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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. Luke Williams!


    Tell you the truth it depends on who is saying it an how you say it! there is no point you all gettin huffy puffy about it end of the day it happens aslong as you dont do it then stick to that, those people that are will get there beating at the end of it so there is really no point ranting Racism is slowing going away, me being half cast i know this, but also if you do say the wrong thing to the wrong person dont expect to be sitting down at the end of the night, rather you'll be lyin on the floor, and no we are not racist towards white poeple unless you provoke us why shouldnt we be if your doing it to us fair is fair and i really wouldn't give a f**k being racist back if some cu*t wants to be racist to me, so to sum up what i just said if your not racist stay that way the world will be a better place if you are then expect the same back or expect to be jumped by atleast 5 people its the way it goes we dont stand around for non of it no more and neither should you so vice verser if it happens to you luke
  2. Your a wanker IMO you should take your time and read what people are puttin i.e. the website is slow its takin people around 15 hours to get it (Y)
  3. Trials Shack would be nice goner take me sommet like 20 hours wtf lol ouch (Y)"
  4. yepo deffo a quality vid from you lee bout time you got one out some sweet stuff Specifically the roof gap drop lol looks insane and the rail ride is just pimp keep it up an all on aan XTP the wonder of a mod lol :)" :D (Y) :D :) :lol: (Y)
  5. hmmmmm seems uch better than your other vid mate quality riding :- :P :P :P
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