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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. Really impressive stuff, James. I've clearly not been exposed to the extent that you're riding has reached. Some nice filming as well. Overall good feel to the edit although somewhat superfluous in parts. I think I saw you say something about moving away from 24" brakeless. I think you should stick at it.
  2. Shiver me timbers! edit: not sure what that actually means but I intend it to be something positive...
  3. The main character from 'There Will be Blood" was a sociopath... Anyway, individuals with a problem toward eyeliner on men are simply, blindly, following the implicit and explicit forms of archaic conditioning that say what a gender should be. The thing is, we're no longer in a situation where men have to be really 'masculine' to survive; we don't have to be aggressors or protectors, and therefore revolve ourselves entirely around activities which deny sensitivity or 'feminine' quality, because all of our basic needs have been met. This actually means we can begin to cultivate our own approaches to living aside from those imperative roles that used to exist. That can include an interest in appearance although it can mean a multitude of other things that weren't previously persmissable. For myself, it means the chance to understand things like the nature of love, compassion and so on that didn't really have a place in a hunter/defender/provider's repitoire. Ultimately it's a good thing that people feel able to break the previous and now unnecessary moulds of behaviour.
  4. Still waiting upon various health problems to resolve before I can make that, potentially illusive, 'proper' vid but I've made this in the meantime. Wasn't even gonna ride this evening but got a phone call and making a video seemed like a good distraction.
  5. If you want something that will last then, spank stifees all the way. They've repeatedly help up after other rims failed on the same stuff. Also, as mentioned, they are super wide which is a bonus. They are less than half price on CRC.
  6. 1a2bcio8

    Nick Cooke

    Nick's too modest to show off his abilities so I'm having to do it for him. Check it...
  7. Rainbird: Anyone going to Clean got a 25.4mm pivotal post spare I could pinch please?!
  8. 1a2bcio8


    I certainly am. Are you gracing us with your presence?
  9. 1a2bcio8


    You can meet him on Saturday, Tom
  10. 1a2bcio8


    Hello, There's a new video on my blog featuring Stan Shaw, Mark Westlake, John Shrewsbury, Dave Wells and myself. It's mostly just Stan though. Apologies have to be made to John because I lost several of your clips. Sorry about that... Check it out here, Ben edit: oh and filming is also by Mark W.
  11. It's all about pop manuals. Riding was good and overall feel of your edit was nice. Really pleased to see another 24" video on the forum I wish I had an area to ride with movable picnic tables. So much potential
  12. Some definite editing and riding skills going on there and a nice feeling to the whole thing even if it is a bit too happy for my liking
  13. One of those photos of me shall grace my facebook, the other two shall not! Nice photos, Adam
  14. Balls! Are you going to have to call in sick?
  15. Smooth as ever Drew. It's good to see you've sorted an edit out and a really good quality one at that.
  16. He said about this at the weekend. Cheers fella. I live in Bristol so, yeah, I'll be there
  17. Big gap drop! Awesome
  18. No update today. CS3 is failing me again. I don't think I will be able to encode the edit until I get cs5 on the go. It'll have to be next week now as I'm already late getting sorted for tomorrow. Sorry...
  19. Cheers Sam! Slight schoolboy on my part. Not very savy about this stuff.
  20. I know somebody that knows somebody.
  21. Yep there's now militarized checkpoint crossings and 20ft high fence across the border between Wales and England. The order is "shoot to kill" against anyone found without a valid, and up to date, passport. Cheers for letting us know about the pump
  22. Thanks for the kind words there, Ben. And when's the next update?
  23. I would respectively disagree about the lung approach!!! I've tried it before
  24. Is anyone taking an air mattress pump? I seem to have lost mine.
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