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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. You're probably not going to like the fact that I think our laziness is symptomatic of mental illness in the sense that we don't address such pressing matters. I think if you don't like that then perhaps its hitting a nerve. I know it does for me who, again, I will re-emphasise I am including within these criticisms. I don't think anybody is beyond the symptoms I'm describing although there are varying degrees within which one is caught up. It's unlikely than any of us can get substantially beyond it until there's a significant social movement to do so. Such a movement, I think, is grounded in knowing about what's happening even if that knowing contains ambivalence. However, the kind of ambivalence you're referring to that makes a decision seem overwhelming is the method that has been applied to global warming by big business to protect its interests. I know you mean it in a different sense but as I mentioned before climate change deniers are often sponsored by individuals or businesses that would be harmed by addressing its causes. It does make it frustrating when its confusing and complex but given what the negative outcome could be its worth striving for. I don't think it's an excuse it just requires more effort. The broader your contextual understanding of world matters the easier it is to recognise patterns that offer, I believe, appropriate scepticism or belief. Michael Moore is a bit of a numpty who embellishes his documentaries but there are people who are offering information that seems much more reliable and coherent and that offer strong arguments. I've offered a range of examples of serious efforts to offer a view of the world not centred around greed. I experience things on Facebook I don't go near but I find plenty that provides a good argument. I think that social networking in association with alternate forms of media are offering people the chance to become political again. Interestingly, prior to corporate media, there used to exist a radical press and people were far more political. People, several centuries ago, used to chip in to share newspapers that reported on matters that affected the working class. In other words their spare money and effort centred politics as an important process. The government went out of their way to destroy this representative press and tried to do so with stamp duties and the like and eventually did so. What followed was a less engaged and informed populace that was more easy to control. Newspapers either represented a Barron's interests or focused on base matters such as gossip. The internet is changing that which is, no doubt, why you have America developing methods of controlling and observing the internet more closely. Regarding oil scarcity, there's good evidence this was a myth created essentially for profit. It's pretty logical how that would work. That possibility would not exist as some anomaly but would be consistent other goings on in the corporate world. Again, if one spends time researching this sort of thing, they will find ample strong evidence. So yeah, this situation is one of wading through lots of disinformation, over inflated interpretations and so on but, I think, there are voices of reason and sanity if you spend the time looking on a continued basis.
  2. Yeah a dissertation is fair enough but beyond that I'm sure there's time? I think it's dangerous you just relying on someone else's interpretation. I wouldn't want anyone just simply believing me rather I'm interested in getting people to investigate and learn so that they can decide for themselves although obviously I think I am probably right (otherwise I wouldn't be arguing). I believe people are much more capable and able to deal with these things than they presently allow themselves to. Part of the problem at present is that people simply believe established forms of authority even if those forms of authority are irrational. In other words, the problem already is following others too much. I think this also relates to the way we are schooled to simply accept official facts or rules and simply play them out rather than thinking laterally and developing our thinking in creative ways. http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html It's my bad on the chemtrails. I was feeling a bit passionate about my concerns and whipped that first post out a bit quickly. I also misunderstood and thought that he was referring geoengineering as something that was already common knowledge and its effects recognised by the academic community when he was referring just the risk factor of global warming. Which isn't to say I don't remain open to the possibility of the government doing stupid things because, as I've constantly emphasised, their track record both in the past and present, is psychopathic. The main point of focus is that global warming is an imminent threat. As Matt say, if methane escapes from these pockets due to global warming we are f**ked.
