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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. High protein diet alongside exercise? Presumably if the muscle is weak is will be continually breaking down from the stress of exercise. To make the most of that make sure you're getting enough protein. Perhaps even try some protein powder?
  2. I'm going to Bristol uni, so will be in the same area. Good to see there will be a couple of new riders in Bristol next year
  3. Is this where you are going?
  4. I need a replacement bee-atch for the previous one. Caging begins next weekend
  5. Hehe, cheers Adam It'll be cool though if there's a fair few local riders for evening sessions.
  6. So who is actually going to a Bristol uni next year then?
  7. It seems they've forgotten the point of being at school, which is to learn. When finicky appearance overules education, the education system isn't doing so well. I feel for you, chap.
  10. Death is peanuts loeaving the body,.
  11. Bah! I'm not just sitting here feeling sorry for myself! I went to the gym this morning, despite not sleeping at all last night and I'm going for a walk this afternoon, then pool this evening. I've actually, mostly snapped out of it now. That deep sinking sensation across my chest and stomach area has gone - I kind've feel like I've woken up from a bad and very intense dream. The 'shock' is over. To be honest, although agreeing with your philosophies, they don't actually do a lot to the feeling, when something has really upset you. She really hurt me, the way I was simply discarded against our background. I am man enough to admit my sensitivity. Can you "man up" in this sense, Alan? I might have to go and send her another "f**k you" e-mails though. They're kind've gratifying - the idea of stirring whatever guilt she might be feeling.
  12. Cheers Alan. I'm unsure of your intention but the song is amusing.
  13. I'll add to this with the details of my ex-bitch. She spends the week talking about future holidays and other plans, telling me that she loves me and I'm her best friend, etc. although she's been only spent time with me when she wasn't busy with her friends - she would see me when it was convenient after being with them. Additionally, the holiday she talked about she booked up with her friends without even speaking to me about it. Then I receive a text on Saturday morning when I wake up telling me she hooked up with a guy from work who's called "Rob" - he rides a motorbike and has text on his phone, unlike me. She tells me to ring her but I decide it's her job to contact me, given the fact that she's f**ked up. By Sunday evening, no word and I'm slightly concerned that perhaps something has happened to her. I ring her but it goes straight to answerphone. I e-mail her explaining how I feel and to let me know she's okay. She e-mails me back telling me in the most casual way that she "wants to pursue a relationship with rob", whom she doesn't know all that well - she knows that he does ride a motorbike and have text on his phone though. She also tells me to send in the mail the stuff she has round my house - I'm supposed to pay postage for you?!?! On top of that she spouts the usual contradictory shit that she does love me and I'm great, even though her behaviour is quite contrary to her words. I broke her e-mail down and analysed the inconsistencies and contradictions and e-mailed it back just to make sure that she couldn't get away with believing what she said to feel better about the situation. She is full of shit. Basically, since making new friends at work she's become more and more interested in them and essentially I've been dropped. Shiney new relationships appeal over the old one. Depsite the fact that we spent nearly three years together, lived together and is the closest relationship either of us have had. Or so I thought. I think perhaps she was just waiting with me until her friend situation sorted itself out. She didn't have many friends in Swindon, just uni friends who were all over the place. She's simply dropped me, casually and, I think, in a calculated manner, now that something better is here. Given how close I thought we were, this is the worse rejection that I've experienced, and I have plenty of very harsh ones over the years - the reason I'm such a depressive. It isn't even so much the getting with this lad, it's just the casual dropping, like I'm litter. This girl has shit over my heart.
  14. Watching six feet under made me laugh. I love black humour.
  15. Girlfriend got with another man and I seem to like telling the world (or forum) about this.
  16. I'm doing a BSc as a mature student. Ultimately I want to go into philosophy and religion, but more specifically that includes the philosophy of science, so neuroscience seems like an interesting enough subject to get some scientific experience with. Maybe I'll end up prefering neuroscience though.
  17. Cool, well I shall be back in Bristol this September - studying neuroscience at Bristol uni, also. Would be great to hear about this stuff in some detail. MDMA was at one point, I think about 50 years ago, given to couples for marriage councelling. If I remember correcntly, it helped. In the same way that LSD has been used to treat various psychological problems. Unfortunately, irrationality and selfish motives controlled this substance, also.
  18. I can't say its not possible, but I do find it unlikely. I did five my first time at age seventeen and everyone around me, of similar age, thought I wasn't being very sensible. The general attitude, across the differing types of individual that did ecstacy, was one of moderation and respect for the drug - even amongst people who were in competition regarding bong smoking and alcohol. With me however, I was deeply depressed at the time and it was an escape. I only took another one as the previous one began to end - my experience was over twelve hours long. Typically, the feeling is enough from just one. It sets a mood where you don't really care for anymore - generally people feel quite content, and to be honest that's half the point of the drug. This is especially the case for people when they start off. Hardened ecstacy users sometimes like to push it though. Also, unlike alcohol and cannabis, reverence doesn't seem as common regarding doing a lot. I've never heard anyone boasting about doing ten pills but I have heard it about ten pints or an ounce of weed in one night. You raise a fair point though and I'm open to your idea being right, I just think that, naturally, a different mentality arises with ecstacy that stops almost everyone from going overboard.
