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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8
I'm trying to decypher the exact meaning of that I suspect it may just be the way my mind works though.
I'm not saying that America is completely bad, just that the governments of that country are as crazy as Sadam, just in a differing sense. I think that America has superb degree of free speech, although Wilhem Reich might disagree. They didn't like him writing that lack of decent orgasm was the cause of neurosis so they smahsed up his lab, burnt his books and threw him in jail where he consequently died. I should have been more specific throughout my communication. I am talking about the American government who exist not in democracy that is claimed but in what's called a polyarchy. Basically, the parties which can compete against one another are actually two factions of the same rich elite. A rich elite who has vested interests in power and wealth. These people have acumulated more suffering an destruction towards the world that Sadam could ever have achieved. I really don't have time to goto in this because I could be here for a very long time. I will mention though the control America has over the UN security council and the sanctions which were imposed upon iraq after the gulf war. These sanctions stopped medical supplies, food and basically essential living materials from entering the country. 100 000 children died from those sanctions. In Indonesia, America and Britian supplied and encouraged General Surharto (I think thats his name?) to throw a coup and kick president sukarno out of office because he was implementing plans to remove the the World Bank and IMF - insititutions that direct the economoics of a country towards prvitisation and EXTERNAL investement. America supplied a list of communist and socialist leaders to be executed whilst offering military support and direction to the extermination of hundreds of thousands of communists of socialists. Additionally they supported Indonesia, under Suhartos rule, with its invasion of the East Timor, after the Dutsch had given up their control, in order to gain possesion of the wealth of resources including off shore oil. Again this resulted in the slaughter of thousands or hundreds of thousands of these people. The spoils were divided between America of course, England and Australia. All of these actions can be classed as genocide, regardless of the means, if it seem brutish of beurocratic, it still finds the same end. The list goes on and on and on and on and on. I need to leave it at that though mr poopipe. I really suggest that you consider some sources of information aside from the mainstream view. Or have you explored these avenues? You can easily find on a dl program documentaries by John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn. They're the best starting points in at least considering an alternative view of American hegemony and its plans. Sorry if spellings crap, haven't got time to check.
Sorry for spoiling your post poopipe I can't comment in great deal about the trial as I've not followed it closely. The outcome seemed inevitable from the outset though to be honest. The reason I relate America to anything regarding Sadam is because his current situation and the way we percieve him is based upon a system which is actually worse than him - certain western governments in varying degrees. It seems inevitable in my mind not to think of that when you consider Sadam and where he is, and what people think about him. Imagine a room in which rapist one is telling rapist two how bad he is and how he should be punished for what he's done. Then imagine other people in that room agreeing with rapist one about rapist two but unable to correlate the similarities between those rapists. Perhaps they think, "rapist one rapes for his country or the greater good! he means well! but rapist two rapes for himself! he is evil!". Or perhaps those people don't know that rapist one is actually rapist. What would all the people in that room think if they knew that rapist one was actually a rapist and raped simply for the fact that he got something out of the act, only for himself, that harmed somebody else? That he couldn't care less what happened to those whom he raped and that he is telling rapist two these things because it deflects attention away from the truth of his intentions. Perhaps rapist one is even so deluded that he thinks his rape is righteous? Who knows. Do you understand what I'm getting at though? Things seem so distorted, relative to my percption of what the potetnial truth is, that when you mention Sadam with certain assumptions that seemingly ignore a paralel in our country and others, I feel motivated to say something. Rapist one, relative to what most of you would consider bad, seems to be the worst rapist, yet we all focus on rapist two, assuming enough good, or being ignorant enough to ignore rapist one. I just want to try and make everyone a bit more aware of the first rapist. I'm not saying a definite about America, just what seems most likely regarding an alternative view of history and the present. At the very least the alternative view should be considered, at least when you think what it might represent. Of course that's relative to each and everyone of you regarding your cares and concerns.
