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Mr Deng

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Mr Deng last won the day on October 12 2013

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  1. Am I? Chinese media can play games.
  2. Biketrials is very high stress sport. At Echo we offer option for light and less strong or heavier and more strong. When using aluminium eventually all component will fail after long time. I do not understand what you say about freewheels. They are made from steel with titianium as option. There is no cheese involved in manufacture. Geometry is very personal. Echo sell thousands of frames per year and we do not hear many bad things back from customers. If they were bad people would not buy?
  3. We at Echo are very sadness to hear this news of course. I lie. There have been many new biketrials companies beginning in last years and so I think Koxx will not be missed. I already send Gilles, Vincent and others messages offering support but do not expect fast reply. Mr Deng
  4. Dear Andrew, I am disheart by your comment. Echo export large quantity of trial parts and bikes to UK and I think very successful there. They are not faecal matter. I look at 'Bike Pictures' forum and see many many Echo bike and many good comments.Echo have supported trial since 2001 and have large experience in market. Best, Mr Deng
  5. Dear Andrew, I assure you a great thought and design goes into every Echo component, including material selection. As you see on our website we do extensive stress analysis on our component designs but any manufacturing process mistakes can happen, often out of our hands. In trial there is no right or wrong material as sport is always changing. We see carbon fibres used now and are looking into both plastic and ceramic materials for all components for future. I hope this one failure of Echo freewheel does not put you off our products in future. Best, Mr Deng
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