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Everything posted by Spikenipple

  1. Edit: He dreamt of waking up in an oversized fish bowl full of vomit and...
  2. Then shat out the baby's skeleton, and alongside the baby came a.....
  3. I saw the name 'Peter Backgren' and your location (Sweden) and instantly thought; 'Holy shit, is this the guitarist from Opeth??' but it turns out his name is Peter Lindgren (also from Sweden) :) There are some pretty nice moves in that video, that fence that is hopped onto looks a bit sketchy :P (Y) ;)
  4. Hahahahaha, very nice! In the background (bottom left) is the guide of 'how to kill a baby'......
  5. I still don't get it?? (Y)
  6. To be perfectly honest, I think it would be a good idea to try and locate some riders in your locality, and if they'll be so kind, have a go on their bikes, so you can get the feel for different styles and types of trials bike; Otherwise you could buy a trials bike, not like it at all and then lose money and time selling it afterwards. For £500-600, the T-Rex is a brilliant option, i'm pretty sure it's common opinion that the T-Rex is a really nice bike for beginners or pros alike. Edit: Crap, just re-read all of that and realised you've done trials before (Y) In that case, get a T-Sex anyway, or i'll just shutup, you just ignore my post and I go to bed... (Y)
  7. Damn you, i was just about to post on here suggesting it should be called that :P
  8. But it's very, very unlikely that he would sell it for so cheap, unless he was high on drugs or something.
  9. Do this thing that when Mummies and Daddies love each other very much.... ;) Whatever you do, don't just buy her chocolate, haha.
  10. Looks fine, it's just a shagged monitor.
  11. Haha, I sat up straight when i read about bones growing in the position of your posture ;)
  12. What's the problem with posting this in the Curb Competition Entries thread? (Y) Edit: That's bloody brilliant, loads of cool stuff, especially the fakie nose-flatland thingy :P
  13. My hands sweat alot pretty much all of the time, it's so bloody annoying! It doesn't help that my grips are shite and my hands slip off when sweaty and doing a rotation-orientated move (Y)
  14. The stupid thing is that all of this political correctness is brought in to try and make Black and Asian people feel equal to the caucasians, but then they say it isn't racism when the exact opposite (attack) happens....
  15. I started last March after my birthday, when I was 14, then gave up like two months after that then started again about....a month and a half ago.
  16. It's surprisingly simple to make it, just download the Anarchist's Cookbook :blink:
  17. You could get some nitroglycerin and put it under the door handles so when they put their fingers underneath it to open the door it will blow their hands off.
  18. My 100% standard Onza T-vee back in March 2004. I was shit then, i'm still shit now, but i'm completely blond now instead of yellow tips, which is completely irrelevant but I still just said it anyway (Y)
  19. From the album: Stuff

  20. Yeah, that's why i edited and put :S cause i typed something in and it went like that ^^^
  21. Use the 'http://' tags in the add reply thing, then copy the <!--html--><div class='htmltop'>HTML</div><div class='htmlmain'><!--html1--><!--html2--></div><!--html3--> tags into your sig. Edit: :S
  22. Spikenipple


    What a creative waste of five minutes! :S
  23. He's talking about stuff that's been deleted from there, not deleted and put into there. Edit: Beaten to it.
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