I find it very difficult to think of Sadam's trial without considering the hypocricy that exists in such a process. I also wouldn't trust that Sadam is being tried on Iraqi terms, even if they do say that he is. Although I am making somewhat of a cynical presumption here I think that when dealing with the US, a cynicism is probably the more accurate assumption to work from. A pessimism should always be the base of operations if interested in working towards a likely truth ESPECIALLY regarding politics. The trouble is, I've been led to consider the behaviour of America in Latin America, Aisa and the Midle East across the current and last century. Directly and via proxy, America sometimes or usually with the help of the UK and other developed countries (the 'civilised' ones), has caused a ludicrous amount more death and suffering regarding plans of hegemony. Dictatroships have been installed, under the name of democracy but in a climate of threat of death/torture and which are thus not meaningful, through US action, in order to maintain corporate control of resources in places like Nicuragua and Guatemala. The people in these countries live in terrible conditions where you can't say anything against the government without a very definite threat of torture and then death. People are arbitrarily killed every day to maintain control through fear. The American government will still claim such countries are democracies because it benefits them to do so. It's not difficult to question Iraq as being a meaningful 'democracy'. When you consider the conditions under which people had to vote. Regarding the prerequisites of a meaningful democracy or election, they fail on at least, a climate of fear/threat of death/torture and additionally the fact they were, at the time, occupied by foreign armed forces. There's so much that can be said about American behaviour that I think each of you would consider outweighs anything Sadam has done if only you knew about it. It's additionally worth remembering that Sadam was previously supported whilst he was commiting the 'crimes' he's now being charged with. America and the UK previously didn't care providing he sold arms for them like he was supposed to and also helped them out with oil (I'm not entirely sure on the oil bit but I think so). Once he started doing his own thing - I think he nationalised Oil for one thing? - all of a sudden this same behaviour was demonised. Probably for the purposes of a justification in regaining control of this country and its resources and not letting an example of rebellion pass. I just find it interesting that we can talk about the offical 'bad' guy but I don't think I have ever seen a similar discussion of America and Britian. Indoctrination? Ignorance? Before I read an alternative view I operated as an extension of the mainstream news. Talking in their terms and assumptions. There is an alternative view though and it turns the popular view on its head. Why are America in Iraq? Are their intentions good? I'm not saying I agree with Sadam, just that his behaviour is a lot less meaningful in that negative sense when compared to the behaviour of those that demonise him. It just so happens he represented or controlled something America wanted and so we've all been lead to consider his bad side, where before we ignored it. If intereted in alternative views, check out: znet
Ok cool. It would probably be better if you just tell me when you're off riding and I'll say if I can make it or not. Catch me on msn anyhow
Most frustrating Evidence for why we need laws? No attempts at co-operation
No I haven't actually. Downloading it now though Cheers Raub.
I'd like to do that. I really enjoy Fred's riding style; smooth street. It's meant to be slow mo
Was just messing around Thanks though
Yes the film was slowed down. Rhetorical question Dave? Or does Salisbury have the same gravitational pull as the moon? The film was made to fit the music rather than the converse. Thus I percieved that riding would best fit at a slower rate. I think from now on I shall always make music videos with trials rather than trials videos with music. I find it a lot more enjoyable. Ben.
Sorry matt, basically the lighting was really bad for your sidehop. I shall make it upto you somehow Thanks the comments chaps. They're all appreciated
They are indeed from Oxford. Not too far from the station actually. Big and scary lines but I'm sure a lot of fun if you can manage them. I stacked it last time
Foobar is possibly what you're looking for. Very lightweight and simplistic. I suspect it would be ideal for gaming. I basically use it because it's easy on computer resources. www.foobar2000.org Edit - Beaten to it. Should have looked at the whole post.
I'm looking forward to watching it
I don't know what's happening now. Mike has vanished.
Soonish I believe. Mr Singleton is in the process of uploading.
Buggar. I'll try and sort something out. Sorry about that.
Hello People, Two minute edit from two rides with the above mentioned people: GETboard Not my usual sort of edit. This lacks any consideration of what others might enjoy. It uses ambient music and I've attempted to tailor the visual element to suit. I recommend either watching at a small screen size in your media player or sitting on the other side of the room with a full screen. The music has a clarity about it that I personally feel the visual element needs to correlate with. As I use a cheap camera and I'm too lazy to sort out/learn good compression technique for a decent image, this is seemingly the best compensatory means of achieving it Additionally, the use of cannabis or other similar mind expanding drugs may assist in your viewing. Such chemicals and their corresponding perceptual shifts will help you allign with the creation process of this video Song is "Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy". Thanks goto God' for hosting the video for me. All comments are welcome even simplistic forms of hate and aggression Cheers, Ben.
Mintos. I really enjoyed that for many reasons. Probably the mod vid that has most inspired me! Those bunnyhops are amazing. Good stuff.
Where's this real world I hear people talking about? Does it mean I'm living in an unreal world? Help?
That is very assuming of you! I think you'll find that intelligent "achievers", who motivated by a sense of individual identity, also choose the subject of photograpghy for study. And useful is a relative term.
You are wrong and right at the same time! All things are right in some sense, wrong in some sense and meaningless in some sense. Possibly.
Yeh I read all sorts these days Raub. A contributing factor as to why I don't really ride anymore. I don't agree with yesterdays space/time ben as much now. That was a tired and angry expression regarding frustration fueled by the chronic pain I'm suffering from. Sometimes I don't realise that my perception has been distorted by it. I did actually misread a lot of what people said. I guess I read it how I wanted to I still think I was right in the relative sense of myself at that time
Your statements "a bit shite" and "less relevent", regarding my statements or expressions are true to your mind, relative to your value system. So I accept that you are "right" in that sense. In contrast though, I don't place the same values as you do upon my previous expressions. With my value system I see my expressions as relevent, in the subjective relationship between myself and the context with which they reside in. I do not have to follow the exact request of a post. I see it how I see it and act accordingly based on what matters to me. I can't really make reference to your value system and act on that. I wouldn't want to either. I would hope the same from you. When communication is expressed, there appears no objectively right or wrong way to send it or return it. We can only say right or wrong relative to ourselves. It is not right or wrong seperate to ourselves, as individuals. Maybe I'm still wrong in the objective sense? I guess that's upto you to decide