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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. By. As before midnight going into the 1st of October.
  2. Really? That sucks. I thought I used the trial and didn't experience that. I'm probably wrong about that though.
  3. Or download the the free month trial of Adobe Premiere CS6 which tends to support mixing file formats and is also awesome for editing with. Edit: timing...
  4. 1a2bcio8

    Ali's Getaway

    I really enjoyed that. I felt the style of editing or the nature of the film did somewhat detract from the riding but as a creative entity it was awesome to the extent that the detraction was unimportant. The music fitted the imagery really well which is the most illusive of things to achieve. I take my hat off to something which is quite unique within our domain although, to me, it was very reminiscent of videos I used to see in various extreme sports. Edit: Oh and the final move was awesome.
  5. 1a2bcio8


    Thanks for all your kind words!
  6. I was going to mention something about this so it's good to see somebody else has thought about it Just a quick note that due to personal 'shit' I have to give the competition over to somebody else to look after through September. I'm sorry again about the slackness in responding to emails and posting up stuff but I've had other stuff that I've need prioritizing.
  7. 1a2bcio8


    I wasn't exactly displeased with every dimension of the video. I didn't really have any complaints about the last clip either. But generally speaking there were bits in most of the clips that needed re-doing. A lot of the stuff was "second prize" material which I know you share my feelings about. I don't really have the time to ride over the 5-6 weeks so I just wanted to get rid of the clips so the idea of riding to make a video was less meaningful at the moment which means I'm less likely to get distracted from my studies. Thanks for commentary.
  8. 1a2bcio8


    I'm not trying to be a dick but I am disappointed because I have problems about getting people to film because I hate disturbing other people's rides and having the time to collect clips at the moment. I want to make a full length video where I haven't messed up the exposure, badly self-filmed myself or I've gone back to re-film lines that I could improve due to those problems of riding or filming. Perhaps I'm a bit unrealistic about what's possible given that I can't both film myself and ride. I'm really enjoying riding at the moment but it's just not being translated into a video which is frustrating. Significantly this summer because I messed up uni and I'm doing loads of resits. I just hope that one day before I stop riding I manage to sort the video I want to I am a perfectionist though and it can be problematic in life Cheers for comments anyhow. btw, James Woodbridge should be mentioned for helping film some of these lines.
  9. 1a2bcio8


