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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. well usually in this case the lesser stronger material loses and the chain ring is stainless steel cranks are aluminum By the way this isnt a rant or complaint just wondering if its happened before?
  2. ye bought them new on friday ! as said easy i didnt cross thread it! if i did that i wouldnt have a job!
  3. heres my simtra st1 i bought the frame fair cheap Peace Luke
  4. ye as far as being able to ride the bike goes but i've contacted the supplier who i have to say gave great service when sending them so hopefully i can get it sorted but i dont really want another pair after its just done that :\
  5. i work in a bike store so i doubt i'd mess it up! the first time it went on correctly but i was using the wrong bash as tarty bikes explained so i bought a new set and the right bash and it went on fine all the way down to the bash with my fingers i then tightened it correctly! its spinning freely so i know its the threads that have gone!
  6. So i finally fitted my trialtech cranks after f**king the first ones up by using the wrong bash (my bad) but i bought a set with the trialtech bash half ring set up! and an 18 tooth screw on front ring! i made sure it covered the necessary amount of thread as to not f**k them up this time as another 70 quid is a waste of money anyway i've just been out and done about half hours worth of sidehops then got bored so decided to try a few gaps about a bike and a halfs length. after the third one i kicked and f**king flew over my bars i thought it was the hope pro 2 (which is brand new but started to pedal and the cranks have threaded were the front ring is anybody else had this issue with them? Peace Luke
  7. aye just want one for tomorrow there who i got the cranks off which arrived today.
  8. Thanks man just about finding a place near me that stocks them :\
  9. anybody know the isis bb size to fit this set up onto a t rex? we've just tried a 117 mm 68 shell bb and its still catching on the bb cup! any help appreciated
  10. do man its always good to go back to something you love and its a nice bit of exercise too and well family comes first A wife fruity? get in there dude haha congrats man!
  11. ye it aint showing up i'll get some fresh ones tomorrow for you guys
  12. haha fruity hows it going chap? dont tell me you've left it to rot also thanks for the heads up dude! and who says its the gf could be a monkey or a monster
  13. still killing it i see top man!
  14. hows it going chaps chapesses some of you may know me most probably not used to ride alot like 3 years ago decided to get the bike back out and see whats what so just saying hello back to the community and should be gettin my arse back out to leeds again and surrounding yorkshire areas ! Peace oh ye shit this is me lol cause the lukebrisa rider thing is gay old! and what i used to ride a long time ago
  15. trials kings had a huge ramp and the wall isnt that big to be honest i seen it with my own eyes, with a pallet against a huge wall that is ridiculous props to akrigg being stupid as usual and wayne you know you could do it you big gay just ride at it fast lol
  16. nice bikes mr h............. an mr c am sure vince can bunnyhop his high bb etc fairly well an spin it, :\ i wonder Hmmmmm
  17. i finally see the man who doesnt piss about, all i can say is that this is probably one of the best put together video's in a long time, your riding went hand in hand with the music an the riding was class deffo goner keep this an watch again
  18. always goner have hackers on the net dude but pokemon is the shit with the DS aswell as mario kart and they seem to rate this hotel dusk or whatever at work but its abit of an oldies game nintendo are legendary when it comes to pokemon an mario stuff = ]
  19. all ff games are around 99 hours if played right rather buy a psp an play valkyrie reminds me of ff12 abit
  20. i do believe i play aswell = ] with gay boy nick mostly you shall see me on there either rinsing it or being shit lol
  21. i never fogave myself for gettin rid of my echo pure there just beast to tap miss it so badly
  22. Luke Williams!


    top end pc's arnt 500 my friend listed his stuff on the net that he wanted an he is a computer programmer an it came to 3 grand, the cell processor in a ps3 is more powerful, even microsoft have admitted this and the price isnt as bad as people make out like i said if you bought an xbox 360 with all the accessories that you get with the ps3 its the same price, plus 700 pounds worth of blu ray disc drive for 500 isnt bad at all so stop being a bitch an just buy the ps3
  23. Luke Williams!


    most likely not, even with the softeware downloaded it only plays up to 1000 of the old ps2 games so if you do buy ps2 games your best of buying the newer titles rather than the old ones such as dave mirra 1
  24. Luke Williams!


    dude its not all crap you should search also pick up a ps3 magazine they say the same stuff its just some of what he is saying is rubbish an some isnt aka the stuff about it being too hard to make games for an its costing them alot of money to makes games for the ps3 this is true an the fact that it doesnt give as much memory to graphics this is also true,
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