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Everything posted by Spikenipple

  1. Tasty, je suis 'SpikePringlesBro' (Y)
  2. If you know how to, i advise reinstalling windows, Windows XP in particular, Win98 becomes riddled with more and more problems as it goes on...
  3. ...the Muffin Man's murderous wife...
  4. Spikenipple

    Bird Flu

    It's all a load of scare-mongering again, just like 'OMFGBBQWTF the TERRORISTS AM ATTACKINGz0r!!!!!!!1!1!1111!!1oneoneeleventeen' It's all based on the same shit really. Grip someone with fear and they're in your pocket.
  5. Does anyone realise you can hold down the button and then right click it and move the mouse off of the button? :o The only problem is you can't leave the window, but you can move the mouse around the window :S *Thanks dan!*
  6. Spikenipple


    Not applied E45 to yuo skin?
  7. If you're not very good at remembering things, take pictures of all of the stuff you've moved in their original positions so you can remember where it all goes when the party is over :sleeping:
  8. You need to change it into mpeg (mpeg4) format for a VCD, if i recall correctly.
  9. It is 'I went to my friend's party' or when it's more than one it's still "friend's". What really pisses me off is when people put an apostrophe in a plural word, such as "bean's," as they're not trying to say 'bean is' or aren't referring to 'bean' as a person... :lol: JT, that's a brilliant phrase (Y)
  10. If you can, get either the Zalman 7000Cu or the Zalman 7700Cu (i'll be surprised if you can fit the latter though) as they'll uber-cool your cpu.
  11. My argument as such wasn't regarding the whole car, but as the subject had moved onto the world speed record of a production car, i only contributed what i have seen to be that current record holder, so no hard feelings :lol:
  12. You obviously missed my link then....the Koenigsegg beats the McLaren F1 by far.
  13. They're actually planning to put in the new IBM 'cell' processor, which effectively has nine seperate cores running at 9Ghz. *neowin*
  14. If you're an overclocker the 3200+ is masses better than the 3000+.
  15. Charles Higson - Full Whack Charles Higson - King Of The Ants Charles Higson - Happy Now Charles Higson - Getting Rid of Mister Kitchen These are all brilliant books by Charles Higson, he really is a brilliant writer and is very able to set a scene >_<
  16. ....'wibble floobaly doobaly shnoobaly zimmer drimmer plimmer shnoogal doogal bloogle floogle.'
  17. Spikenipple


    I'll have it :">
  18. Think those are fast? Hmmm.....
  19. Spikenipple

    Im Bored

    Set some small children on fire, but make sure you only do it to them if they're either chavvies (twatty ones) or white trash.
  20. '. After the house finished debating whether its own limbs existed or not, it bit off it's own tongue...'
  21. Spikenipple


    Mine's only downloading at 24k/s and i'm running on a 2mb connection :S
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