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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. 1a2bcio8


    Ah, thanks for saying that Tomm because it's been a struggle for me to choose a subject (philosophy) that doesn't much lead onto something else (unless I achieve my probably unrealistic ideal of becoming a writer/lecturer) but to be honest, I'm the sort of person who can't perform unless very interested in what I'm doing. Although I find the subject matter interesting and love to learn about Neuroscience/science in my own time, formal learning of Science this year has kinda sucked (for the reasons stated) and when we were set a 4000 word essay on whatever we liked as part of my course, I wrote on the philosophy of mysticism/consciousness and it f'ing rocked to be honest. I think I'm much more likely to come out with a better degree if I'm doing what I enjoy. I only hope Bristol Uni are cool with my changing subjects. Props for becoming a medical doctor though - I envisage that as being very rewarding. I've certainly considered it before but I'm not sure I could handle the workload. I can barely manage my life when I'm neither working or studying! I like the idea of becoming a Dr. of Philsophy though
  2. 1a2bcio8


    I only got about 5 gcses, then I dropped out of college about 7 times but recently I have managed to stick my at my present course (Access course) and have a place at Bristol Uni to study Neuroscience - providing I manage to organise my portfolio and hand it in on time. However, I intend to change to philosophy when I start Uni as I've realised that the method of learning science doesn't particularly interest me. Accumulating facts to regurgitate in an exam =
  3. Remember the reality of a riding situation seems to be reduced through the medium of photo or video for that matter. I've seen plenty of lines on both, thinking I could nail it no probs, only to come across it first hand and to totally reject my initial thinking...
  4. 1a2bcio8

    Blue Squares?

    Yeah I've heard some serious rumours about TF beatings outside of the forums for not comforming to the TF ideal. Tom-(baseball bat)-turd and Da-(ninja star)-nny and their moderator cronnies are not to be messed with. OBM apparently enjoys eating "wrong-doers".
  5. To support what trials_pink previously said, I also have known people who've suffered cannabis psychosis. One in particular was telling his friend how he had been protecting his house from the bunnymen that been hanging around whilst he was away on holiday. Almost seems funny except this guy went from being one of those highly popular, intelligent and confident people into somebody who unforunately lost all those things and struggles to function in a way that most would consider basic. His mum actually said that it would have been better for him to have been a heroin addict because at least heroin wouldn't have caused the permanent brain damage that he suffered. He wasn't even a heavy smoker. My experiences with people on ecstacy and adverse affects have been at most, depression and anxiety and which were resolved by not taking ecstacy and addressing their undelying mental health. However, I do know a chap that decided to do about 25 pills one night and had to have a catheter placed in his urethra due to the fact he hadn't urinated for a prolonged period (perhaps days). Supposedly his physical situation hasn't been right since. In fact, I'm also told he likes to chat with the pigeons in our local park. Regardless though, the simple fact of the matter is millions of people do these things and yet there's no reports of an epidemic - only sporadic events. Despite which is more dangerous as a outermost potential, the chances of it going wrong for you is extremely slim unless you're like the fellow I mentioned who went overboard and can no longer piss properly and likes to talk to pigeons - not that I have a problem with pigeons. If you think something should be banned due to the potential dangerous that can be brought out of it and which almost definitely aren't there with sensible usage, then you're on you way to criminalising everything and living in cotton wool world. I'd rather take a gamble than atrophy.
  6. I was thinking that we should all sit at our respective computers, create an "ecstacy thread", drop some pills or mdma and than post messages to one another. Sounds banging.
  7. Perhaps we need a TF pill session?
  8. Are not Curtis and Pashley 26" frames of a similar relative geo? Forgive my ignorance if I'm way off the mark... I loved my curtis frame
  9. I think it's certainly going to represent a more accurate view than that of politicians!
  10. All round great job. Funny, upbeat music and good trials riding. Make another
  11. I'm alright now actually. Thanks to all of you that helped/responded. Really appreciated.
  12. It might help if you consider the context of that post.
  13. Trials is good for you physical fitness (apart from when you damaged yourself) It can be mentally rewarding with regards to creative expression - actual riding and also filming/editing It is very social, you make lots of friends Gets you outside into the fresh air and sun which is also good for you People can give you lots of respect - good spectating sport (if this floats your boat) I'm sure there are more depending on who you are! I mean you could say Trials - Pros - potential good time Cons - potential bad time This would be more accurate (or consistent) considering the first Pro being so generalised. Be wary of what I would call higher level abstractions and comparing them to lower level ones! I apologise for being a pedant
  14. Good job, you picked up on the setup. Your reward is some pink coloured ecstacy. High Five!
  15. All positives stated about drugs are a method of recruiting heterosexuals into the homo-drug using ring.
  16. That's fair enough you aren't interested but then I guess your resulting lack of experience would explain your unknowing of the way in which the overall potential positives can be divided into sub-components like the way the potential negatives can be. I'll state some positives for you though. Increased physical pleasure Greater capacity for love and empathy Shift in perception leading to intellectual development Release of worries, concerns, etc. Confidence increase Greater appreciation of music or visual aspects of experience Improved and more honest capacity for introspection and self-understanding Interestingly on the last point, mdma was used for marriage councilling (succesfully I might add) as was LSD (succesfully) used for treating psychological conditions. I even remember reading on a drugs website a girl was describing how she came to udnerstand she was a lesbian - this was a very positive thing for her and came about through this drug. The xperience is more complex and diverse than just saying "makes you feel good".
  17. Like Moi. I like the way he surmised all the "good" qualities of ecstacy into one (as a potential) then listed individually all of the bad qualities as though they desrved to be stated outside of the general description of "bad". Makes it seem like there's a wholeeeee load of trouble associated with it but not really any good
  18. Hello, I'm in a bit of a spot regarding an assignment and test that I will be handing in and taking this Friday. Basically due to illness I mised the last few lessons of Chemistry and consequently I don't have the info with which to understand the questions I've been set. Specifically these are: 6. Write equations for the reactions between:- a. methane and chlorine b. ethane c. propene monomers d. ethanol and ethanoic acid e. 1-propyl ethanoate and sodium hydroxide In each case, specify the reaction conditions needed and name the TYPE of reaction occurring. 7. For each of the following pairs of compounds, give a chemical test by which they may be distinguished. In each case, state the reagent you would use and what you would observe with each compound. Write equations where reactions occur. i. propane and propene ii. propan-1-ol and 2-methylpropan-2-ol iii. butanone and butanol I really need to know how to figure out these questions as variations of them will most likely be in my exam. It would be massively appreciated if I could get some help with this because I may need to pass this chem module to pass my course and goto uni! Additionally, is this equation that I've done correct for the incomplete combustion of pentane - C₅H₁₂ + 5½O₂ = 5CO + 6H₂O or I guess more accurately 2C₅H₁₂ + 11O₂ = 10CO + 12H₂O Thanks in advance, Ben
  19. 1a2bcio8

    Peep Show

    We all enjoy different things. Perhaps this is one of those situations?
  20. 1a2bcio8

    Peep Show

    season 5 just finished
  21. What about the splintered wooden one with all the nails and glass up the side?
  22. I was going to say my girlfriend's dildo then I decided perhaps I shouldn't.
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