  19. Well, that doesn't tend to be a problem with people, at least in terms of my experience. Usually the feeling of one or two is enough for most and cost doesn't play a role. However, I do know people that have taken between 20-30 pills on an evening but they were extreme cases. Most of the time they'd get away with it apart from this one chap who ended up requiring a cathater (spelling?). He was in a class of his own though. Taking lots tends to spoil the experience anyway. You end up in a mess on the floor somewhere, ironically looking like you forgot to take your medication, and you don't remember anything about it. Kind've like alcohol I guess.
  20. I think ecstacy became popular about 20 years ago and I'm unware of any general health problems arising in those people? Additionally, even if this does happen, we can't be certain of placing the blame on mdma itself because the drugs aren't regulated, so we can never be entirely sure on what's been taken. I suppose it's still suggestive, however. You're from Bristol but do you ride trials at the moment? My bad on the sentencing. That seems to me a very vaild point on the analogy and which, I think, makes stronger the argument against the current laws on ecstacy. However, I'm sure in some cases, people simply are disposed to having an adverse reaction to it but then that's the same with allergies. Should we think about banning nuts then? It might also be that people took ecstacy and fell asleep somewhere cold or drove their car into a wall or something stupid like that, which simply puts it on par with alcohol. Use it or lose it!
  21. Well, this is my position. It's been shown that drug laws aren't really a consideration in ones choice to take a drug or not, so they're not really a deterent. However, drug laws push drug control into the hands of criminals which causes all sorts of social problems. I do have some reservation about this but I think it would work. Just because something is legal doesn't mean that people WILL do it. I have little interest in drug use myself anymore but drugs like heroin and crack were never really a consideration and that wasn't based on the law but rather an awareness of the damage those drugs can do to your life. If people do the drugs regardless of the law, then the law is simply a superfluous harm. The point is, with regards to the risks of leaving your house, that life is inherrently risky and it's something we should accept. This is something we should especially accept in terms of those whom we love. If I love somebody and they derive pleasure from something risky I would prefer to accept this with the personal risk of emotional trauma at their harm or even death. If we were all obsessed about never taking any personal risk that was fulfilling, in consideration of everyone elses emotions, then that life, quite simply, would not be worth living. This applies to the entire range of activity but of course some areas possess more risk. When I go out and ride my bike, I risk emotionally damaging my family and friends if I were to have a severe accident but they accept this because it's what makes me happy. Not everyone understands this but they do more readily than drug use. But why is drug use and its risks any less worthy than bike riding and its risks? I have friends whose lives revolve around drugs like mine has around riding. In fact I've been there myself, and it was great at times, just like riding. It makes them happy and I'm happy for them. I say this knowing two people who have developed cannabis psychosis, so I am aware of the risks. I also says this of extreme sports, regardless of frequently hearing of deaths around that activity. If drug users are selfish then so are all us that ride trials. Perhaps we should stop? When we talk of being selfish we have to realise that it works both ways. Also, when I've taken a chemical substance, if I were to die from it, that wouldn't be my choice either, just as being run over by a truck would not. Chances are, in fact, that I'd be less likely to die (although the chances are already massively slim) if the drugs legalised and under control by regulated bodies meaning that we'd be getting exactly what we were expecting.
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7882708.stm This is a most frustrating situation. As with the recent changes in law with cannabis, the government is willfully ignoring scientific evidence for the purposes of political gain - what we would label demagoguery or an appeal to the masses in terms of their prejudice; which many do have toward drug users. The analogy given by one of the governments drug advisors is that ecstacy is about as dangerous as riding a horse. This would probably also convert into ecstacy is about as dangerous as riding a bike. Ecstacy is probably as dangerous as leaving your house, even. How would you all feel if the government made illegal, extreme sports on the basis of their slight danger? More specifically, how would you feel about risking upto seven years in prison for engaging in an activity that you enjoyed and didn't cause harm to others apart from the emotional response of loved ones resulting from inherrent risks that comes with all activity, that comes from even leaving your house? We are dealing with a highly irrational and self absorbed goverment, in this sense. It's the, "New Inquisition." Please discuss.
  23. 1a2bcio8

    Valentine >.<

    Just send her a letter explaining the mindless/robotic consumeristic nature that underlies most conventional celebrations, such as this one. I can't imagine a better valentine gift than one that actually frees you from it... On this note, did any of you know that the supposed "heart" of Valentines is actually a vagina, or the entrance to a vagina? It actually looks closer to a vagina that it does to a heart, if we take the time to compare. Take a guess at what the arrow symbolises... Not quite as romantic as is typically thought and brings a whole different meaning to the concept of Cupid.
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