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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. When did I say strip yourself of all possesions? I didn't. Although I do believe people should be a lot more considerate than they are in regards to their usage of resources and materials. I don't mean I think everyone should live in a bare room. But I do think that the spending of £250 000 000 could be put to much better use than on fast, attractive looking cars. I mean, come on, a nice construct of metal that moves, or peoples lives? If you appeal to one of the main aspects that makes you human, it shouldn't even be an option. Unfortunately, you lead me to assume that you obviously care more about a moving piece of metal. My argument is most certainly not about me not being able to own one. I've never learnt how to drive and hopefully never will. I have little interest in cars other than the negative effects they have on this planet. I do accept their function, which does have a valid place in society. Unfortunately people use them past their function. They are a fashion at a hugh cost to a great deal of rest of the world at the moment and certainly to the future of the world. I practise what I preach, just in case you make any assumptions about double standards. I believe I do a lot more than most. My internet access is a means of learning which can't be established through mainstream channels. I think it's justifiable, when the learning is a means of trying to understand and help this world. I just want you people to think about this. What should matter the most?
  2. Alas, what a world. Blatant waste of resources in my opinion. Imagine how much of an effect that sort of money could have on people dying from starvation in the third world. Lives could be saved. The west is insane.
  3. Here are a couple of photos I like. It's just a shame I can't post them in a higher quality. Especially the first.
  4. Tell me what the real world is? Your perception of it? Do I need to share your perception of reality to truely experience "the real world"? I think that everyone perceives the world in a very different way based on the environment they've been exposed to. This includes their genetics. Accepting this idea, you can look for the elements in an environment that shape certain perceptions, like peadophillia and wife beating. I don't think you can assume that because we don't understand something yet we never will. That doesn't make sense to me. Because we haven't been able to cured aids yet means we never will? Because racism still exists after all this time means it always will? I don't agree to that line of thought. The point is, if your attitude is just, "lock 'em up and throw away the key. I hate them" then nothing changes. As soon as punishment has to be used, it's already failed. We should be trying new approaches, without assumming they won't work without even trying. I'm not saying get rid of punishment, I'm just saying we need to look for something better and the potential for change only exists when you try something new.
  5. 1a2bcio8

    Glasseye Dvd

    It's still on the way. These things just take a lot longer than expected.
  6. Phil, you obviously don't like the idea of and so don't wish for the types of behaviour which are damaging to the rest of us. But at the same time you seem to argue against my idea with out any reason as to why it won't work. You seem more concerned with what to do after a crime has been commited. I find this irrational. Punishment, evidently, is far from being a preventative measure. It does not fully deter. I think it's time to look for better preventative measures. Everyone does something for a reason. When we understand the reason, we can develop a solution.
  7. What did one paedophile say to another paedophile on the beach? 'Get out of my sun'.
  8. I most certainly do not like the actions of wife beating or child molesting but I wouldn't want either of them to die for it. I don't think that gets us anywhere. The hate that desires the death of another distorts rationality and we need to be rational to understand the actions of these people. They happen for a reason after all and I don't think you can just put it down to them being evil. My opinion is understanding, not hate is the means to stop forms of behaviour we don't accept. In regards to chid molesting. Imagine a society that did not accept the act of child molesting, but was understanding that factors occur in an individuals life which create the desires. Genetics and environment perhaps. With a strong social feeling of hate not attatched to these actions, and instead an understanding that it happens whilst retaining the idea it's not acceptable, peadophillic individuals, may feel able to approach others, to discuss their desire, giving us more understanding and possible fixes. Instead, they are unable to because of the predominant hate that surrounds their desires. This hate pushes the problem underground where it is more likely to act in the way that nobody wants it to. The law doesn't stop peadophilles. It only stops them after they've commited the act. This gives us the possiblity of preventative measures so surely that's better? You might think this easy for me to say, but my family has been effected by one of these individuals, Admitedly not to the full potential that exists, but even so, it's far from nice. I don't like what happened at all but I don't hate the person, if anything I feel sorry for them. I can't imagine they've consciencely chosen to be that way. I think though, that it didn't need to happen. And I think hate promotes this problem. apologies if I just went off on a tangent :)
  9. Try to imagine, that you don't actually know the life George Best experienced. Because, in all honesty, I don't think you do. You know, perhaps a summary of action, chosen for you by various media outlets. Can these outlets be trusted and even if they can, will they actually give you a real insight into the reasons for his behaviour? Perhaps it was a selfish act to waste his second liver? Did he? I don't know. But I also suspect none of you truely know the surrounding circumstances to his behaviour. Some circumstances are overbearing and make you far more likely to behave in a certain way. He is a human. I certainly think from your perspectives, saying you are glad he is dead, is actually quite ignorant. Unless you know the guy personally? I'll shut up if you do. The problem I have with George Best is the amount of recent coverage he's had. I don't see it being very pleasant for his family and it disapoints me with the hugh public response it gets. Yes, I know he was an amazing footballer. Even, perhaps, the best ever. But that's all and he's just one individual. He does deserve acknowledgement but I don't think to the extent he's getting. Not when there are hugh amounts of the human population suffering in such extreme ways. News that doesn't even get reported or paid attention to because it's not interesting enough anymore or too depressing. It's the news that should dominate but instead, it's all about the celebrities. I understand why, I just find it a shame.
  10. You're all meterosexuals.
  11. Good old fashioned, natural oils. For that natural look of naturalness.
  12. The media says jump, the people say how high? I like your avatar jimbo. Boris is a legend. He's got A style.
  13. 1a2bcio8

