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Everything posted by stirlingpowers

  1. For your inspiration, here is some examples of trials-focused brands: 24UK, Adamant, Aorta, Ashton, Atomz, B1k3, BT, Base, Base Bikes, Because, Bionic, Bonz, Born, Briza, Caelifera, Chorrillas, Clean, Crewkerz, Crossbow, Czar, Echo, DaBomb, Fans, Hashta.gg, Heatsink, Hoffmann, Inpulse, Inspired, Jitsie, Kabra, Ko, Kot, Koxx, Leeson, MBK, Magellan, Marino, Megamo, Meta, Milkyway, Mist, Monty, Neon, Omen, Onza, Ozonys, Play Bike, Raceline, RBDesign, Ribo, Rockman, Slic, Speedrace, TMS, TNN, Tensile, Toxsin, Trialtech, Triton, Try-All, UN, Vario, Viz, WAW, Yaabaa, Zhi, Zona, Zoo. (with the help of craigjames and dezmtber) I knowww, but it is ... Personally, my all-time favorite in trials-related names is a model name of Univega: The T-Rammler. A rammler is german for male bunny, with heavy sexual connotation.
  2. BMX has Verde, DK, Eastern, United, We The People. We have the cleep. Let's make a fun collection of possible better names for future trials business ventures to draw from.
  3. I wish more of life would be like this video, man. Bike sounds, balance, hold, compress, jump, nature, sun. Nice riding.
  4. I like the cheap but durable approach very much. Graphics and colors are fine for me as well. The name, ah whatever Mr. Arnold wants, I think it could be worse: Recently I drove by an elementary school - a company had its office nearby, with its white vans with big company logos parked next to the school. Company name is "Pedos".
  5. Falling into a river from 2 meters height is hardly dangerous for anyone who is able to move his legs and arms a bit. If they really had a diver there, this is a big indicator that society has become seriously GAD-infested now.
  6. It heavily injured me every time I did this. However, considering how fast this was for you, it could perhaps help to find closure.
  7. Tweels, perhaps. Flexible frames to support jumping. A new riding style using 29ers, like In Akrigg's fixie vids. 650b replacing 26.
  8. 29ers with 1200 wheelbase, since many teens are 7 foot giants nowadays. As a result, we will see 75" sidehops some day, and 12 foot gaps. Splined freewheels, cranks and stem-fork connections. Carbon everything. And yes, tubeless. Drum brakes, if some manufacturer finally understands that they can be made light, impact-protected and with instant and high braking power.
  9. Don't listen. Brakes make riding more manly and powerful.
  10. I like. From the clothing used, I guess it is heated... damn
  11. Haven't used Ansys, but there should be some global graphics view with a coordinate system somewhere. If x is truck moving direction and y perpendicular and flat, so z is the vertical axis, then x-cosine and y-sine will give you a front/side wind direction. BTW: Use the right unit, sine and cosine are typically programmed to take rad as a unit, making the argument pi/9.
  12. For me, this vid is defining trials riding.
  13. Hi Forum, is a 135 hub advisable for this http://www.trial-bikes.com/tryall-bb30-crankset-p-536893.html crankset?
  14. This bike is gonna look awesome.
  15. Joined facebook for you. facebook.com/settings?tab=followers then "Who can follow me" -> Everybody.
  16. I don't use Facerape, but I know there is a settings flag to let others follow you without friendship, i.e. let them see your posts. Since you regularly create good videos or present pictures of your tricked-out bikes, this may be all they want. Possible other explanation: They want to sex you.
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