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Everything posted by Endohopper

  1. Some more Dutch ridingsology ... Romen pulling a poorly photographed gap ... Serge , a French rider who by simply moving to Holland has become one of the top 3 riders here ... Always the damned French ... Joel being not entirely confident of the implications of his front wheel missing ... And me posing . Reckon I like blue ?
  2. Really cool , thanks for uploading these , Punkrider . Good to see Holland's fledgeling trials scene , I was hoping to attend this ride , but had to work . I know most of those riders and some are VERY talented . Would you consider it thread theft if I added some shots of 'em taken during other rides ?
  3. Interesting idea , Martin Kleivard used to run something similar made of a strip of carbon . Should be resistant to knocks and have pretty minimal weight , too .
  4. To sum up my warranty case ... Damaged frame : Base TA 26 Purchased from : Bikedock Action taken : WARRANTIED Result : New frame .
  5. A close friend of mine does performances with firesticks , he's startin' to get awfully good with throws and passes : Edit : Unfortunate , then that I can't seem to add the pictures I have ... nevermind .
  6. A russian friend of mine ( confusingly in Holland ) rides a Starck , as shown in diagram A : [attachmentid=5452] Seems pretty well made , despite the rather poor finishing componentry . Edit : Yes , that IS a titanium fork .
  7. NOTHING . at all . ( father's day falls on a different date in Holland ) Got a killer present lined up for him .
  8. Also , in the presence of cameras there's a kinda " I'm fine " shrugging off vibe going on .
  9. Saruman the wise plotting to take the One Bashring . I took the screenshot from the DVD , and it's a massive filesize , so needed some drastic resizing to fit here , shame it's widescreen .
  10. I dearly hope that's not aimed at beginners , given the amplitude of riding shown . Looks more like a show off " behold our leet riding skills , mortals " kinda vibe , unless the basics are covered aswell . Either way , smart move by Koxx .
  11. Good to see / read so many Base owners . As for my unhelpful contribution : I've only ever run Mavic D-521s in mine . :$
  12. Long overdue ... the last big video comp yielded some excellent footage that I still summon from the depths of my hard drive occasionaly . I look forward to the first submissions , surely everyone's got lots better , and has shiny new bikes / parts and cameras by now aswell ?
  13. It's a tragedy really that V-brakes are so often overlooked , especially when a setup like you suggested offers controllable stopping power and great modulation to rival any Magura setup . A bit of careful choice of pads and cabling , and some minimal maintenance leaves you with a fantastic brake , in many cases lighter than a pair of HS33s too .
  14. Am I mistaken in thinking Tim Pratt rode a section in the Trialmedia video on one of those ? Really rather impressively ?
  15. I suffer from this too , mys psychiatrist diagnoses it as Inappropriate Obstacle Evaluation Syndrome . :$
  16. Deinterlacing issues aside , I think you've just made one of the best trials clips EVER . I will await further projects with great interest . Damn you all for being so bloody talented , though . :king:
  17. Oh God , I used to adore Cannondale's Ashton / Beast of the East frame . It's down to personal prefference whether to simply upgrade components or go with an entirely new frame , either way , I'd suggest trying other people's bikes to get a feel of how differing setups feel and ride . Whichever you decide , there's some bargains to be found on our beloved community's very own For sale / wanted section . Choose well , and welcome back .
  18. YaaBaa's Mururoa doesn't seem too bad really . Sure , it doesn't fit in with today's trend towards longer frames with higher BBs , but that's the whole point of an offshoot company like Koxx's YaBaa , it's a solid base for learning on . With careful selection of components , this could be a great introduction to our sport . Let us know how you get on .
  19. Aside from gradually building up , trusting your bike is hugely important , nothing like that " fresh chain and brake bleed " feel . Also I tend to shy away from big moves too unless there's a camera or attractive females present , then I turn ito a big move show off monster .
  20. For music : Soulseek For Movies etc : Bittorrent Azareus For viruses and dodgy .exe files : Limewire .
  21. Endohopper


    Trialmedia's site is down ? Really wanted to get the awesome TM2 again . Nice to see you back , Delusional .
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