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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. I'll get to castle park for between 12-12.30pm. See you then!
  2. I've got a cassette you can have for free if you'd like? So who is actually down on Saturday then?
  3. I have an inspired which I rode today for the first time. Very, very nice
  4. Will do! I just purchased the 3" gussets and some lovely ODI longneck grips. exciting stuff
  5. Ok, I made a mistake. I had the older prison bars. These open ones have a higher rise and different geo which is cool. I think I will give them a try as they are cheaper and don't require shims. Thanks for all of your help Yeh I have to admit, despite my ignorance as to what really makes a strong bar, the holes affect some fear in me
  6. I used to run and wreck those gusset bars. Although that was when my riding was more extreme. To be honest, I found the geometry a bit poo. They really do bend before they break though! Thanks for the advice so far chaps It's looking increasingly like taking a chance on the jesme bars, especially with the 3" rise.
  7. Just looked at the deity bars and they do seem to be having good things said about them - I like the idea of steel though so I get some bending before breaking. Were the GI street bars cromoly? I can't seem to find a street GI?
  8. Hello, I'm looking to shed myself of the azonic bars on my bike with regards to a fear of snappage. I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the atomlab bars and how did they find them with regards to strength but also geomtry? These look as though they might be good or that at least they might bend a bit before they snap. If anyone has any other suggestions of some good riser bars (looking for 2.5" ideally) that are strong, please if you could let me know Thanks Ben
  9. 1a2bcio8


    That chap is having an intimate affair with his manual balance point. Seriously good manual skills. I like it!
  10. 1a2bcio8

    Jack Meek Vid

    Madman on the bridge! Some scary lines going on there. Really good riding of course
  11. Tortoise are cool. I forgot to mention Plaid as well. Super!
  12. Bola (listening to this right now) Casino Vs Japan Ulrich Schnuass Alpha Wave Movement (cheesy space music but I like it) Nightmares on Wax Ten and Tracer (very similar to Boards of Canada) Sneaker Pimps Ethereal 77 Boards of Canada comes highly recommended and if you're feeling adventurous for a different kind of chill: Steven Roach Alio Die
  13. Lovely smooth riding. I especially like the all the exaggerated up-to-fronts and like what Rowan says about the 90degree sidehop to back. Good job
  14. Unlucky James, do you have insurance for it? It's pretty distinct so I guess that should help your chances of getting it back. We need to catch up at some point by the way.
  15. I recommend "No Country for Old Men" as one of the best films I've seen over the last couple of years and that's currently at the cinema. It's essentially a thriller with an intelligent message. Always a gamble though, especially as it is somewhat unconventional it certain respects. The cloverfield trailer does look quite cool though.
  16. "Decent" is a relative idea. I thought the humor was great, personally. How can you not enjoy dogs dressed up?
  17. Don't close it, open it to the left, spin it around twenty times then set fire to it whilst dancing to the beat (in your head) of Britney Spears.
  18. sdoaf;difjaosdifjioasdjfoasidjfopasidjfopasidjfopasdifjopasdifjopasdvnebuipghip DISO[RIJGOPERJG BEN
  19. Very tidy. Loved the camera work, HD quality and editing. That fella has a nice riding style as well. I hope that you make more, longer videos just like that
  20. I remember Phil Feeney had a 26" curtis frame converted although it was at the time of being built. I think all that was done was the brake bosses were moved down to accommodate a rim brake on the back. The geometry stayed the same (correct me if I'm wrong) but the bike clearly rode ok as you can tell from his level of riding
  21. Great stuff. Innovative,varied and able which made for a very enjoyable video. I look forward to the next.
  22. Really nice style and good variation of moves, the types i enjoy. Good stuff basically
  23. Cars are for people who are too lazy for running or riding... You humourful cynic, Prawn. Exercise, in those forms, I personally love. I'm not sure about 1.5 miles but I've run 2k in 7.45 or something like that. Surprisingly my fastest time was whilst stoned.
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