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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. Just wondering what happened to it, as I thought we might get actually get an interesting exchange of ideas/some debate around the subject. Please tell me it wasn't deleted?
  2. 1a2bcio8

    Engage Vids

    As real as your vomit in a certain hotel
  3. 1a2bcio8

    Engage Vids

    I also heard he pretends to be disabled so that he can claim money from the hard wroking tax patyers.
  4. 1a2bcio8

    Engage Vids

    I herad that JAmes Porter has had a kid now.
  5. Good to see some Bristol area applicants. I shall be there at uni next year
  6. I read that it was supposedly ambigious about Tony's nature. I haven't actually reached season 7 and am currently watching season 6. I only started watching 24 about 6 weeks and have watched about 125 episodes since then! Addictive fun
  7. This is deserved. Great job, Jack Lovin' the "Who is Jack Meek?" photo. Haha, very serious
  8. Advertising isn't always about putting something forward that one would want to have sex with in order to establish appeal. Sometimes it's also about putting forward something one would like to be or possess (aside from sex). I'm sure certain individuals like the idea of possessing certain qualities that are contained in these photos. Often men want a tanned and toned body, they like the idea of being a winner and being physically strong. Of course, we all understand and reason that we aren't getting those things by buying the associated koxx products, but this approach works regardless of that fact - on some at least - because it operates through feelings toward, rather than understanding about. Each time we look at the koxx products, we don't only see a frame, we also 'see' (or feel) that we are also being offered that which has been associated with it. If this weren't true then sponsorship would be pointless.
  9. A new jumper for your chiwawa? Anyway, looks like Mr Porter will be joining us.
  10. I still see a "should", Matt, ye bitch. Enough affirmatives for my risk assessed attendence. Will probably be in more around 12 though.
  11. Right I need some definites on who's going if I'm going to attend. Everyone seems a bit wooly at the moment.
  12. Tried it today and I don't very much. Scary stuff.
  13. Looks like I shall be there, minus any brakes though
  14. My girlfriend said she'd buy a nature reserve with animals suitable for stroking.... Personally, I'd buy a self sustaining property/farm somewhere up a secluded mountain that possesses a hugh open view.
  15. My magura broke whilst tightening up the bolt for mounting it to the bars Cheesey piece of shit means I couldn't make it today
  16. Great video as per usual Rowan. Fun, unpretentious music. Great quality HDV (seems clearer than mine, ye b*****d?!). Varied, high standard riding. However, although appreciative on a technical level of the b+w/blue effect, I'm artistically/experientially not so keen. Music was like sunshine, and the visual didn't correlate for me. I have to admit as well that I was hoping for an even more streety/bmx approach. Basically, I really want to witness your style on 360 drops, etc. But then, you're not so much about that which is furry muff
  17. I'm really impressed by the quality of the video given that it's from a camera phone. Anyway, the riding was varied which made it more interesting. Also I like your style, you're looking more relaxed than before. Music didn't really float my boat, so to speak. Overall though, I enjoyed the video. What I'd recommend, in terms of what you might feel is an 'improvement', is to try and link the music in with the visual part of the video. It looks like you might have done this at the start, but then I saw many other opportunities that you could've taken which may have made the riding seem more tied to the music. For example, the deeper sounding piano note could have been used at the point between changing scenes or just at the moment which you begin jumping up or across a gap. This can also work to emphasise the move. Great to see you actually riding though! It's a bit balls riding by myself these days, especially when I'm often riding either injured or depressed. RIDE WITH ME!
  18. 1a2bcio8

    Xmas Presents

    I will have seen it but I can#t recall it to mind at this precise moment. I think it probably needs watching again soon.
  19. 1a2bcio8

    Xmas Presents

    Supposed to be for University. Neuroscience falls under the Anatomy and Phisiology department at Bristol, so I there's an additional emphasis toward it. I might be talking nonsense however. I'm still thinking of changing to Philosophy though, so it may well end up being read for general interest. I find reading about biology really interesting providing there's no pressure to do so for the purposes of remembering for an exam. Really sucks the life out of it for me! I've already seen it several times but via illegal means. It's my favourite Chris Morris work. It's the darkest, most sureal and creative humour that he's done, that I've seen (I've seen pretty much everything he's done). And it uses some great ambient music such as Aphex Twin. You should check out "Nathan Barley" as well which is superb.
  20. 1a2bcio8

    Xmas Presents

    Hair Clippers (for my pubic and bum hair) "Jam" (Chris Morris) DVD "Anatomy and Phisiology" textbook by Seeley, Tate + Stephens (do you use or have you used this one Tomm?) "Principles of Psychology, Volume 2" by William James (present from me biatch) Some new boxers and socks (the inevitable) About 50 squid (prostitute money) Like a Ken & Barbie box set?
  21. Make that thirty on cuboard under the stairs.
  22. Again it depends on how you think of a religion. Ultimately, I think all religion is aspiring to the same thing - mystical realisation. Now, each religion has its own methods of acheiving such a thing. Of a religion, some parts may help you (on the subjective level) and others may not. At the same time, this could be true of a different religion. Thus, it makes sense (to me at least) to be pragmatic and choose the parts which get you where you want. Of course, this makes the most sense if you've reasoned (or believe) what I have stated about religions sharing the same goal. I think this can be true of the other, relative aspects of religion. We're all individuals who have grown up in a peculiar way and are disposed to different things (ways of thinking, feeling, etc.). Consequently, we're never going to find a 'one size fits all' religion. Also, I think it's always worth considering that not all religion is belief and that's because not all religion is about a deity. Zen Buddhism, the religion that I appreciate the most, has no gods. It is that religion which best attempts to emphasise the mystical part and discard with the intellectualism of the other parts of religion (which, in a certain sense, are seen as 'lower' practices of being). Other forms of Buddhism, Hinduism, Occultism in the West, have gods only as metaphors for what Carl Jung called psychological "archetypes" of the collective unconscious. These religions seem to best recognise themselves as a mythology. I'm getting away from my point but what is essential to these religions is that you are able to experience what they talk of. Thus, belief is not required, only practice until the time you have the expreince which you are attemping. No doubt people do believe in things for convenience but that becomes quite irrelavent when the belief is essentially testable.
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