Shit me, that was badass! Really interesting thoughts expressed there and its always something to think about when you're out riding... you always get people looking, most think what we're doing is amazing, but then theres always like one or two people who completely disagree with what we're doing and believe its anti-social, from my experience anyway. But then I heard that a member of public was properly having a go at some riders and a security guard came over and said to the guy the fact that they werent causing any damage or anything, they're better off doing this, getting out and doing exercise and expressing themselves rather than getting in trouble with the Fed's over crime. He also said, I'd be careful who you walk up to, kids these days they might have knives (which is true cos this apparently happened in London) and the guy who was giving the guys hassle just walked off. So yes, wicked riding, very interesting video, really well executed! Some of those spins... wtf!? J.