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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. On a similar note to the current thread theme, I'm looking for a space in a car if possible.
  2. I'm currently teaching myself Sanskrit ahead of uni and I've found it a managable process, despite the difficulties in dealing with a very different kind of grammar. I've used two different books to do so and therefore I consider books to be an effective method. This is even true of pronounciation which can be taught through examples in your own language. Probably it is best to ultimately check though with actual sound examples. The single most important bit of advice I would impart with regards to learning a language is to make sure it's a daily practice. It is far better to spend 15 minutes per day learning than it is to spend 3 hours once a week. I found this out first hand. I've found that when I spend 1+ hours each day I really excel at learning and remembering. I'd recommend that as an ideal but probably I'm just a bit geeky
  3. I've often found that some of the doctors at my surgery seem to have a way of making me feel like I'm wasting their time. They've often seemed uninterested in helping as well. I had to be quite firm in getting a blood test to try and find out what might be causing me to be inexplicably exhausted for upto a month, needing to spend a lot of time lying down. They tested me for anemia and liver functioning amongst other things that I've forgotten. They all came out negative and the doctor was totally uninterested in pursuing any other investigations. It seemed to be that if standard testing didn't show anything, there couldn't be anything wrong with me despite what I might be experiencing. Rubbishness. But anyway, have you considered things like your quality of sleep and mental health. Either of these things can mess up your energy levels. Stay up on the computer too close to sleep and it reduces the quality of your sleep, likewise with consuming things like caffiene or alcohol before bed. Bad mental health (stress, depression, anxiety, etc.) can also intefere with sleep in addition to causing it's own problems for energy levels. Out of interest, what's the sport that you doing at such a high level?
  4. I +may+ be able to ride on Saturday, not before unforunately. It depends on if I manage to get the rest of the parts I need for a minimalistic, brakeless ride (eugh). So if anyone is interested in riding then, let me know and I'll confirm on Friday. I think there will be regular rides beginning with the locals soon. I'll post up here when that starts happening.
  5. Fair enough and that's a good point anyway. There's a multitude of ways to interpret any piece of music and in that sense there's a multitude of ways to allign differeing interpretations with some visual event. Perhaps where I'm missing an allginment the next person isn't. I guess though that's when a song that has strong or very obvious points, divisions or changes can work to our advantage, in so much as it makes it more difficult to miss. Like I said though, I did pick up on correlations that I felt worked well in your video. I'm probably being picky, and what I say might be irrelavent to what you want to achieve, but I thought you might appreciate an honest appraisal from my point of view I always crave that from others when I make vids
  6. Does anyone know if Jon Granger is making this? He seems to have vanished from the forum recently.
  7. Awesome riding there, Ali. Smooth, flowing, etc. which is just what I like to see. The riding definitely makes me excited about getting back on the bike. With regards to my thoughts on the edit, Mark, that was definitely a good first effort. Where the music allowed it, in terms of change, I could clearly see that you made use of correlating it with the riding for the purposes of emphasis. I actually think that's probably the single most important technique for producing a good edit in the sense of making the riding better than it is within itself. It's often something that's missed though. However, I do think the music didn't allow for all that many opportunities of correlation that emphasised and when pretty much every move Ali did was really impressive a song with more points of emphasis/change could have made a stronger edit. But then it's not easy finding music that supports that approach and it's something I really struggle with these days. The flow of the riding perhaps would have made things a bit easier in that sense. The rythm of the music certainly worked in a background/ambient sense and sometimes that can be enough. However in relation to that, on occasion, I felt that the riding sounds (Ali's hub, wind and passing cars) drowned out that rythm/music and kind've spoilt the continuity. Although the hub does sound good I think it's sometimes better to just let the music take precedence (again for emphasis) and especially so when there are useless noises such as a busy road/wind. It does all differ though from place to place in a video according the variables present. This is all perhaps a bit picky but I'm making the assumption you might appreciate thinking about it in these terms. Anyway, ramble over. Hope that helps, is wanted, and isn't too incoherrent or abstract. No doubt my views are subjective to a greater or lesser extent though. Importantly, regardless of the 'reasoning' side of things it should always be operated on from an intuitive position: "What's the feeling of bike movement/surroundings relative to the feeling of the auditory (musical) movemment?". That's the conclusion I've been holding onto for some time now anyway. But yeah, make efforts to produce some more videos and get a video of yourself out
  8. 1a2bcio8

    new item for sale

    turbo trainer
  9. Just to let you roadies know I'm selling an almost new turbotrainer here.
  10. 1a2bcio8


