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Everything posted by Towler

  1. Towler

    Cologne Vid

    ACE! some of those sections were pritty tech... awesome riding.
  2. mike, The steam thing can be resovled this has happened to a few people at uni you just have to watch which ports you can use. This means that you will only manage to get on some servers.
  3. ..... EMO ha ha ben - remember last night when them 2 lasses wanted your blood! i usually just go "ooooOOOOhhhhh YESS" churchhill dog voice...
  4. www.tartybikes.co.uk - no direct links please. Bens latest video, Good video well edited and some good lines... nice one! Just a chilled video though guys. love ben and towler
  5. This is a pretty interesting topic with alot of views and opinions Where to start... Well in my opinion I would love to see alot more riders. Where some people have said they don't want it to grow too big I can appreciate your feelings on that matter, but for me it doesn't matter how many people ride trials as long as I still enjoy the sport as much as I do. I go out ride with a bunch of mates and I have been to a few comps in scotland and just have such great enjoyment out of it. Numbers don't matter to me as far as riding. As they say the more the merryer. I feel its a shame that there is not alot of knolage about trials, I live in a town in scotland that attracts quite alot of tourist they always stop and watch and some of the more keen ones always ask about the bikes and how many people do it ect. If people at extreme sports and other channels were contact maybe when the worlds was on ect, infact when any event was on! "there is a bike comp on in 3 months time there should be a big turn out do you fancy coming along?" then the sport could be on tv more. Maybe people have tryed doing this, I haven't read all the post on this topic and I don't know if some of the event organizers have already tryed this. Another thought on media coverage was companies like redbull... they sponsor vincent hermance and a few other riders. Could they not try and get them in an advert for redbull a bit like the snickers one where they have the bmx, free running ect. Would be good to see the sport grow in two ways, 1. Having alot more riders both at comps and just in general like street riding. 2. having it on tv & making it more of a knowen sport so people can say ohh I saw people doing this on tv you are very good ect.
  6. Sweet snaps ben, Should get a video out soon.
  7. "Don't go for the easy option and ride Ben Travis.... Keep high standards, ride trials."
  8. Working 9 till 5 what a way to make a living you love it ben bring on divas with the cheese music!
  9. Big lips make you sidehop massiv!!!!!
  10. Riding the top of a shopping centre in town, a security guard comes out balling and swearing at us.... Ben Travis: "Your nothing but a rent-a-cop!" ha ha ben what a legend!
  11. Towler

    Koxx Team

    Yer good point no one really knows how much they do for each rider. But do any other company look after their riders as much as koxx? The next company that does alot for their riders, just from my point of view would be monty. Thats another grey area though where you dont know what monty "really" do for their riders.
  12. Towler

    Koxx Team

    Is it worth him going about it this way though? At the end of the day whether you like it or not KOXX does alot for their riders giving them signature frames / pays them, and looks after them. When you look at it both ways it would be a big loss to koxx but it would also be a loss to kenny. Personaly I think nothing will come of it.
  13. JT is the daddy! Anyways thats pretty mental even if it is not the trials version.... I would not expect the hub shell to do that. Fair enough if all the internals got mangled like the engagements, springs ect.
  14. Towler

    Towler Video

    111 Downloads and only a handfull of comments, I know the video quality and editing sucks. But please leave comments on how to improve my riding.
  15. Towler

    Towler Video

    This is my first video. Sorry for the video quality and the editing, best i could do. Anyways comments are welcome Click Here Thanks, Towler
  16. HAAAAA HAAAAAA LMAO!!!!!! HA forgot bout that ha ha, just started laughing out at work.
  17. I would say it makes you more fat! you big fatty you! (......waits for ben to start taking the piss out of towlers over weight problem)
  18. SUCKS TO BE FAT - Slim fast for the win!!!!!
  19. Ace vid, you big sicko! (yer i mean the coments you gave to ben on the phone.) ......... SUX TO BE FAT!
  20. I think it looks pritty cool, wonder what the geo is!!! could always tie,tape or zip tie the magura cable so it goes on top.
  21. Ben Travis: "YOUR ALL FAT!"
  22. Adamant one is a nice shape for the good old little finger. Had a shot of bens and his rear break did feel like the shizneh!
  23. Mike you are such a whore! you always have trouble with different girls you big slut! P.S. Your mine anyways!
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