Marin Quake 5 - Ripped the headtube off it. Replacement used as an XC bike (because it was one ) for years, sold to Cap who ripped the headtube off again.
Planet X Zebdi Mk 2 - Cracked the BB welds. Sold the replacement.
1065 Levelboss - Lovely frame, Sold it and is probably still alive
1100 Levelboss - Also indestructible, bit of a barge though. Sold it and is still alive
Inspired Fourplay - Amazing for street, a bit too small for me to do pure trials on. Sold it, was stolen a week later, recovered about a year after that and sold again by 2nd owner...
Zoo Pitbull 2006(?) - Got this 2nd hand off Cap and still use it. People laugh at my "vintage" frame