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Everything posted by tank_rider

  1. Were plenty smart enough thanks, we can read You on the other hand obviously can't. No selling in New Members Chat, it's in the rules when you signed up and is for your own protection.
  2. VLC player is where it's at. It plays .mov files and doesn't require installing quicktime and the bundled gaytunes.
  3. Hopefully the wonders of modern medicine can do something for the poor lad. Thoughts definately with him, hope he pulls through. On the driving front, I have found myself taking it easy a lot more often these days, i never drove that fast compared to others, but with all these things that keeps happening it really makes you think twice a lot more often.
  4. sorry, tried to edit poll but its disappeared :@ if you want it as a poll create a new topic back onto the question, i'd suggest a 2 pot as 4 pots are designed to have lots of power, but with modulation and so don't have the bite us trials riders like. For intance th M4 i have on my jump bike has bundles of power, but very little bite, whereas my doere has not quite so much power but a nice amount of bite.
  5. 92 i think not, maybe try 82 makes the car as old as me!! Another random titbit, thats the same as the first car i ever drove
  6. Well to be honest this is the "shops" fault. The customer ordered the frame and was given a delivery date, this implies the shop has the item in stock. Now any retailer worth their salt won't give firm dates for goods to be supplied to the customer until they have the products in stock in their shop/warehouse. Why is it that other shops such as Tartybikes and Selectbikes have soo many coming soon items, and accept pre-orders, but don't give exact dates. It's because you can't rely on good being shipped internationally, delays happen, problems arrise with shippers, customs etc. I wouldn't order a product from a shop that puts their order in once you've ordered from them, it's just not an effective way to do business and ends up with the customer loosing out or getting annoyed as in this example. It's a way to earn a quick buck but can go wrong leaving your reputation in the gutter. I know this isn't the first instance of people having problems with dealing with Dan Ko and certainly won't be the last while he continues to trade in this manner. Just my 2p on how not to run a company.
  7. Finally after 5 years of driving my mums car, i've got my own car. 54 plate 1.4 corsa £780 a year fully comp, no no claims, but multiple car in house discount which is probably offset by the 15K a year milage ive declared. Being 23 did help i feel, although its more the fact ive been driving 5 years that meant it wasnt over a grand (I live in London, so get battered usually). Interesting fact for you to ponder, my insurance was going to be more with either/both my parents on the policy, so that doesnt always get you a discount. My advice to all would be to pass your test as early as poss so when you come to get your own insurance for the first time youve had the maximum amount of time driving as possible.
  8. Sorry to hear of your tragic loss, my thoughts are with their friends and families. Let us all learn to drive within our own limits, it only takes a bit of spilt oil to catch you out no matter what speed your going.
  9. I may well be making a few apperances up there this year too, riding and to get drunk in the union (strokes lifetime membership card ) I want to have that tap at kfc too, got soooooo close to it last time but didnt make it :@
  10. [attachmentid=7188] Mines a slightly cut down version of that. Me at the DJ ride by Fatmike.
  11. Have a go yourself. Follow sheldon brown for lacing and tensioning, then stand on the outermost cross of the 3x pattern for each crossing on both sides of the wheel then true it repeat the standing on routine, true it, stand true stand until the wheel remains straight after you've stood on it. Then you have a perfect wheel. My first one wasnt amazing as it was using an old rim and spokes, but my 2nd and and 3rd were great, damn strong and after over a year of abuse each they were still pretty damn straight. Theres no need for a truing stand, an upturned frame and zip tie does just as good a job, if you remember the wheel has to be symmetrical so you flip it over to make sure the dish is right. The only other tip would be to put a small amount of oil on each nipple once the wheel is roughly laced and tensioned to aid the spoke turning in the eyelet/rim.
  12. Just graduated Loughborough Uni with a 2:2 Master in Mechanical Engineering. Am now a graduate systems engineer for Xerox designing and problem solving pre-production photocopier type things.
  13. You do need some serious help if your considering getting a scooter. I recommend a shrink.
  14. maybe once they don't want to convert my entire music collection and let me use the windows filebrowser to transfer i'll get one. Never then in that case!!
  15. Topic is fine so long as no-one start trying to sell him their 2nd hand bike. I'll edit the topic title to prevent confusion. You may well be better off buying 2nd hand to begin with as you'll get a lot more for your money, the downside being you need to be a pretty good mechanic to get it all up and running if you buy seperately, and there are always things you don't consider when getting the main bits that add to the overall cost.
  16. if your a novice to overclocking then set it to the auto detect optimal settings and if you want any more speed then slowely increase it 5mhz at a time until you get artifacting in games. I can pretty much guarentee that it will only be the memory that went to over 1GHz, the core won't get anywhere near that.
  17. ok enough bickering, RLC got the point about text talk (which includes m8 btw). Lets just leave him to settle in. Welcome RLC, if you have two accounts, don't worry so long as you only use one from now onwards. Pick the one you prefer and use that from now on.
  18. Your not breaking the rules and haven't got any warnings or anything on your old account so don't worry,. just continue using the new account and all will be well
  19. If your going to post something like this be specific, you haven't got your location in your info block which is shown with your posts so how do we know where you live or want to ride, people aren't telepathic. Give everyone as much info as possible and your more likely to get a response rather than abuse or moaning.
  20. tank_rider


    What a complete and wholehearted waste of a topic, have a warning as a reward.
  21. I found an old random cd when clearing my room up, had a quick look on it and found a trialskings vid i hadn't seen in ages, and don't remember seeing in any of the threads with old 'kings vids in recently. I've uploaded it along with a few of the other old tk vids here The vid is called HD1.mpeg
  22. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/thoughts/ That link tells you in short. He was one of nicest guys i've ever had the priviledge of meeting, was a great trials rider and was a well respected SM on this forum. His sudden and tragic death shook a lot of people on this forum, and there will be a lot of us who will always remember him. There are plenty of topics that have covered all the details in the past, have a quick search if you want to know more.
  23. It has been done by Steve Spurgeon aka Heatsink. He had a 24uk frame but sold it so put all his 24 stuff on his old base frame. I haven't ridden it though, sorry.
  24. iiiiittttt's me On my last night out as a student
  25. Definately, that way you could run both pc's with dual monitory goodness. And what do KVM's give you delay in? I use one on my main pc which i game etc on, it takes literally a second to switch (about the same time to take your hands off one setup and change to the other!) and they all use a keyboard shortcut to switch between computers these days so there's no need for your hands to leave the keyboard/mouse. On the PC front, i just got my new case through (Antec P180) and got my first watercooling install done Also Jonny, get that sub under your desk against the wall and it will sound much better I know it looks nice, but seriously
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