  10. That was a bit good... Also a good example regarding the video comp. Lots of static shots here that are achievable if you film by yourself.
  11. The thing is that even if you are filming by yourself you can do a worse and a better job. Not aligning the camera with a horizontal plane, filming into the sun, etc. have no excuses really. You can consider your background and produce interesting or attractive shots. Ben Travis' last video was clearly self filmed yet he produced some really nice shots. Ultimately it's about recognising what people do with what they have in a thoughtful way in opposition to the potential of being lazy about this or that aspect of their riding and videography.
  12. Sorry for the slow response and lack of competition update for that matter. I'm in a bit of a predicament with studying at the moment. Basically it's good if you can get people to help you film or edit. Filming in particular because, undoubtedly, you can create a better result from a variety of filming approaches rather only static shots through an unmanned tripod, so to speak. That being said, the judges will be instructed to try and take into consideration people's circumstances. If you don't have the option of having somebody film you, etc. then the judges should try and recognise that and adjust their evaluation of the overall video. I'll try and get an update done today because there's a couple of videos to get on the blog.
  13. That shit doesn't work dawg.
  14. If you read any, just read the last one I posted. It's a short summary of some of what's happening. It'd take you 5 mins or less to read.
  15. JD, you need to actually read the articles both within and beyond this thread about what is happening to the NHS. The arguments are compelling and express the opinions of most people working within the NHS and various professional bodies which have assessed the nature of these changes. There are lots of hard facts that I don't have the time to bring here but you can easily find. In addition, the way in which these changes have been brought about is extremely telling. Clandestine efforts from people in power who have already or will further gain from the changes. I don't know how you can't be suspicious? It seems so obvious to me that, like so much else in the world relating to money (environment, slave labour, war, etc.), something is going on here. The standard model of business is frequently one of exploitation. As it stands, as far as I can tell, you're assuming everything with be alright on some sort of ideal about business. But it is being made lawful to change the way in which people are treated wherein some people will not receive the same quality of care and potentially no care. How do you sue when the law is such? Furthermore, how do you take on big business when its funds are massive and for that very reason you might need to take legal action (you're poor) you won't be placed to do it. As I previously wrote, the removal of laws to protect whistle blowers and remove decision making from the public purview are designed to reduce accountability. The clear trend is not an interest in care but in something else. It seems very obvious that it's about profit. Taking a moment to see the various cuts that have occurred to the welfare state seriously affecting the most vulnerable people (the disabled, single mums, etc.) shows us that our government is not concerned with compassion and doing the right thing. A very insidious state of affairs is staring you in the face if you take the time to really consider beyond some presumptive ideal you're holding onto. American health care is an adequate example of the failure of private sector involvement. The fact that most people in America want a nationalised health care system is also indicative. America possesses one of the worst, if not the worst, health care systems in the developed world.
  16. Obviously, I hope our strong difference of opinion and my being blunt doesn't affect our relationship, JD I will speak strongly but there's no real animosity albeit some frustration
  17. That's a pretty submissive and apathetic attitude to be honest. The fact is that if people weren't like that and became informed we could organise against it. The fact also is that people can be other than that and that's why I am motivated because there's great potential. To be otherwise is one of the most important things we can do as human beings; failure is just insanity because it ignores fundamental drives and needs as a human being. Ultimately people will only regret being otherwise when they realise how badly they or those they love (children and children's children in particular) are harmed by being so submissive. It's not just a simple choice of being bothered or not. It's a choice between what's right as a human being and what's wrong. And you can achieve things. The political realm is a constant struggle. If people didn't act against the vices of a greedy and hateful minority of elites we would already be in a far worse situation. There's always been a constant battle. Thus we developed an NHS in the first place against vested interests. It's just people tend to be ignorant or can't be bothered to think that every egalitarian social system we have has been fought for by people caring and acting in some sense. Complacency will only f**k you in the end because it ignores the reality of where everything good has come from and how easily that good can be lost. This is also just a stepping stone to other far worse predicaments within our society. The quality of each area of society and infrastructure has the power to effect other areas in a holistic feedback. And every time those who don't care about us win then they generate momentum to keep going. I don't think you entirely appreciate what's happening and what's possible.
  18. I think what you're debating is pertinent. The trouble is that regardless of the existence of NPOs they won't necessarily take a role or, at best, a significant role in the running of our health care system. Given the amount of ties/financial interests the various members of Parliament and the House of Lords have with the various businesses that are likely to benefit from the privatization I suspect that those which are profit based will end up winning bids to run the 'NHS'. Unfortunately I've lost the link that shows just how vested the politicians interests are but it was an extremely long list... Just how corrupt the government is can be seen by Michael Portillo openly admitting that the Conservative government knew they couldn't win the election if they were honest about dismantling the NHS so they essentially lied and promised to protect it. Furthermore they pushed the HSC bill through as much outside of the public purview as they could manage whilst making the bill as confusing as possible to hide their real intent. A clear failing of democracy in many senses. I'll be honest that I just don't understand why everyone isn't reacting with both fear and anger. This could effect anyone of you or someone you love in a very serious and even life threatening way. People are stealing your safety net to get a bit richer.
  19. Extremely accessible summary describing the changes and the severity of the changes that are happening to the NHS here. I'm sorry Sam but, as America shows, the poor won't be supported in the way you are assuming. And it won't just be the poorest who are effected it'll also be the people that require expensive health care for chronic or severe problems. Universal care is an example of human virtue whereby everyone is supported regardless of their standing and we're allowing it to be consumed by the vice of greed, ignorance and apathy.
  20. Pretty much no chance of my being involved in that Nick, sorry. I'm already finding it very difficult to juggle the comp, university and actually managing to ride a bit as it is. I have to make my efforts in the comp as minimalistic as possible.
  21. Recent update was a killer to do but thankfully it's over and done with. Lots to watch, read, etc. http://glasseyetrialscreative.blogspot.co.uk/
  22. Name: Jozsef Toth Location: Hungary Age: 21 Time Riding: 5 years https://vimeo.com/46538467
  23. Name: Jubal Vander Werff Location: Canada Age: 19 Time Riding: 3.5 years
  24. Name: Janasz Pakulski Location: Poland Age: 17 Time Riding: 2 years
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