same old though you always get fannys spotting lines or something waxing the wall then not doing anything!
  17. Dont mean to be a dick.. nothing really like it. Ha ha some of these designs are ace!!! trials is going style! which is probably a good thing as it will attract more folk to asking you about it ect and maybe making the sport more knowen. towlie.
  18. Damon what a pointless topic.... why are you even on this forum no one likes you except ben.. but you bum each other........ suppose you do have a sexeh phone voice, awww well ill let you off. Ben reckon he could use my rotor if i gave him the adapter too? would only be a 180 though.
  19. Adamant lever is really nice! the power you get out of it is awesome, duno if thats because the lever is slightly longer or what ever but I was impressed. It also has a really nice feel to it the way it bends at the tip for your finger, bit like the hope levers. Having looked at all the other levers ZOO!, CZAR... ect the adamant one looks to be the better shape. All the bossters seem really big and bulky suppose this is good for making it alot stiffer but looks pritty naff in my opinion. Towler
  20. In my town there is some right scandle atm!!! some drunk on weekends has been climbing lamp posts in the square and puting some big red hoop on them... no one knows who! do they ---------->BEN TRAVIS!!!!!!!!!<---------
  21. Awesome! 3 different sizes! nice spec too.
  22. Its digs at pretty much all free wheels.... Quite right too, they all have disadvantages.
  23. NED = Non educated delinquent.
  24. I normally kill a rim after bout 3 weeks this one seems fine so far, also running a rear maxxis now helps because i dont have to run lower pressures like i used to do with my tryall tyre to get more spring. Duno if they have changed anything but im happy with mine
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