  3. I will admit that that dimension of the video is more debatable. The argument though was not that the contrails themselves were harmful but that something was being added to them for the purposes of geoengineering. Whatever the reason for that, if it happens to be true, it wouldn't be inconsistent with the type of activities that the American government does that are less debatable. America's human rights record is terrible both within and external to itself. The primary point though was that the data concerning the rate at which global warming is happening - irrespective of whether it is from chemtrails or not it is still man made - threatens all of us now and not necessarily in decades or centuries. The current change in weather ( http://phys.org/news/2013-02-links-extreme-weather-climate.html ) we've been experiencing is attributable to global warming. For example, if you watch this documentary about fracking in America you'll find an example of how we simply allow terrible things to happen to our environment and people because there's profit to be made. It fulfils the criteria for psychopathy and opens up an understanding of the type of behaviour this is possible the way society is currently structured. Fracking, unfortunately, has just arrived in the UK. We are all threatened by this which you'll understand if you watch this documentary and do additional research. http://thoughtmaybe.com/gasland/
  4. Well, to be honest with you, you do have the time but you are choosing to prioritise other things as more important. If I were to offer you an analogy though, it's like saying "well I could potentially contribute to changing the self-destructive nature of the human race but I'm a bit busy doing fun stuff" even though the end of either your life or the civilization that allows for that fun stuff may not be around to allow for it to continue. Now, I don't mean that to be as condescending as it sounds because I am similar. I choose to ride my bike or watch a film when I could be deepening my understanding of what's going wrong. None the less, just spending a bit of time each day just reading 2-3 articles can make a big difference. 30 minutes of your day to contribute to the well being of the world? All these other things we do simply aren't enough. We need radical change and that occurs through understanding.
  5. We just need an informed populace that cares. When you know and care about something you inevitably communicate it to other people. When enough people fully understand the ramifications of global warming change naturally follows. It's not hard to organise something of impact when there is enough of you and, yeah, the basis of organisation is knowing. You have places such as Democracy Now!, The Real News Network, Z-net, Medialens, Globalresearch.ca, Al Jazeera, Thought Maybe that offer an alternative but grounded view of world affairs. It takes time to feel like you're getting anywhere in the sense that world affairs are so complex but you quickly get a sense of how, often, things are made to seem other than they are by psychopaths in big business and government. Sorry, in other words, just learn about what's happening in as much detail as you can manage. It's not an easy process and can be a headf**k but it has rewards that aren't obvious until you do it.
  6. Sure and I don't disagree with the fundamentals of your attitude.
  7. The trouble is that certain matters require, not ambivalence, but deciding upon a likelihood. Your third choice isn't really a third choice. It's what actually underpins the need to spend the time looking at the evidence and reasoning so that you can act in accord with what you find reality to be. If global warming is a reality you need to find it as such, despite 'evidence' that goes against it, and act accordingly. If we are stealing resources from and murdering people of other countries you need to decide that is the case, again, by working your way through the evidence and acting upon it. Having a good attitude isn't enough if you sit in the middle of descriptions of reality because, ultimately, it just means inactivity. You won't manifest your good will. Which isn't to justify rigid dogma but is to say you need to act according to probabilities irrespective of a degree of chance.
  8. This is the primary thing for me. Irrespective of chemtrails which, placed within contexts most people seem to be unaware of and dismiss them as conspiracy prior to any knowledge about them, have a plausibility the main point is that it looks as though the environment is changing in a way that could wipe us out. I may have gotten the bit that academics agree on somewhat wrong; it related, I think, to the risk from methane and the speed at which things could happen. Scientists do not, in the main, disagree on effects of global warming anymore unless they are sponsored to say otherwise. It was also not that the contrails themselves are causing harm but rather there is an additional element being released from planes for the purposes of geoengineering - shaping the environment. Again, coming from a government that has a 'star wars' military plan and spends half its GDP on the military beyond an array of other psychopathic activities, it wouldn't really be that surprising. And I'm open to the possibility that scientists have it wrong. I don't feel the need to decide 100% on anything and think being able to adjust your view is a good thing but it appears very likely as does our governments underhand efforts both foreign and domestic.
  9. Conspiracy is one of those emotive words people have been conditioned to apply and react emotively to. You apply it to such and such an idea and then you dismiss it there and then. It denies allowing an idea a reasonable chance. Just as we can get into the habit of believing too much we can also get into the habit of dismissing too much. I am not espousing a conspiracy theory though. I usually read political science and environmental science that is based upon facts. In the area of politics, we can gain a pretty good idea of what happens in the political world of government against what appears in the mainstream media (and therefore the view most people have) by looking at declassified government documents. For example then, certain declassified notes from Blair's time in government tell us that he and his cabinet were well aware of the fact Iraq didn't have any WMD's and discussed how they could justify an invasion. Looking into the reality painted of Latin America by the mainstream American media when they hold a dictator to be a stellar example of democracy, we see the downplaying of atrocities (rapes, torture, murder, etc.) against the reports of NGOs (Non-governmental organisations such as charities, academics, etc.) differing significantly - the latter tends to report these awful happenings. The reverse is true of countries that do not comply with our desire to give access to their resources and out media demonise them again, again, an range of contrary reports arising from organisations that do not share the interests of government and big interest. The mainstream media is always owned by big business. This means there is instantly a bias toward whomever owns the paper. If the media exists within a conglomerate if relates to other businesses whose interests it will not interfere with. Furthermore, newspapers and television news makes its money through advertising; therefore it cannot properly report against those who pay it. Systematic and scientific analysis of mainstream media shows that they mostly interview people involved in business and government for their views on current affairs therefore skewing our interpretation of things to what serves those groups. There are a multitude of other reasons but these are pretty sufficient to make my point that there is a reality that serves 'power' (not the illuminate or something like that). Media that exists not for profit tends to paint a different picture of the world. Calling something a conspiracy and leaving it at that is just being lazy.
