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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. your riding with faggots mate i always have a laugh when i ride if i dont then its a bad ride even if i did do my biggest tap etc the best bit about riding like most sports is the socialising get some better people to ride with is your answer if there all like that!
  2. looksizzle lihizzle the dizzle wizzle top with the ockihizzle profizzle shizzle dogizzle " looks like the dogs dangles with the proffessional side of the business coming through dog"
  3. reminded me of TRA when he was on his echo just a hell of alot bigger
  4. someone beat porter so he stops gettin so good and fatmike too actually lol sweet pics seems you love that swazy ashton mr porter looks the shizzle too
  5. lmao how the hell can you do that lol looks like he just bounces!
  6. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm just ride the shit out of it mate then you wont need to be botherd wether its got a red or black tyre on it! you will be too worried about the scratches an dints, also theres a control on OTN you should look at if you bum bikes that hard, its quality you should be lookin for not if it looks good! ok, your bike looks like every other bike with black rims an silver frame if you wanna be a real perfectionist change the colour!
  7. not being bitchy but you need to stop bring vids out of the same thing! you have done most of the stuff in that vid in another vid which is very boring! watching you do mega spins etc is also boring as you've done them how many times in your old vids? concentrate on your riding for a while before releasing a vid so that we goet something diffrent from you and much bigger! i dont see the imporvment neither? the walls are the same height get moving ride somewhere new and as for the natty get sommet bigger to do challenge yourself! anyways i suppose any trials is better than no trials just concentrate on your riding before releasing another video!
  8. Luke Williams!


    i loved it cant see how he was strugglin but meh was good riding in the latter side of the vid i think the first half is just so you can see the frames an how they look etc
  9. which as it says on the sight after a while it will be prone to skipping like a bitch :S:S
  10. even though i always seem to argue with you i cant wait for the video the riding looks like its goner be beasty and maybe your problem is with your preloading! an i bet you will learn when you actually smack the shit out of yoru helmet or your balls go north!
  11. love its sommet abit diffrent i suppose than just one tube its like marc caisso new pro model frame in a way looks awsome
  12. so just wanna live in japan or china where ever they are its cool as f**k, lmao at the car crash and wtf was that drop gap just crazy
  13. lmao at the photo of marc cassio and the deer or ram in the background lol thought it was funny as and Mad props go to ben savage some dece riding man also if you click on some of the photo's they are links to vids specially the first hermance one
  14. Luke Williams!

    My New Video

    Behave cap your not allowed to do some of that stuff man still mad props :bow::bow::bow::bow:
  15. had as much variety in at as your last video anyways nice vid mr benlee i remember you now lol! one thing though that came to mind other than the quality an music was your gap to front wheel. your style is very unorthadoxes if you get me an it scared the living poo out of me wouldnt liek to be there when you fook up, you ride more with your upper body than technique maybe work at technique abit more rather than the big goon drops lol sweet vid though better than my first one does anyone have that ?
  16. near sainsburys! theres a little rock section there thats pertty cool and in the precinct mate i dont live wakie no more but i know the main group of riders there an thats where they mostly ride
  17. there very neccesary if your a comp rider! and they are one of the essential skills to be able to do in biketrials!
  18. You got some mad skills just crazy moves to front wheel its like your not goner make it then you do :bow:
  19. Luke Williams!

    Zoo Vid

    same reminds me of damon watson he seems to just float its weird! so cool though shame my riding is exactly the opposite also wonderin why am on 90% warning
  20. i want to know when was it that if someone is better than english at someone it makes them a better person? also if you say it does your wrong my sister is dyslexic yet she is a manger of a specsavers in london, proving that just because your not that good at english doesnt mean your any lower than anyone else! i would also like you to look at half of the entrepeneurs and millionaires that dont have GCSE does this mean that you are better person than them? more higher up than them in the worlds shitty plato! does it f**k because you can copy someones designs for clothes and copy someone elses ideas thats all your good for and bitching at people who cant be arsed trying to spell correctly if everyone keeps saying its only the internet then whats wrong with people not writing at a high level of grammer? Nick f**kin get over yourself your an ugly small minded individual who for 1. needs to see a doctor about getting a face lift 2. needs to realise that grammer does not equal power 3. needs to create a decent clothing range rather than copying someone else's 4. take hints from a mr Andy T who has done what you wanted to do but done it right and so far succesfully p.s al be seeing you soon!
  21. but the guy is a dick in real life if you have ever met him!
  22. prefered it over your first vid i didnt mind the fact that it was all of the same place look at fatmikes latest video its all in one place, but its still brilliant. nice vid keep it up
  23. always one ok i may get a warning for this or maybe even banned but i have to say it, nick you are the biggest dickhead in the world period, if your arse could get any further up your own arse god would have to claim you as a new breed of animal, you think that you are above everyone when in fact your very very very small compared to alot of people on this forum, so you can either grow up or f**k or not make comments towards me on your own behalf. because if you carry on and i promise this if i ever do see you anywhere i dont care if its in a police station i vow i will show you what gettin the shit kicked out of you is really like, cause i really dont know whats bigger your head or your mouth! and you can reply with what you like this is the only chance am goner give you, but if you do reply, make any comments towards me that i see or hear you will be seein me standing over you whilst your kissing the curb!
  24. Luke Williams!

    Nbr 18

    someone was really rippin it up man that shizzle was sick for sure! man i love NBR vids an the switch is raw
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