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Everything posted by Lunja

  1. lol- Sshhh- no one will notice... I'll edit it now...
  2. A tip for Mac users: Open a streamed video and let it run in you foremost window in Safari. Hit Apple, Alt+A (thanks Tomm!) to get the activity window open, then double click the video in the activity window(usually the largest file). The file will start to download, and leave an icon on the desktop called "get_video". Then, go get iSquint (freeware), open it, drag and drop "get_video" onto it, click go, and hey presto- an mp4 of the video
  3. My advice: Go to Uni. Have the best three years of your life. Discover things you never knew about yourself. Gain some independance. Make the best friends you'll ever have. And who cares if you don't get an amazing job at the end?! It's all about the experience. You'll be a happier person for it. If you don't like academic work, look for vocational style courses. I'm doing media production at Lincoln, and apart from two essays in each of two semesters, all your other work is practical. You try each of filmaking, Television studio production, digital animation, graphic design, photography and scriptwriting, and then specialise is two of them. If media isn't your thing, you can even do motorsport studies at Lincoln, where your project is to build a working race car! Have a look round the UCAS website and type in anything that interests you, ie films, cars, bikes, and something will come up. Good luck! Hope this helps.
  4. That's what they use in the Da Vinci Code lol
  5. There was an episodeof South Park last night which was about Great Expectations- apparently it has robot monkeys in it... Hope it went OK
  6. Make sure the sound is being imported at 44100 khz
  7. Amen brother. Goldeneye for the win Although I am finding NFS Underground strangely addictive recently...
  8. That should do you fine mate. The Carl Zeiss lenses are great, and the optical zoom is fairly decent. It'll take your stills as well on the memory stick card, so really it should do everything you want If you can stretch the budget a bit, look around for cameras with 3 CCD's - these are probably gonna be mentally expensive but I'm not sure... A mate of mine found a Sony triple CCD cam for under £900.
  9. You can separate the audio by right-clicking "Unlock audio", "Disband Clip" or another similar term, and then delete it. Or you can open the audio clip after separating it and fade around his speech. Another way around it could be to go experimental and speed up the audio. It'll make him sound like a mouse on helium, but then that'll teach him for talking Next time shout "Quiet on set!!!" You'll look a real pro
  10. Can I join the insomnia club? Been up since 10am working on a short film. Have been doing the paperwork since 10pm, gotta go into uni at 8.30 (2hrs... ) hand it in, then I'm in work til 3pm... Thing is, what have you guys been doing all night? I find I work best at night, so that's my excuse. What's yours?
  11. Nope, at the moment they've got the Core Duo. Merom is on the way... I'm such a Mac geek... :$
  12. I think it's a case of waiting for publishers to write Universal Binary. Just wait for the MacBook pro with the upcoming dual core Intel Merom- that'll be a killer...
  13. Same here. What a forum lol! I'm a regular on MR, The Great American Roadtrip forum (Spending the summer backpacking in the US) and here, although I don't come here as often as I used to.
  14. Lunja

    Uni People

    I'm in the second year, and this is my situation: I've got a couple hours tomorrow morning to perfect my short film, so that'll be more hours spent infront of Pinnacle Liquid tweaking sound levels, adding music, recutting etc (I tend to get picky ) THEN I've got to print off the VHS cover (yes, we still submit projects on VHS ), which had to be designed in Photoshop. THEN finish up the paperwork (about 60 A4 pages), print it and bind it. THEN write a 500 word role report, a 1500 analysis of the piece, and then I can rest tomorrow night But then I've got a 2500 word essay, a 2500 dissertation proposal, a 1250 word evaluation of the TV programme I'm part of, and then sort out a business proposal for a channel I'm trying to start up. All that in three weeks... But then I'm partying
  15. Two key words there: American Airways. That doesn't exist You've got US Airways and American Airlines, but American Airways is just plain made-up... Plus, who's called Mattew? A tad too odd for me...
  16. The Apple thing is downloadable for free apparently- you just need a bona-fide copy of Windows XP- not bundled start-up disks allowed. It'd be great to run Windows or Linux as well, even if I'd only use XP for solitaire lol
  17. Yeah lol- there was a comp on the net to be the first programmer to create a Windows on Intel Mac hack- turns out Apple were working on it all along OSX on a PC? I'm not too sure Apple will do it, but it's bound to be hacked one day. I wouldn't want to be the one to do it though- Apple tend to go a bit overboard with the lawsuits... EDIT: As a matter of interest, who would run OSX, either full time or for certain apps, on their PC if they could?
  18. Lunja

    Mac Problems

    Sounds bizarre... If you boot up without your iPod connected, what happens? If all else fails, head over to www.macrumors.com and look through their forums. They'll be able to sort you out
  19. Hey guys- Just incase this interests anyone, Apple have released a set of drivers for Intel Macs so you can boot into OSX or a copy of Windows. Something to consider... Do a Google for "Apple Boot Camp" and it should come up.
  20. wtf?! That's excellent!! What Uni are they at? I'm at Lincoln doing Single Camera (Short Film) and I have no idea how to go about doing that... Any chance they could post some tips?
  21. I've got a little deal with Orange that gives me 3000 free evening and weekend texts as long as I top up by £15 a month. If you use messages a lot then that might be good, and then you can dump the £40 contract. All the best mate- it must be a difficult thing to handle.
  22. Lunja

    Beer Vs Vodka

    I'm shocked there's no Cider drinkers here! Head to a Lloyds/Wetherspoons and go for any Westons ciders, Magners, Aspall etc. Or if you're feeling brave, go for Old Rosie- a pint of 7.5% scrumpy. It tastes like caramel, but it'll have you on your ar*e after 4... It's my mate's birthday on Tuesday, and because of the lecturer strike at Uni, we're gonna be drinking all day. I think the plan is to have a pub breakfast with a headblaster- Absinthe and Red Bull...
  23. Final Cut Pro if you've got a Mac Although iMovie/Movie Maker will probably do you to start off with
  24. I used to ride around that way. We organised a ride in Norwich a couple years ago and got about 25 people there, so it'd be a shame if they've all left trials. The EastCoast people out of Lowestoft seemed to know a few people from Norwich, and so did George Seamons (sp?) if they're still about on here. And yup, Lowestoft is awesome Got incredibly sunburnt three/four summers back sessioning the car park near the amusements If you wanna ride Lowestoft but live further away there's a cheap campsite up the coast. We pitched up there for a couple days and it was pretty good Ask minitrialer if you want more info on that. Enjoy!
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