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Everything posted by Towler

  1. Trav... you know its the new styleeee! Back Bench to wall at st nicks..... epic! up to front by the rails was ace and loved the line at Glasgow at library. Best video yet and you know it!
  2. Awesome! should have everything by then! not long to go!
  3. oh I can't wait! Going to be epic banter. Hope to have bike built up by then. I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and I said to the taxi driver go home smell you later.
  4. Towler

    Monty Street Vid

    Haha Aye! Affa noisy
  5. We could treck into Fort Bill on Saturday night for "a wee sausage supper" I cant wait! Im so excited!
  6. Towler

    Monty Street Vid

    All the clips where im wearing Jeans is Aberdeen, but only one or two areas so plenty riding here. The rest are from down in Glasgow! GLASGOW IS AWESOME!
  7. ....Hold it in you fag.... such a weight weenie! JESUS!!!
  8. You dont have a mrs.... Me, Ben and Ross do.... So does Paul Fox and Tadas.....
  9. Ill be there in spirit..... But seriously I might be very tempted to take a day off work and head down!? The last Glasgow ride was EPIC! If I come down Ill stay at my sisters.
  10. Ill second that! If Tadas comes he will have to be aware that he will have to piss like an animal! NO GIRLS... NO TOILETS... thats the rules!
  11. Towler

    Monty Street Vid

    That was just for you! you love it trav.. Ill whap on that vest and beat you! Ross, It wont let me upload to Trialstube, sorry
  12. Towler

    Monty Street Vid

    Well after the DOB disc mount cracking off managed to get hold of a Ti frame. Made a wee street video, got a second one on the way soon with some better lines planned as most of the footage was from a wee ride in Aberdeen and a Glasgow street ride. Comments welcome
  13. That was nasty! Get some of those beasty vids out like you used to TRA... thats way to short! AWESOME RIDING!
  14. Looking good! bike seems to suit you really well. Get a full video out mate!
  15. Awesome! Roll on Fort Bill! Cant wait! Really was an ace weekend / some top riding!
  16. This will be epic! CANT WAIT! Trav am I still good for a lift and we can split some petrol. Camping sounds like a plan, that would be banter! Hope Stu can make it. Would be good to get all the Muckers out! and of corse we need him to get the fire started... lol LEGEND! Ross, should give Tadas a shout, he might be keen.
  17. Would never go back to a rim break or use any other disc. Never had a problem with them. As ben said sometimes when I have taken wheel off the disc needs a wee bed in so all i do is put some watter on it and cycle it for about 15 seconds with break on then its perfect again.
  18. cheers for photos Hamish! They came out really well Ben that gap was sick! Love that picture! Love the one of you jumping off the rail and landing close to Hamish! lol Ross that rail tap to gap was ACE! good job man, love it! Cant believe how good you have got, every time I ride with you you pull some shizz out the bag! Johny you should be chuffed with yourself after the weekend. You did some good backwheels, getting them short run ups on the go. Jambo... OR SHOULD I CALL YOU SPIDER MAN! you look like your holding on to something!? Some good ones of Tadas in there to! Giving it the good old sidehop front to back! BEAST! Awesome weekend guys! Cant wait till the video.
  19. think that was what "The Room" thread was for... that got cloesed though
  20. Towler

    Zhi Rim V 2.0

    Thanks this has inspired me to take a dump before every ride!
  21. Ohhhhh aye!!! Bacon and tatty scone in a bun! mmmmmmm fine! also enjoyed giving my face a wee wash in your wee wash hand basin! WATCH THE PIGEON! Cant wait till the video!
  22. Dont stop loving you.. loving you is all I do.. doo doo do de doo

  23. Yer was good to meet you, need to get another ride on the go soon! Was a shame about the weather. Next time we should set a cow trap! Thanks again for putting us up Ross. Was an amazing weekend! everyone was ripping it up! Trav needs to get that sidehop onto the garage roof in your town! that was nuts!
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