PADS: Viz Pads
TIME USED: About 10hours
BRAKE USED: magura four bolt, standard lever, bled with water :-" with Echo 4bolt booster.
WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON A GOOD WORKING BRAKE: Has to grip well in all weathers, no matter what.
HOW DO THEY COMPARE WITH OTHER PADS YOU'VE USED: I think they are the best pads I've used so far! But then again I've only ever used kool stops and black pads.
REVIEW: When I first fitted these pads, I was running no grind and they worked soooo well on a smooth rim! (Y) But after about 5hours of riding they started to slip. So i put a lightish grind on my wheel, I've never had a brake work sooo well. It grips no matter what!! I am very pleased with them. They don't seem to wear that much either.