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About Spikenipple

  • Birthday 10/09/1955

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Spikenipple's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Just to note, if you have a MIDI keyboard with a usb port you don't need to plug it into the midi port...you'd be harder pushed to find a MIDI keyboard without USB these days than vice versa. If you can stretch to a nicer audio interface then do (this is great for the price: clickage), the Audiophile series aren't really worth the money, even at that low price.
  2. Spikenipple


    Well actually, yes. The number of twats who rely on the benefits system instead of actively trying to get work far outweighs the number of people who genuinely need it.
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=carbon+fibre+cloth Well that was difficult.
  4. Yeah me and my missus had the munchies and ate a shit load of cheese and crackers before bed and she woke me up at 4:30am cause she'd woken up and thought i had been decapitated
  5. If you're after some over-ear ones, get the Sennheiser HD238s. Gorgeous sounding headphones, very transparent and detailed.
  6. It's great to be with my mates again to be honest, and I don't need money to have a good time with them as we hang around and chillax rather than go out. I'm missing my girlfriend though, met her at uni and want to see her! She's coming to stay next week though, wahey!
  7. The girl i'm seeing was diagnosed with swine flu on Tuesday and it's just like normal flu. Hasn't stopped me getting on that shit, and I feel fine.
  8. You'll have to give a urine sample for chlamydia and gonorrhoea, a swab for herpes and a blood test for the rest.
  9. If you're earning £15k/year on the dot, only £9 is taken out of your pay per month. My eldest brother earns £23k/year and is paying £30/month.
  10. You should be able to download each song to 5 different computers via your iTunes account. Although now everything is iTunes Plus, it should be limit free.
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