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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. 1a2bcio8

    Southend Ride

    I thought that was really good. The editing or speed of shots matched with the music and the riding was all good. Well done
  2. Cheers Matt, you should get your 24" out of the shed and come ride Bristol eh?
  3. It's the champion ones that Luke has recommended. Thanks though. Beginning to look like the champions with regards to no other choice. Cheers Adam. They don't specify that they stock the comps in the sizes i want so I can't quote a size they don't have. Thanks though Looks like i'm going to order the champs then I hope my wheel does fold within a week.
  4. Hello, I have searched through the forum, as best I can, but am unable to find a solution to my problem. Basically, I'd like some 24" DT comp spokes, sizes - 236, 238, 237, 241 or some other spokes that fit which are strong. Heaving searched through many online shops I haven't been successful in finding any. Mr Rainbird has suggested Halo spokes or these. The first of which still don't offer all the sizes I require but get closer. The second of which, offer all the siezes I require but I have no idea what the quality is like. I checked mtbr.com but found only one review, which says they are good, but i don't think it's enough to make a decision on. Any advice? I'm getting desperate because i'd like to ride but also I'm a bit short for time at the moment with college deadlines. So I can't keep spending years looking. Thanks in advance.
  5. Oxford, on the industrial estate.
  6. In hindsight, I'm such a geek.
  7. Well, I'm hoping my inspired should be here today, so when the weather clears up I should get filming, so I reckon about 2-3 months time I'm really looking forward to the next film as I've got a tune I'm really inspired by at the moment.
  8. I'd do that but if anyone saw me without facial hair they'd melt. My skin in that area is too shiny and the suns rays would reflect and concentrate in beams that break the chemical bonds which hold the human body together.
  9. As somewhat requested, most of the glasseyetrials collection from myself and Nick Goddard. Nick's videos (minus the brilliant competition winning vid because it was too large for trialstube): GET1 trailer GET1 trailer 2 Nick Solo Riding Nick Solo 2 Curb Video Nick, Jack Meek, Tim Pratt My Videos: First vid, first edit Comp Winner, second edit. Sheffield Group Video, third edit. My first solo vid, fourth edit. James Porter's first solo vid, fifth edit. Winter Riding, sixth edit. Guernsey Trip, seventh edit. James Porter and his friend, the stack, eighth edit. Chilled Nick G, James Porter, Sam Wheeler and Rowan Johns, ninth edit First ride on ashton 24", tenth edit 24" no.2, eleventh edit 24" no.3 twelfth edit That's taken me f'in ages to do. Hope you enjoy
  10. Could you elaborate on what you mean by that?
  11. Pretty much looks like a motorbike. I like it!
  12. Anyone else find amusement with the handbag mentality?
  13. Those would be Nick Goddard's videos. I have several of them which I will try and get uploaded, if I can figure out how to, over the next couple of days. Might add my videos as well.
  14. Add me to msn if you want and I'll send it. I don't have anywhere to upload it at present. trials_rider_ben@hotmail.com
  15. I'll make my face viewable.
  16. Moocho appreciated. I think those DT spokes were the ones I've usually used before
  17. Like the title says. The specifics are, rhyno lite XL rims, 24": one 36h on a hope xc (rear) and the other, 32h on a hope xc (front). I don't have the first clue how this is worked out. Can somebody also recommend some decent spokes? But I can always do a search for that if not Thanks in advance. Ben
  18. Furry muff, perhaps I had read that before and remembered it in the form of an idea that belonged to me
  19. Hello, I had an idea, perhaps one that has actually been suggested before, regarding a sub-forum that's composed pictures and maps of the riding spots in different towns. This is of course on the basis of people who are motivated to actually take pictures of riding spots and relate them to maps but I could imagine it being a very useful resource if it were done. Basically, without having to rely on searching or a local, you could navigate your way around to all the riding spots. You could also view the type of riding that a place has to offer before you go. What does everyone think? It requires effort without instant gratification but a large resource of this kind would ultimately help everyone. Ben
  20. I just bought an inspired on my credit card (it's your fault mark), so thanks for all your advice (except you mark) but, um, yeh, I made a different decision to what my question regarded. I hope it's a good decision and I don't decide to sell it in two months time
  21. Ok, this is putting me off the woodstock. I live in Bristol now, so you're more likely to see me there I could possibly be interested in the giant but to be honest by the time i'd neared the end of my committed riding lifestyle, I'd come to dislike the frame. I'll get back to you on that one! Yes I know I had a 24 and am clearly a fool for selling it but chronic and acute back pain can make you a bit rash sometimes. I wasn't aware that I change bikes that often? I guess that's relative but at least I'm not as bad as Manning I need to be sensible about the buy because I don't have a great deal of money. I'm having to borrow for a new frame as it is. Unless of course I allow that voice inside my that says buy a brand spanking new 24" on your credit card. It's incredibly tempting.
  22. What are the base bikes like? I remember them as being quite trialsy...
  23. That would be good, except I can only afford a second hand frame. I want a 24" really, so this is all a bit frustrating. The credit card I placed out of view is slowly edging its way into the forefront of my mind. Good but not good.
  24. That's cool, I'm happy with any negative or positive information. It will all help me make my decision Hmmm, thanks Leon, but I am not so confident in the way the saracen would ride. I may be getting hung up here but I think I want a slightly more modern higher spec frame. The frame just has to last 6-7 months because that's when school's out, so to speak, and I can start earning a bit of cash.
  25. Hello, I recently snapped my onza t-raptor whilst performing a 180 down some stairs. The bike had about 8-10 rides and was seemingly new when I bought it second hand. I can't really afford this speed of breakage so I'm after a stronger frame this time round. So, I was hoping some kind individuals might take the time to tell me what they think of the onza woodstock frame with regards to strength? Additionally have people found this bike to be good for street trials, specifically the more bmx orientated type of street? I wish I could afford a 24" Anyway, thanks. Ben
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