  10. C'mon Lukas and Dan. Please tell me in a reasonable fashion, rather than a single dismissive sentence, why the points raised in the topic video are invalid? Anyone can saying "What a load of absolute bullshit hahahahaha"; even, probably, a parrot.
  11. I guess, also, that nobody paid attention to the fact that this is supposedly common knowledge in academia? I appreciate we have to trust this man's say so but, none the less, that being the case, does this not bring any kind of questioning to the foreground?
  12. I am open to the idea that the American government wilfully allowed it to happen but I don't feel the need to say for certain. Having spent much time reading about American foreign policy in Latin American, the Middle East, etc. and the atrocities carried out under it - which is not a conspiracy theory but comes from a broad range of fact - it wouldn't surprise me that they would allowed it to happen for expediency. The trouble is people view foreign policy in terms of the mainstream media which a quick analysis shows to be massively biased toward minority interests. Necessarily this distorts our view of the world. Regarding something like the topic at hand, reading into and watching documentaries concerning, say, meat production or fracking shows that vested interests hide the extremely negative realities of what they are doing. It's not a difficult leap to assume the same for this topic. For instance, it was revealed recently that there is a group of millionaires or billionaires have been funding climate change disinformation. It's not difficult to find this type of information unless you don't look or restrict yourself to the BBC or something similar. I don't buy into the illuminate or anything akin to that but I do subscribe to the notion that people are greedy and will do an all manner of insane and stupid things as a result.
  13. You two are foolish. I've read far too much about what's done in the name of profit and expediency in various other walks of life to dismiss ineptitude due to greed in the area of environment.
  14. Why don't you try actually listening to it - which you possible couldn't have done within the short duration since I posted the video - and then decide upon that rather than dismissing me without a proper consideration? I am however open to debate and changing my position so why don't you illuminate me on geoengineering please?
  15. The notion of this video is that the 'chemtrails' we are releasing, as part of geoengineering (climate engineering), in order to counteract the effects of global warming are accelerating the process to the extent that we might see significant and massive climate events within a year or two. This process of global warming is accelerating the melting of ice masses. These ice masses stop the release of methane which has the potential to jump the effects of global warming massively. If I remember correctly, just 60-70% of one of these pockets has enough methane to kill off either most or all of the planet. This could happen in a matter of years. These facts are established within academia but are not being picked up by the mainstream media because their interfere with the short-term gains of profit. The media usually gains its money through advertising (holidays, cars, etc.) and is usually a part of a conglomerate (part of a larger ownership that ties it to other companies that would lost out, in the short term, from people knowing and acting upon proper information about global warming). Our world is run by people blinded by their short term self-interest such that they do not make healthy decisions. Most of us allow these decisions to occur because they are masked behind disinformation that makes us confused about what is actually happening. This is also partly because we have become complacent within a relatively easy life. There's no worries about thinking critically because I can simply satisfy myself with this or that shiny piece of technology. I include myself within this criticism. The point here though is not to lay blame but is to say that we either have to adapt or die. All of those things you use to distract yourself are meaningless within the context of such an imminent threat. Please take the time to inform yourself and help inform others about the risk we are at. Inaction will only amount of massive regret and probably death of yourself or someone you love. Ask yourself what is more important?
  16. Yeah the last line was awesome and everything else was, of course, interesting and tech. Your video causes happiness and might hopefully allow me a window of up-for-it riding today so thanks I think the music worked. It has a greater amount of energy to it that your riding deserves. I always think that the ideal of a music, riding video is to create a synergy between all the elements and that, with this sort of music, and the level of your riding, you've upped that.
