My advice: Go to Uni. Have the best three years of your life. Discover things you never knew about yourself. Gain some independance. Make the best friends you'll ever have. And who cares if you don't get an amazing job at the end?! It's all about the experience. You'll be a happier person for it. If you don't like academic work, look for vocational style courses. I'm doing media production at Lincoln, and apart from two essays in each of two semesters, all your other work is practical. You try each of filmaking, Television studio production, digital animation, graphic design, photography and scriptwriting, and then specialise is two of them. If media isn't your thing, you can even do motorsport studies at Lincoln, where your project is to build a working race car! Have a look round the UCAS website and type in anything that interests you, ie films, cars, bikes, and something will come up. Good luck! Hope this helps.