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Everything posted by stirlingpowers

  1. This is one of the most elaborate jokes ever to appear two days late.
  2. The display systems people use could have something to do with it. I see it as brown and blue. I tested the image with a color analysis tool on my desktop, and it showed that it is clearly very much blue and brown everywhere. In some regions, it leans toward white and dark neutral grey by color balance, but it is displayed as blue and brown for the most part on my computer.
  3. I don't think so. The competition has the same problem.
  4. Nice bike porn. How often did you use this frame? Many hooks, wedges?
  5. You might not want to go down that road...
  6. Nice "classic" trials riding. My favourite flavour. I like that you uploaded it to vimeo as well, I could watch it without problems - many Youtube trials videos are censored in Germany.
  7. Perhaps the most accurate description of the business model. One can conclude that activity from the wrist motions easily.
  8. UP website: and the fun part: Typically, these deals are with "HR" or insurance analytics companies. So apply to a job, get rejected automatically because of how and when you sleep. Not something I just made up: http://www.hrexaminer.com/reengineering-hr-five-threads-of-technology/ There are a lot of greedy idiots out there, who will do anything for money or more control over other people.
  9. Not cramped and trials emphasis: Used Zoot DD or newish Zoot, upgrade disk brakes, try out different stems, grips, pedals. Lighter handlebars and fork later. If you are not fat or very clumsy, this is a good alternative.
  10. Used frames + saw + caliper (+ brain + FEA workstation for figuring out reasons of design choices) is the way to go. For a frame with competitive weight, strength and cost properties, assume 2000-3000 hours to bring a limited run to Tarty, if you have an engineering background, but haven't done this before.
  11. There are "capitalists" who act violently (search for Vajont, Melamine, Asbestos, Hartz or whatever, there are so many examples) not just in one situation, but because of their attitude towards life itself.
  12. I have left Paypal for their shady terms of service.
  13. Owned by Carles Diaz, twice a vice world champion, AMG's current minder, big man in the comp scene, left to Benito:
  14. No Sir, I wouldn't, he's way too thin for my tastes.
  15. Lots of info & pictures on the GT proto frame in the related article: http://tribalzine.com/?Le-Wingman-Kenny-Belaey-au-micro
  16. If the Racing Line parts were made by the Pope himself and sold for $$$, and these were just $30, I'd understand this. But copying a chinese brake, with great attention to detail? Where do they want to produce it? Zimbabwe? Or is it just a rebrand, licensed by Racing Line (for what reasoning)? I am puzzled.
  17. Just to clarify: It is not that the bottom bracket tube was moved sideways. They just extended it a lot on the left side for additional axle stiffness, because normally there is just a spacer on the axle for crank symmetry.
  18. The lever is in so many ways similar or identical to the Racing Line levers, even in the milling surface finish and the branding looks, that I really think they went to Taipei, upgraded the CAD drawings in cooperation, to make the original Racing Line lever a little bit lighter, more comfortable and usable. Anyway, anyone want to guess / smartass about the purpose of the lower protrusion on the slaves?
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