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Jonny Jones

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Everything posted by Jonny Jones

  1. LMAO! Still loving the site dude! J.
  2. Yeh its the kinda noise you make when you wind yourself REALLY badly... but he was obviously in an extreme hurting/in shock/wtf is happening to me kinda mood! Nasty... But I guess these things happen if u try and push yourself. J.
  3. I might be being stupid.. but cant you buy half of those videos? If so, then surely those links people have posted are illegal? Just thinking on behalf of the forum as a whole, dont want it to be done for copyright etc... Sorry for being an UNT©. J.
  4. Well looking forward to this. It will be the last thing I film before the editing starts. Jonny.
  5. Mint video, as everybody has said wicked editing too! Kept you well interested that did! Cudda let him finish saying that he had the turntable at the wrong speed though Noice! J.
  6. Helmet might have helped him, full face would have stopped that from happening. Its sick the guy kept filming. J.
  7. Unfortunately that isnt true. Delorean Motor Cars Limited is alive and well in Texas. Massive warehouse that has like $55m worth or parts - everything from the underbodies to the doors, glass to tiny rubber washers. Theres a company in Sussex who imports, restores, upgrades (for performance and in general) and does just about anything to make these cars better than new! Theres loads of history and apparently on average one or two a month are being imported back to the UK. So with any luck, you may see my driving one in a few years. people may think they are ugly but I think its just cos ive wanted one since i was small (childhood dream if you like) so I bloody adore them. They are not for everybody, this I can understand and can see where the negative feelings from some people come from, but thats cool, you're not all me hehe so its cool. You can also get 5spd Manual, which is what im after, Eibach springs, new angle drives and a 200bhp+ engine upgrade, might even invest in the twin turbo kit for it - pipe dream really, but I hope it happens one day! Jonny.
  8. Jonny Jones


    Maybe a little over budget, but you can run Windows or OSX and nothing will crash or anything (with OSX at least) - http://www.apple.com/uk/macbook/ J.
  9. Why does nobody tell me about these things! Shit man so so so sorry I didnt hear about this sooner! Bit shit me saying this maybe but im glad we rode when we did before this happened! Seriously hope everything goes ok and you're back in action soon, ill speak to u laters man! :kiss: Jonny.
  10. Failure for sure, which makes them NOT complete pieces of junk, but a classic car that is getting more popular by the year, more people are buying them. I could bore you to death about them but I wont, all I'll say is that Im going to buy one as soon as I have the cash and the extra 2k to do engine and suspension modifications. J.
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Delorean-classic-spo...1QQcmdZViewItem I certainly would! Jonny.
  12. Arse and bugger. Working both days and this is wat the DVD was meant to be all about, roadtrips and everything! J.
  13. Make it Sunday and I'll be there. J.
  14. Dust, anybody, no? Is the ride still going ahead? EDIT: Summot has come up and im doing a demo to raise money for a charity that is based in Farnham where I live, so the next london ride for me will be 3rd Sept, unless anything else pops up to say hello! J.
  15. So we're gonna leave Battersea? Whats happening chappies? J.
  16. OK, which direction do I ride... J.
  17. You had me in histerics last time lol! Cant wait to meet again for a bicycle riding session. I think I have this right - train to Clapham Junction > Battersea Park? J.
  18. Totally up for this! How do I get to Battersea Park from Waterloo? J.
  19. Quality!!! Always summot f f fresh with f f feeney and co! J.
  20. Unfortunately wont be coming then. Im sure there will be another Nottingham ride soon! J.
  21. OK, Ive never been riding in Nottingham before (even though I have family there), so if somebody would like to give me directions to where you are all meeting it would be much appreciated. Get some filming done ay!! My msn is msn@trialmedia.co.uk. EDIT: I can only make Sunday, so if its on Sat (which I dont think it should be ) then I guess you can count me out. Jonny.
  22. Jonny Jones

    Another Hd Vid.

    Agreed. Was this vid made by the guy who made the last one? Cos it felt like a remix of the footage we've already seen? Poor music, f**king black and white arrgg!! And yes, boring slo-mo *sighs*. Hate the fact that its got the HDV logo on the bottom right corner, almost as if to say its a promo vid for HDV and the Sony HC3, which its obviously not, cos its all about the colours and clarity.. and hes used b+w, fool lol. Enough of the slagging off, he clearly loves his new camera haha! Its great more people are getting into HD though. J.
  23. You're wrong No that was terrible. Bloody hope hes ok. Looked like he winded himself really badly... if it was worse he wouldnt have bin able to move his legs - now thats a shocking thought! Better luck next time for sure! J.
  24. Wicked video! Wish I had some of those fancy bike mounts for the my camera, well strange looking to see what it looks like when ur hoping up stuff, just looked like the guy was humping the camera lol. Well good loved it! J.
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