    From the album: new item for sale

  11. 1a2bcio8


    From the album: new item for sale

  12. 1a2bcio8


    From the album: new item for sale

  13. 1a2bcio8


    From the album: new item for sale

  14. 1a2bcio8

    tt 1

    From the album: new item for sale

  15. Hoping to sort a 24 so that I might join the tour. It looks like fun
  16. 1a2bcio8

    The Lost Thread

    Agreed about the last ten minutes. Jack took a good amount of minutes to get into the main room of the church where everybody was waiting. They were also there before he even arrived outside the church yet they were still all hugging and kissing, en masse, like it was the first moment they had reached each others company. Was it supposed to be a big continuous hug fest until Jack arrived? Anyway, I cringed. I don't mind sentimentality but it has to maintain at least some modesty and 'realism'. As for Ben, I think he wanted to stay and look after his previously adopted daughter. Richard though, I guess because he wasn't enough of the group to be considered. Certainly not the best episodes of Lost but satisfactory none the less.
  17. I think it's fair to be concerned with technological developments. Just because they are "developments" does not instantly qualify them as something good. We need to be, as we are justly critical of religion, critical of science and what it produces. Science can easily have both good and bad consequences and technological "advancements" are not always what we need. In fact, I'd say we are just as greatly in need of psycho-social advancement as much, but probably more, than we are of environmental science. If we were more developed psycho-socially, we wouldn't allow ourselves to be in the situation of possible self destruction, rather than just looking toward more technology to offset the damage of present technology. Be wary of a blind faith in science like that which frequents religion. The achievement is very interesting and impressive though. I'm somewhat wary about dangers and limitations of application but I'll hold off on proper judgement until I know a bit more about it. This doesn't have to mean much against a general concept of God but I guess it does no favours for the existence of a Christian one which obviously possesses rigid ideas about the creation of life, if taken literally. Then again, this wasn't really the creation of life rather than the modification of a pre-existing cell structure and function through the introduction of new genetic material to that cell. It's impressive that the genetic material was built from scratch and functioned in some sense but it's still piggybacking off pre-existing life, so it's not really the complete creation of a new life form. This is how I understood it anyway?
  18. Now I feel a bit stupid releasing this and saying I probably won't make it. I mostly just wanted to see what a trailer was like to make. As said, they looked fun and easier than proper videos. I do appreciate the encouragement but unfortunately I'm the sort of person that needs to act out of their interest for the process otherwise I just can't do it. That's why I fail at life in general I will hopefully give it a go but only after I've tried again at some basic trialtech edits. Might be a while at best. In so much as you do want it, apologies if it doesn't happen.
  19. Hey Trailers always looked like they would be enjoyable to make so I made one from the wealth of footage I still have from my old camera. If I do manage to get that footage arranged into an extended video it should end up between 20-30 mins long. In actual fact, I didn't enjoy making this and I don't like much of the end result (divine moment aside ). I can't even inspire myself to edit Danny Mac footage, which I have repeatedly tried but to no avail. I've lost the editing love and making proper videos doesn't seem all that possible anymore. So the the video that this trailer is about probably won't happen Anyway, video is here
  20. It's pretty f**ked up and very shocking. Higgins from the outside doesn't seem like that sort of character but then watching him on tv is hardly going to properly inform you about that sort of thing. I am holding some reservation about how definite this is but it does seem pretty definite having watched the video. I guess there could be a context outside the video that changes things though. With the recent concerns of snooker in decline this can hardly help
  21. Don't forget the kitchen right!
  22. The thing is, I'm not saying it to those people. My statements are basically with regards to the UK although they are equally applicable to other Western countries. Here we are in a situation where we do have freedom of speech, demonstration, activism, etc. Unfortunately, your attitude is self fulfilling and it's a real shame. You find it unlikely so you aren't interested in trying, thus, it doesn't happen. Many people share your view and this leads to an obvious consequence. This seems like an unfortunate blind spot about the potential that exists. You words seem to suggest as well that any change that could happen, would happen with you being the passive recipient. You talk of it happening to you, rather than you making it happen. Literally, if we organised, it could happen within a matter of days. The struggle is not in finding the power, it's with realising that we already have it.
  23. Any movement or influence for change requires individuals otherwise it can't exist/work. I pretty much despise politics because it actually affects my mental health. Reading about how western governments and big business are screwing the rest of the world over is not much fun. Being informed though is fairly essential if you want change because you care about what happens to the world. That's always the motivator for me although it's not fool proof and I'm often very selfish. The question is, how much do you want to make your life about being selfish and how much about contributing to the well-being of others? Sorry to be blunt but the question does also apply to me, so I'm not saying it with some self perception of greatness. I'm nowhere near where I want to be in terms of contributing. It's not an easy process though when mostly people are very apathetic. It sounds like you do care though Use it
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