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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. I thought heroin users used about 0.1g for a "hit"? so does that represent 10mg? or am I just getting confused with my measurements?
  2. I say that this is a good thing. Drug usage should be the choice of the individual.
  3. It's a weapon of action! I like it!
  4. Classic Raub. One of my favourite sketches has got be "How to defend yourself against a bannana".
  5. I'm trying to work out the best way to kill my friends and family.
  6. And another thing. All you people that have issues with "chavs". Something which is just another form of prejudice like racism, sexism or sexualityism but in this context is a form of classism, I think. I know people don't act in ways which we appreciate. Certainly when it relates to violence but I suspect a lot of you don't base your ideas about this social group always on violence but rather on appearance or unharmful expression. I've been beaten up and had my video camera stolen my somebody you would consider a chav, but I don't see that there's a need to think of people who appear similar in appearance as being the same as the ones who inflicted harm upon me. Anyway, my point is, all this disliking or even hate you accumulate towards "chavs" only works to make things worse. Creating a larger divide between social groups which makes communication more difficult and negative presumption stronger. If you don't communicate, nothing is ever going to change. You people obviously have ideas of how the world should be (I don't know if they are good or bad opinions for us), but the "chavs" are never going to hear them because you all dislike them and won't communicate. Likewise, you're never really going to understand anyone from that social group until you speak to them and hear their ideas. And that's the only point at which you can actually make any kind of meaningful judgement. The exchange of ideas leads to understanding, understanding leads to change. More likely for the better than the worse when compared to change based on assumption. Change is obviously inevitable, what would you prefer it to be based upon?
  7. I think your views of the future will contribute to the condition of the future. The ideas you have will cause you to behave in a way that relates to that idea. Basically you're acting toward a self fufilling prophecy. Consider the future in positive terms and that's what you'll try to achieve. Consciencely or not.
  8. Calm down bongo. He's obviously feeling indecisive and needs some other opinions to help him decide. Nowt wrong in that.
  9. You know what I'm talking about. Don't pretend otherwise.
  10. Only you can answer that. Follow your heart.
  11. I find this lady to be on the high temperature side. She's also very naughty.
  12. That's a good thing to hear Darren. And this is a good oppertunity for me to express a recent difference in my life that relates to certain influences. I share a similar story in regards to my girlfriend having influenced my being in a positive direction. My life has been pretty messy for the most part, especially in the last few years. I met my girlfriend about a year ago now though and since then everything has been improving. She's motivated me a great deal in to change and that's just from being who she is and that she wants to be with me. She's away travelling though at the moment which kinda sucks for me in a selfish way but I'm off to see her for nine weeks this summer in Australia. I can't wait. Other positive influences in my life have come from the intellectuals, Robert Anton Wilson and Noam Chomsky. The first for having somebody that has enforced and progressed my ideas of subjective perception and how they relate to understanding towards not only others but also towards the self. The latter for encouraging and potentially enlightening me towards dissent against the forces in this world that I consider to be negative. From these two individuals I have discovered the academic route to which I wish to follow in relation to how I might contribute to a happier society. And slightly different but also I think a very important influence to my life at present is the practise of zen buddhism. So I guess thta kind of means buddha as a source of influence although zen is a differing school of his teachings. Meditation tends to arise in you postive feeling towards your surroundings and encourages understanding to those surroundings and the events that arise from them. The practise relates to training the mind to understand itself and thus it's understanding of that which it experiences through the senses. What's the point in trying to understand the world when you don't understand the tool (yourself) that registers the world? I think the practise of meditation, not neccesarily buddhist meditation has the potential to make everyone enjoy their lives in more depth. I'm highly confident it will improve your riding if that a motivating factor to any of you That's a few influences but they are all valid to me and I think it's the contribution of all of them that act as an overal "best" influence. One is not neccesarily better that the other.
  13. Can you really say what trials should mean?
  14. Impressive stuff. I look foward to the next one.
  15. Rude riding from some rude boys. Safe as horses mate. Liked the smooth style Dan.
  16. Basically, the first half of the video had an effect on each scene. Flashing, cutting, speed, etc. I thought the area of the video after you'd stopped using those effects was more enjoyable to watch. It's mainly when effects interfer (spelling? minds gone blank) with the riding. This is something I've done in my own videos but in hind sight wish for the most part I hadn't. This is just my current preference though. It doesn't have to mean nowt to you. One more thing that I forgot to say before. I find it nicer when videos end with a fade of some sort. Where your video just cuts out, it gives a feeling that it wasn't actually supposed to stop at that point. A black fade tends to look good with a corresponding sound fade to some degree.
  17. Very cool Mike. Liking that a lot.
  18. I'm impressed with this Oli. Despite the fact you say you've not riden in a while your riding has certainly improved since I last saw it. I dig your style of control over the bike. I really liked the intro where the video turns from colour to b+w whilst the cameras attention is on your face. It fitted well to the music and on that note, I think the music fits very well to the style of riding. Your linking and timing of song element to action element I thought worked really well in parts. My criticisms though are that I felt it was slightly over edited in parts. Admitedly, this is something I sometimes like. In this case however, I think what would have worked better for my own enjoymant would have been a video that besides the intro, just focused on linking the music to the riding. Overall though, I think a very good first attempt. I look forward to the next installment?
  19. I've been told by somebody who's done a media course that universities are willing to admit individuals with portfolios that provide evidence of commitment, ability and knowledge in the subject area. So that could be a potential in gaining access to a course without any "official" qualifications.
  20. Did anyone ever play the original Graviton? Not the flash one which I really don't get on with but the version where the ship is literally a lined triangle. The playability was amazing but I can't find it anywhere. Anyone point me in the right direction please?
  21. I ought to blow up the world for such a display of communication.
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