  17. I'm mostly being patient but some days, just having not really been free of symptoms for 5 months now, it just gets a bit frustrating. I think it's about once a month I come in here to vent then I'm good again for a while I do recognise that things have, overall, gotten better even if I keep dipping back into various symptoms. I do feel as though I'm having to learn again to be patient and learn, for the first time, regarding this appeal of aggressive behaviour. The trouble is that I often feel cut off from my intuition - my intuition is a significant guide in my life - and it makes understanding what I'm up to more difficult. Sometimes its not so bad but sometimes I can't work out what is right or wrong. It's a peculiar situation. My GP is well informed because I need her to be for university and the fact I've had to suspend studies. She's directed me toward various services. I should have done something about that but I haven't for some reason aside from the fact that most of the time I forget. I've been doing a f**k load of exercise. Definitely helps so that's good advice you're giving there. I also visit the steam room which helps me relax. Sometimes my mood has no reason or rhyme but often it relates to just overdoing stuff that involves being social or conceptual. Having done research on knocks to the head it's pretty standard. I just have to ride it out I guess. Thank you for both for taking the time to say shizzle though
  18. Man, feeling a bit frustrated about the effects of my injury again. Spending two hours in continual conversation or trying to sort bureaucratic for the same duration leaves me hugely fatigued. The latter has just caused me a significant headache and intensifies my tendency of confusion, forgetfulness and an inability to concentrate. I don't think I've ever felt this sketchy in terms of constantly burning food, leaving the stove on for hours, dropping stuff, just saying sketchy stuff, etc. It disappoints me that I can't really read anywhere near the level I previously could. The area of academia I'm interested in I simply cannot cope with. My tendency toward anger and irritability is slightly worrying as well. I've never felt an actual desire to fight before. It actually appeals in a sense beyond anger. Twice already I've nearly gotten into a fight but both times, fortunately, they've walked away before it's happened. I think I've also been aggressive and a bit thoughtless toward people around me. I'm finding my behaviour more difficult to judge at times and especially when I get tired which happens a lot. Anyway, I don't really want to bore the people in my near vicinity with this stuff so I thought I'd bore the forum with my problems. I don't think it's even about people reading or responding. It's just good to get stuff out of me rather than holding onto it, init.
  19. I'm not sure how much this will apply to you given the bike I'm riding but, at 6'5", I used to get a curved back and back pain until I raised the front end up which meant I stood taller on the bike which has allowed a straight back. I wish I had figured this out years ago because I had several years of a fairly substantial lower back issue
  20. Curious as to whether anyone is passing through or near to Bristol, on the way there, and can offer a lift for petrol money?
  21. Man, totally forgot about Valentine's day but had assumed, anyway, that the girlfriend was like me and didn't subscribe to it - like it's been in every one of my other relationships. It turns out it was important to her. I didn't even know it was that day until I saw a post from her on my wall. I wonder if it relates to the broader problem of me being a bit of a crap boyfriend at the moment. Since the accident I've been quite reclusive and feeling pretty crazy at points and my finances are f**ked due to poor management and leaving university. But then she started a relationship with me after that had happened so I do feel as though I deserve some leeway. I think, perhaps, she doesn't believe me. I'm kind of paranoid about that with people because I look pretty normal now but, day to day, I can feel okay to very sketchy. I know I've tried my best in many respects and denied my social exhaustion to do things I know she'd like me to. In that sense, I don't think I'm going to feel guilty. I can't help the shit that's happened to me and I know I'm trying very hard in various ways to become better. None the less, I understand if she doesn't see that or is unwilling to endure me. I've got to be a bit tiring or lacking in an ideal sense. Anyway, I needed to vent. I've already felt like shit since I tried working on Saturday and this isn't an ideal addition to life right now.
  22. Loved the nose manual and wall ride 360 in particular. Need to ride with you again, chap, now I'm starting to feel better
  23. Thanks for all the comments. I should say that these are disposable in the sense that I would have preferred a different area with better weather and more time to film. This is me pretty much riding at the limits of my abilities. Although I would have liked more time to do a better nose manual (I agree, Nick) and tidied up or added to other lines. I imagine we can sort something out, Nick
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