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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. i enjoyed the video thought the riding was pretty sweet, the one criticism i have is those annoying little hopes you do with everything whether your on two wheels or one eradicate those and your style would be much better to watch
  2. what happened to matt he was a beast?
  3. its what you fell comfortable on not how tall you are
  4. i like these and white is nice am on white with my GU atm the only issue i have is my old GU weighs less than this with less weight saving parts
  5. looks like its made from a toucans beak although its pretty sick
  6. thanks alot might take a dabble there tonight
  7. damons been a beast since day one the few times i rode with him he had the mentality that he was shit and always pushed himself probably why he is at the top of the game atm to me he is probs the best i've seen! would love to see a vince in colorado type esk vid from him though
  8. thanks man love them all and so glad i got to be apart of atleast one of the trips great times
  9. the arcade fire_ headlights look like diamonds
  10. the man above is kind of correct its all about finding out which you do best i personnaly tap better with a short run up as it gives me less time to think about it but the basics are all the same if you tap then when your front wheel hits the object , hop/jump pull your knees up and push your arms up into the sky as these people are saying. (quick hint if your tapping dont put your finger over your front lever just grip the bar makes the tap smoother ! if its just straight to back wheel do the same but without hitting your front wheel and with abit more speed start small then go bigger always wise to do it on an object you can do to sus out which technique your best at and most comfortable with
  11. rossi how you doing lad and ye just gettin back into things hows yourself doing and those big taps
  12. simply because you will end up injuring yourself seriously without one but your young you'll learn
  13. meh when did this become a school? also try learn to sidehop to your other side will give you big benefits in the long run ! AND WEAR A HELMET!!!!
  14. ha ye no just helped me out abit as technically it was my fault
  15. just to fill you guys in it seems i was using a track crank which was a little too big a diameter on the thread of the crank! this is what has caused the threads to strip not by cross threading etc anyways tartybikes sorted me out with great service and quick time deliveries so from me and probs most people i highly recommend them Thanks guys Peace Luke
  16. for real, hopefully see you around although hudds is lacking great spots to ride! i usually do greenhead park on the rock section or around the uni how bout yourself?
  17. nah dude off my friend tom used three times 90 pounds bargain
  18. i started on work experience and then became Saturday boy i used the shop alot and became really good friends with the owner a few years later on i went back and we got on as great mates and he offered me a job there i just made sure when i was there when i was saturday boy i learnt as much as i could and showed my worth
  19. pretty damn sweet the back wheel balance is spot on and feels controllable
  20. yep! can still see the grease on there as like i said there new most of the bike is
  21. aye its just a little disappointing i've had burns and urban legends for over a year and this has never happened before just wondering if its because its a cheaper crank?
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