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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. You've really managed to bring the colours out on these photos. I especially like the contrast on the bench with the first two photos. My only criticism is that some of them are a bit blurry. That was the trouble I always had with taking photos. Seems you're still improving though - good job
  2. I simply cannot sleep. Gonna have to leave that until another day like tomorrow but actually today.
  3. The Marshall Tucker Band - Can't You See Makes me think of summer, flowers and hippies - meaning naked dancing women with flowers in their hair giving it away under the premise of free love
  4. Listening to melancholy tunage whilst pondering my existence and its direction. How much of what I think I want to do is actually what I want to do? It's too easy to get pulled along by the current of what's common amongst the people around you. Alas!
  5. You don't need to spend £1000 to get a HD camera though. My mum recently bought one of those tiny panasonic cameras. The quality is superb and it only cost £400 - I saw overs within the £300 range. I'm pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to find a manual camera for that amount? In fact I suspect that a 'decent' budget (automatic) DV camera is probably not much cheaper. Remember also that internet badnwidth is always increasing and previously a 100-200mb file size that would have seemed way too big to download is now no problem. May well be the same for 1gb in the not too distant future. It just seems sensible to me to pay a little more for something that will last longer.
  6. Although I'm expert, based on my rudimentry understanding and experience I would say that HD cameras, even with regards to the net, do make a substantial difference - all films I've seen that were produced in HD looked a lot nicer than those that weren't. I would be suspicious of assuming that an uncompressed DV file would look better than a compressed HD file of the same size regarding the same footage. Considering with how cheap HD cameras are as well, it seems to like a worthy investment over a standard DV cameras. Also you still get to watch it yourself in the highest quality regardless if nobody else does. I love the quality of my HD camera edit: I meant to say "although I'm NO expert" ~
  7. I thought the riding was really good and the music went well. I imagine that James has a lot of potential to develop a high level of skill based on his present ability at that age. Look forward to seeing how that goes.
  8. I may not have enjoyed the style of the film but fair play to them, as to all trials riders, for having developed some riding ability. We don't always have to emphasise the difference of other people but rather we can concentrate on what they share with us. In this case, the partaking in trials riding. Personally, it's enough for me.
  9. I don't think I'm gonna make it now to be honest. Bit busy with losing my mind
  10. I'm curious as to if you know the full extent of their financial situation? It may be that they have a financial source separate to normal emplyoment or their benefits? Perhaps not though. With regards to spending the benefits on other items, I think the idea of certain benefits for parents or relatives as care givers is that it's cheaper for the state to 'pay' parents for their caregiving than to have the parents dump the handicapped child into full time care. I find it a desirable system, especially when you consider a parent would otherwise be working (and have money for personal usage), which they might actually prefer to do but which is going to benefit the child rather than having strangers look after him or her.
  11. Nick, last time we went to some different spots you didn't join us, only to head off to the roundabout! Pah!
  12. Top notch stuff. Props to the filming, editing, music and riding. Good work
  13. Love your vids Sean and this one was any different. Keep it up and we must ride again some time this summer
  14. Great stuff. I look forward to catching up with you chaps
  15. Always a pleasure! I beg of you to make some more Mr Daniel
  16. No idea when the bank holiday is? Regardless, if it's a monday and the weather is decent, I shall probably be there. I can give a tour if that's required
  17. 1a2bcio8

    24" Bikes

    I highly recommend the inspired. I find it rides really well for bmx orientated stuff but also handles trials really well. Probably the best frame I've had
  18. What's wrong with asking advice? Have you never had trouble deciding between two things before? Sometimes other people can suggest things you might not have thought of but wil help your decision process. If none of asked advice, we might often miss out on something better. Anyway, I'd suss out what the people are like at each job. Working with people you like makes such a different to your experience of a work place.
  19. I'm fairly sure the idea is based on quantum mechanics and specifically Shrodinger's wave theory, epitomised by the amusing "Schrodinger's Cat" dilemma. I don't think the idea of parallel worlds is given too much credence these days though. I may be totally off but I think the idea is that the sub-atomic 'world' works in terms of probabilities (is that just how we understand it or how it is though?) and to the extent that one thing is possible it occurs in some semi-state only to collapse through being viewed by consciousness. I guess we are asking if the collapse is total or just removed from our awareness, thus a parallel world exists somewhere? I suspect that this just relates to our including ourselves within our calculations. After all, it makes sense to do so when we are integral to all experience. All very interesting stuff though!
  20. I think it's a shame that my cannabis activities now place me at further risk of being unable to get a job from state punishment. I smoke and enjoy certain things to a higher (and amusing) intensity through doing so and it's great. That doesn't mean I require cannabis however. I smoke very infrequently these days. I have to admit feeling slightly frustrated at some of your views, especially those that denigrate cannabis because you it doesn't interest you. It's kind've like me saying rollerblading is crap because I don't get it (enjoy it) and in that sense, other people shouldn't be doing it and should realise the same thing. If smoking cannabis serves you, makes you happy, then what does it matter? If you understood the activity in terms of the people that do enjoy it, you would probably do it yourself! Just to illustrate a point over drug laws and their effects; several of my friends were arrested and charged with drug possession, taken to court and given community service and a criminal record. Beyond all their drug use (cannabis, ecstacy and ketamin), the part of that experience that most damaged or effected their mental health was the experience of the police, court and criminal record (struggling to find work). Does it make sense to cause me to have great difficulty finding a job for the next five years because I like to smoke cannabis once every couple of weeks?!
  21. That sucks balls. I'll definitely keep an eye out. Were they insured?
  22. That was a good job methinks. You got some nice angles on the stuff you filmed and the riding was good. Music wasn't to my liking but that doesn't really matter! I hope you make another
  23. Don't know the chap but found that creation amusing none the less. Great stuff
  24. How about charging people a 'voluntary' few £ to attend and giving the money to some charity, in DJ's name? It might support your trying to convince the football club (let them choose the charity?) to allow the ride but I also think raising some money for such a thing would be a good way to honour somebody whom I remember as being a kind and caring individual. Just a suggestion anyhow.
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