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  • Real Name
    James w.
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza limey 320- red and gold
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    At the jumps

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. If D= gap to front distance in feet, and R= number of repetitions of gaps to front per day since March, and T is time.. When D averages at 5 feet and R averages at about 20, the equation looks like this: 5D+20R=T If T equals time in days, what number of days will it be before the forks snap?
  2. so you can just choose what class? It isn't pre-determined by age/comp experience?
  3. So, after my bike is up and running again, I'm hoping to attend a trials comp. I've never been to any before, which is sacrilege of the highest order, but I need some information on the beginner/novice/etc. It may seem rude of me to go in the beginners, as I'm not a beginner, and It would be unfair to the riders competing in the beginners,but I've never been to a trials comp before, so does that make me a beginner...? I have no idea how it works
  4. yes, it does.... Pedalling up onto buildings instead if walls methinks
  5. It's already attached to a rim, so im is on that until I can get new spokes.
  6. I enjoyed your filming on clean by the way! Very well done sur
  7. I'm honestly not sure whether that's an insult or not... Should I rename it "here, look at another of my shit drawings?"
  8. Have you ever had the moment while drawing, you look atcwhat you've done and go- dafuq did I just draw
  9. Here is my limey 320. Few updates, and a few in the works. Still waiting on Royal Mail to deliver my tryall pedals and new drivetrain. May be here a while spec: Onza limey 320 Steering: Tryall 3D forged stem Echo sl forks Trialtech high risers SARS headset (bit if a gem find, never heard of them but it looks and works amazing!) Drivetrain (some still waiting for) Onza cranks Tryall elite caged pedals (to be delivered) Echo sl 108 freewheel KMC chain 12 tooth sprocket (18-12 gearing, still waiting on the sprocket) Tryall "h" laced to a tryall rim front and back, waiting on new hub to arrive as mine is broken on the rear. Brakes: Shimano Deore 2013 front disc, shimano rotor front Magura raceline hs33 2001/2002 rear, works surprisingly well. Hopefully properly riding soon feedback appreciated and welcome. In the first picture it has a disc brake on the back, sorreh.
  10. oh I probably made that unclear, I know they'll sort out spokes but I can't afford them, I got this wheel for free.
  11. Yeah I'll measure it up, may be using a cruddy single walled rim until I can get spokes. Been without a drivetrain for a month now. I might get lucky, you never know
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