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Everything posted by Endohopper

  1. Excellent pictures , I daresay you could have entered the recent photo cometition with that kind of quality . Incidentally , nice to see so many riders / members from outside the U.K , this is starting to become a truly international community now , which can only be good for a broad spectrum of opinions and interpretations of our sport .
  2. Base's TA26 stock frame is supplied with a bashplate . Upon recieving it , I immediately removed and discarded it , but the mounting posts remained . These are pretty large chinks of solid alu under the downtube and B.B shell , so using an angle grinder I cut these down to within millimeters of the frame itself . Not so much weight saving , as cutting off excess fat that shouldn't have been there in the first place .
  3. I'm with Pauloliver on this one , Base's TA26 is a pretty underappreciated street frame . Sure , it's not one of the big brand fashionable companies , but this represents execellent value for money . Once the supplied bashplate has been discarded , you're left with a flickable bike that's obedient on the back wheel , and feels very stable . Also , many seniors on here ride / rode 'em . My streety / trialsy setup :
  4. How about ... These ? Also a few in the bike pics section here . Personally , I think they look much better in Black than the silver finish .
  5. Good work guys , if a little underlit at times . Absurd move on the rail by the Ashton rider
  6. Whoops , nice Base frame , incidentally .
  7. All Andy Tonkery's videos can be found right over : HERE
  8. Birthday ? This implies that he is mortal and was born unto humans . Impossible . Lord Martyn of Ashton was manufactured by a professor of Trickridingsology at a classified Government research facility to embody theoretical physicist's " experimental propulsion " concepts . I may be wrong though , in which case many congratulations to one of the greatest personalities in U.K riding . Martyn Ashton =
  9. I currently live in Leiden ( a few miles from Amsterdam ) and go to Gangsterdam quite often , usually to accomodate U.K friends who come over . First thing I wanna say is : why always Amsterdam ? Sure it's a famous international city , but it's so damned tourist oriented ( fake + expensive ) and not at all representative of Holland as a whole . Go to Amsterdam centre and you'll find nothing but tourists lookin' for hash and whores . Check the Dam out , but if you're here for a week or so stay in a smaller town where these things are also available , but in a safer way , without masses of tourists and garish , shouty advertising . As for cannabis and coffeshops , if you wanna get ( kinda stoned lookin' ) try T H E S E places . Act mature , ask for the " menu " and enjoy yourselves . This a very sophisticated place , unlike many low budget , dark , techno playing shitholes I've sat in . Have fun , if you bring your bikes and wanna hook up for a ride like Bikedock's Gary did , P.M me .
  10. Almost certain that you won't need a new hard disk , unless physically damaged . Any software problems - See suggestions above ( reinstall XP. )
  11. If well manufactured / stylish , this will be a welcome addition , but you're up against some well established , big budget brands here . Interested to see how this turns out .
  12. So true , folks riding the latest superlight frame , taking no account of the bottle of water in the back pocket and toolkit + wallet and chain . That's not to mention fat , heavy skate shoes .
  13. Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory ? Pretty good F.P.S , team based online multiplayer game .
  14. " I meant to that ..." Nice one , Bongo .
  15. Not sure what speeds you achieve off Eengoedidee over in the U.K , but I always get around 6-700 Kb/sec off 'em . ( Holland ) What the Hell a Dutch site is doing hosting Trials videos I'll never understand though , 'cause there's no riding scene here whatsoever . Feel like the Village Idiot having to explain what the Hell I'm doing on an absurdly small bike hoppin' off walls all the time ...
  16. Just want to wish Revell bikes good luck with his project , I'm curious about the outcome , but most of all point out F-Stop Junkie's exemplary reply . This is why Seniors ARE promoted to senior , this reply has it all : great advice , well presented and answered the posted question in one . ( making this reply totally unneccesary ) A great example to the unvalidated here .
  17. Endohopper

    Picture War

    ( incredibly small ) chain tool beats chainsaw ...
  18. Neat idea , but " Gonna Crash " ( cannot recall by who , but I love it ) and Glasseye's Crash Compilation are gonna take some beating .
  19. It seems that these decent rims just got better , and without the black paint / anodising they're now , like .14 of a gramme lighter . ( Possibly .)
  20. Saw this on Observed Trials.net too , boy this is the best lookin' Ashton I've ever seen . Enjoy .
  21. Decent , love Tartybikes videos . The sound of that freewheel sounded great too , made me wanna go ride .That front wheel roll at 01 : 20 super smooth levitation vibe . Some skillful hooks in there too , well done .
  22. Congratulations , really decent video with nice varied locations . Why is everyone so damnably good at sidehops ?
  23. Gotta love Moto trials . That site sure does love mid - gap photos , lovin' this one of Vincy-poo resplendent in day glo neon yellow : Vincent still permitted to compete at U.C.I events ? Some neat clips here too .
  24. Endohopper

    Vincy poo

    From the album: Stuff + Things

    Vince goes large
  25. Ah , sweet ! Great video , will be keeping this . Some damned fine riding there , guys .
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