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Everything posted by Towler

  1. I have a white tryall front rim and a tyre. Will have a look about for bits and bobs. When did this happen?
  2. Towler

    Cool Mod Vid

    To be fair, I like it. Not cause im keen on just TGS video's, like a few lines here and there. Reason I like the video. He is clearly trying stuff that scares the shit out of him! That earns my respect. Each to their own.
  3. Towler

    Cool Mod Vid

    http://www.vimeo.com/2404366 repost? sorry if it is.
  4. Shut it flu boy! Thanks for you help!
  5. Tried using the search and my good old friend google. Just after the geo on the KOXX Kenny Belaey Pro Model frame. Can anyone help? Wheel base: 1080 as far as im aware.
  6. Bloody hell, some right good pic's there dude. Great riding, should get a wee video out!
  7. is the source the person that attends rides in his car and fails to leave it?
  8. that was really good! look forward to seeing the joint video.
  9. Depends on your options... Im a mortgage Adviser, I know a fair amount of folk up here in Aberdeen that have worked off shore they bought their flats/houses when the market was low. Then when property boomed they sold and rented.... 8 months to a year later they bought when the prices came back down. some of these guys made 75K + because of this. There are other ways to look at it, along with other ways to invest in property. JT... if you were anything like me investing in your first shares... bet you are sat there watching your shares every 2-5 mins! As far as my shares in the bank's go... they are not a short term investment for me.
  10. Go for it if you are to take the risk and know that you may lose the money.... I invested in hbos last year when they hit bottom. Oilexco!? they might be worth throwing some money at never know.
  11. Shut up Hugh Hefner your gf is cheating on you! No, I have to agree with the heff! that is twice you have made me read that story and to think it is all a lie! or is it, if not you have failed this thread. I also hate you for making me read that AGAIN!
  12. We have an answer to this.... Come out on the piss with me and Trav saying you live in Aberdeen now! We can go get drunk have a party be your wing men and if that fails hit private eyes! P.S. How are the rents doing? tell them I was asking for them if your back up at christmas.
  13. Was a good days ride! and was freezing cold so was lucky that Ross didnt freeze his magura, he is ALWAYS getting a stiff magura. Tap sidehop was awesome ben, you steamed it! Nice little video
  14. Spot on! We have all been waiting for the Damon V's Gilles show down! lol just kidding. This would make it great for the public and the trials community, some of the world top riders all at the one event showing what they have got. Would also be good for some of the other riders to meet each other. Don’t forget one or two mod riders though! I have seen some of those riders mentioned in that list. These are exactly the people that want to be seen. There are some great riders like TRA for example who we only really get to see his online video’s which are fantastic! Would be great to see riders like himself at such a big event. So I agree with Ben on this one, get top riders with a range of different styles.
  15. Well this is it... If your speeding you know your being naughty you are on the look out what’s in front what is behind what junctions are coming up, looking for cars looking for police. (you are just going to be concentration more, this is bound to be more safer than cruising along loosing concentration, different if in town ect.... just shouldn’t be speeding there is enough to keep your concentration) I used to be a bit of a bad speeder. Got caught doing 95 in a 60 on the way back from fort bill, went to court took the 4 points and forked out the £300. This has not made me a better driver since I got caught. It has made me stick to the speed limits or if I have creeped past notice and slow right back down. In no way can I say that this has made me a better or safer driver. Hands up though doing 95 in a 60 was absolutely not acceptable.
  16. Some nice nice we action shots there dude! The wall you were tapping is that one of the ones you fell back on and smacked your head when on the monty?
  17. Towler

    Survey :o

    1. Male 2. 21 3. 6-8 Hours a week 4. 5ft 11 5. none 6. No 7. Financial Adviser 8. Trials, Gym 9. fracture 10. wrist 11.hairline 12. 3 weeks 13. 20
  18. Towler

    Happy Birthday

    f**k off... grumpy b*****d Ben Travis is a well knowen and respected member of the forum just like Mr Simpson. How dare you come on here with your disgraceful attitude towards the celebration of this magical date. Infact I hope you fall off your bike and chip your nail and skin your knee. In all seriousness… lighten the hell up, its posted in the bloody chit chat section. Ill be making sure I send you a seasons greetings card for all the bloody greeting and crying you do on here.
  19. Towler

    Happy Birthday

    TWENTY FOUR! he is almost half deed! Leave him alone Adam!! I will receive a beating for that.
  20. Well Well.... Ben, its almost time to hang up yout helmet and retire! Happy Birthday dude.
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