    Leg Wacking

    Amputate your legs, or get a longer stem.
  14. I'm bringing my hover horse.
  15. I think I shall join you all on your riding quest. hi ho.
  16. Very cool vid. Good feel, well edited. Good moves as well, some of them looking very styee. Nice one Fred.
  17. I can tell you with as much confidence as is possible that I wouldn't be interested in the money. My concern and happiness is derived from people. It's my opinion that the situation in Africa in the most part, is not the majority of the populations fault. A lot of problems occur from Western behaviour. We have created a situation that is most likely to be perpetual to a degree just like everywhere else in the world. The rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. Being poor promotes ignorance and lack of concern and this applies everywhere. If you were born into their enviroment without the education you've been lucky enough to aquire, I'd like to see you behave any differently. It can change though, but it takes time, and initially, a change on our part. Basically, the west's behaviour is atrocious. We sell arms to these countries which promotes instability and results in the deaths of innocent people. We subsidise our agriculture, put tarrifs and quotas on their imports so they are unable to trade with us because they will just lose money. We lend their dictators money who are totally corrupt and pocket the loan leaving the debt with the poor of that nation. We support coups for military dictator who we favour because they will give us access to that particular countries resources. So much for the promotion of democracy. We introduced a religion that is now used to tell the people of Africa not to use condoms. I could go on and on and on and on and on. It is the way the west, and Britain is one of the worst in regards to this sort of behaviour, treat these nations that puts them and holds them in situation of extreme poverty without the educational means to make the decisions that you see as the right decisions and would certainly be the right decisions in regards to a healthier nation and world. It's the condition of extreme poverty that we play a large part in that promotes AIDS and population overgrowth which is blatantly dominant in the realm of the extremely poor majority. I can bet that the midle classes and elites in these African countries don't suffer the same percentage of casulties to AIDS.
  18. Who cares about the money. Millions of lives saved potential.
  19. I use emule and I find it best for music albums, especially more alternative stuff. It's also good for film and audio. I also find it zaps less of my system resources.
  20. That sounds like myth to me m8. I'd be interested of proof otherwise though.
  21. Did you just make that up? Surely the fact that aids resides in bodily fluids means there is no way it can get through a condom as fluids are too large to pass through any gaps in a condom?
  22. A big problem regarding AIDS is the Catholic church who condemn the use of condoms because apparantly they promote sex as a means of "enjoyment" and not strictly as a means of reproducing which I find quite absurd. Especially being as it means millions are dying or have died in Africa as a direct result. The other problem is the drug companies who produce the drugs that dramatically slow the process of the development from HIV to AIDS. This, simply, is because profits matter more than lives. They aren't willing to either release their patents so that other sources can produce cheap generic versions of their drugs and they aren't willing to reduce the cost to a degree which means poor nations can afford their drugs. Can you feel the love? All I can feel is greed and ignorance. I really hope that they have found a fix. I just wonder how it will be put to use.
  23. Very good photos Mike. You've got skills and I'm jealous :turned:
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