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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. your such a bitch yes his pc is better than yours deal with it
  2. Wow waiut to go an create the echo control all over again am sure the echo control 04 was exactly like this or rather similar
  3. dont get what your all moaning at looks class to me we have too many copmuter geeks instead of good looking people on this forum
  4. I now want ginger kids with porter
  5. yer hope is so gay that if you wank over one............it breaks sorry just messin dont care wich is better freewheels woooooooot
  6. wayne is right onza boy mark you are not allowed to completly copy something to the exact specification also you are forgetting if you change something slighlty it has faults why else would a company make the original frame the way they did other than its the best possible way. also you have to look at what koxx are doing! they hold major events they also support a hell of alot of riders. and it is only us in the UK and americans which are such bitchs about prices etc go have a look in france and see how many people ride koxx nearly all of them there are very few echo brands and products around. yer you have gone out and bought a copied frame like that onza thing you have thats a copy of the zoo python but which will last longer ? which feels better? obviously the Zoo IMO cause its the original with out all these shitty tweaks so it can be copied and if you want to talk about t pro and levelboss 20" how many t pros snapped cracked? how many levelbosses? koxx put there prices high bescause of who they are and what they do they bring out new designs before anyone else and this costs money and time also testing periods etc deng just waits copies it and sells it maybe one day you will open your eyes to whats going on but for me KOXX are justified for the prices they sell there products at
  7. No only on sale in china atm mate they only just tarting to sell to america! you should check online stores to see what new stuff they will be selling selectbikes usually tells you what he is gettin in the near future best hope am afraid OR ask Andy T he has a prototype frame an may know when things can be bought etc
  8. my LBS have all the tools even the freewheel remover and they put it in a vice had thise cool kit which screwed the tool down into place an he still couldnt smack the b*****d off lmao he broke his work bench though which was pretty funny! Meh try again tomorrow
  9. I could and am only 6ft 2! in all fairness though probably not worth it as you said before you dont know what people have in there pockets thats why i usually am smart an carry a hammer in my bag plus any f**king chavs come for me THEY ARE GETTING DELT WITH! ill keep my eye out on ebay for you!
  10. if any of you go on OTN you will have seen the big craze over there new 26" frame which i am positive Andy T is testing for them Anyways this is there new vid which includes yao zhi who used to be sponsered by Zoo TV.ISG LINKAGE CLICK HERE
  11. Reminded me of what old videos used to make me feel like when i watched them! Sweet riding Sweet editing Class song choice and best of all it made me want to actually go out and ride
  12. yer i really liked it the as people have said before the black bits are abit annoying the voice is very muffled cant hear some of the stuff you are saying and also i would use a diffrent voice not because theres anything wrong with yours but yoru dialect of english just doesnt sound right maybe me just me but meh the rest of it was class!
  13. Luke Williams!


    No but it gives a very big insight into what type of person you are! If where being honest this is the most pointless thread ever created there are thousands of chav threads on this forum an probably will be loads more. i hate chavs yer they wil stay becasue the british youth of today have no respect! so shut up an just get on with it if you see one you see one if you have to deal with one deal with one! end of story
  14. Luke Williams!


    all i can do right now lol
  15. Luke Williams!


    way it goes! stereo typing maybe but who gives a shit if your black you supposedly automatically smoke weed! So if your a chav i automatically dont like you
  16. Luke Williams!


    CHAVS ARE DICKS PERIOD somene who enjoys chillin in a bus stop for fun or drinking stella on the street is a f**king waster! female chavs are worse there just f**king prostitutes but say there not! hence why its so easy for you chavy ugly c**ts to pull them! its like hey whast your name doesnt matter just f**k me in the bushes NOW! cause i know if i was a girl and a chav came towards me his arse is seeing my dildo or a taser and am gone!
  17. Ok this is my view of the whole thing! Sponsorship like many have said used to be "special" the people who where sponsered where legends and f**king rightly so. examples are the trials kings! These riders where sponsered for a reason they where loved by how many of us that ride today probably all, they showed the sport to the world and had that character about them that just sold things, also they where f**king good as in seriously good. Faggots today get sponsored too easy, companies like heatsink an toxsin are prime examples, i'm not judging but this may be to lack of experience when it comes to running a company! the forum hasnt helped at all yes its made trials alot mroe well known thats quality but it also has negative effects like people only comiing to the forum to find out about the sport and one way of advertising is to sponsor people well known on the forum etc. also the group ride theory is true a company sponsor people who are pretty decent at riding but also someone who goes on alot of rides the more there products and names are seen the better i suppose! you see before all these internet shops sponsorshiip came from the company itself so you had to be damn good as these companies knew what they where on about an looking for in a rider. in my opinion the reason fro shit sponsorship etc is down to the unproffesionalism of the sport in the UK compared to france the UK trials scene is wank when it comes to such things as holding events etc. everything in the UK trials scene seems very unorganised and like a demo for some reason like NASS etc you watch the vidoes of them and they seem poor compared to a koxx days video etc! Maybe if the UK companies get a hold of the sport truly an firmly and starts to organise the sport more proffesionally then maybe you will start to see real riders getting sponsored again untill then all you will get is shit riders being sponsored cause they go on more rides than others or bring out videos
  18. link to video Link to video above guy has some mad power vid quality is pretty poor but who cares! taken from OTN too
  19. whatever that shizzle means! sites nice an clean and the photo section is pretty smooth jobs a gooden
  20. if i remember form wales in 2004 aust was pretty sick lol had some swift skills on the tonza looked a complete puff mind nah i believe him!
  21. uploading now will post link when done tis a must see really
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