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smiddy86 last won the day on October 12 2020

smiddy86 had the most liked content!

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  • Quick Spec
    Base ta26
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Just wondering what's the maximum rim width could fit on a zebdi running hs33s
  2. Alright mate what year octane one frame is it
  3. Its nice on the backwheel but feels a bit hard to pull up to manual and bunnyhop
  4. Want it for riding streety style riding .I'm 5 foot 7 and the bikes running onza tuff guy forks
  5. just wondering what stem would be best for a streety setup.on a zebdi
  6. Never thought of that cheers for the advice will give it a go
  7. Sorry bout the crap pics there on a bike at the minute and I'm at work all I could get for now.
  8. got some echo cranks with a screw on bash has anyone got an idea of how to remove the bash.
  9. Best looking one I've seen stunning if you ever sell it let me no
  10. Can anyone tell.me what model.avid brake this is
  11. Cheers mate and no not driving yet get around eveywere on the base and yep we shud go for a ride
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