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Jonny Jones

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Everything posted by Jonny Jones

  1. Wicked riding in there mate! Whoever designed that website should be shot... looks so 90's if you know what I mean. You cant find anything clearly by the posts in this thread and the layout needs to be improved. Ace video though lol! JJ.
  2. Then upload it to YouTube then mate? hahaha! Kiddin, love you really, to show it go here - JJ.
  3. Ace to see you back mate! Some wicked little clips there! What frame is that? getabmx.mpg - TV.ISG.SI LINK Great vid Ben hope to see you on a ride very soon! Jonny.
  4. Nice vid dude! The gap in front of the train... bit silly dont you think? Otherwise wicked riding! Not sure about your frame colour though haha! JJ.
  5. Hehe thanks man! Sure you can just delete your original post, or its content and replace it with ur new vid if u make one? I was well lucky with making mine, did it this morning and about 2mins after a pushed the REC button to stop recording the heavens opened and hale/sleet/rain was to be seen in the form of a haze! JJ.
  6. Bit of a bump but I made my curb video today. Im not sure if the deadline was extended or not but here it is anyway... http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/jonnyjones/CURB - CURB2.mov - 30.8mb. YouTube is too slow, here's MySpace's efforts!... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=2015924072 Jonny.
  7. I was filming when Matt was riding at that ^ spot. Got a mixture of Super8 and HiDef stuff... not sure if im making another DVD or just a web vid... TM3 maybe haha! I had a go on Matt's Zoo! - I really liked it, prob cos it was short and street-esq. Had the new Echo 'HS33's' on there as well, I liked those also! Jonny.
  8. Ahhh I remember taking that photo! But I lost it when my external drive crashed! Thanks for posting it!!! (This was from Bike 2003). JJ.
  9. My mate Glen gives the thumbs up! Jonny.
  10. Agree with the 2nd post, I liked the editing, quite creative. Im gonna sound like a plonker now but I got bored with the riding. I know you're young and some things you're probably better than me at but recently all videos have been are gaps, drop gaps and sidehops... I know it's 20" but surely theres more you can do with them? I feel like a plonker now so i'll say no more! Good work if you are only 11, though! Jonny.
  11. Amaaaaaazin' </edith bowman> Quality that! J.
  12. Jonny Jones


    AWESOME! Should have simply be called 'Nick Manning Promo Vid', NBR24 will suffice haha! Nice one dude! Jonny.
  13. Jonny Jones


    Well chilled with some ace riding! Nice one matey! JJ.
  14. Direct Line is great. Im with them, ive been quoted £240 F/C +/- this year for my Corsa. Even cheaper if your Mum and/or Dad or other family members have policies with them. Give them a go Jonny.
  15. Well Jeremy Clarkson concluded that it was a crap fast car - just looses all control of itself when you push it to the limit. Idiot for going that fast in such a built up area! Amazing review video though if you havn't seen it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9stcKGfQIWU Quick Edit: "Thats not an lp640" - yea it is. You just have to look at the colour and the exhaust and the rims... it just is lol, check out the vid above ^ JJ.
  16. Great pics Spode my love! I look retarded in my one haha! TIMMAY! Wicked day! Jonny.
  17. Loving the fact you're a Zion I fan! Ive just ordered their new colaboration album! Yeah can we extend the deadline? Theres only like 3 vids? Want some more time :$ JJ.
  18. Train strikes are in Scotland. Signal workers or something but it was meant to have ended at noon today. Got some black and white super8 with me this time too. Be ace to see you'll! JJ.
  19. Yeah im there! London 4 perhaps as well? Jonny.
  20. Chainspotting was filmed in 1997, so yeah bit before Evolve. The Southern Californian street artists clearly got busy with their cans! JJ.
  21. Demonoid.com - I also said nothing Registration for this amazing site is only open at weekends or on odd days so just keep your eyes open. Software galour... dont sue me or anything or something about nothing... JJ.
  22. Furry muff, thought id seen it on the T's. Just getting mixed up I think lol. JJ.
  23. Yeah Phil ace video! Amazingly progressive riding and nothing less. Like the new site as well, carried on from the older design but u still know its select, not just from the logo at the top but prob cos its all still pink haha! Same font as Tarty isnt it? Nice one! Jonny.
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