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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. he means cruises dude like the macdonalds chavy sit around an stare at each other cars cruising! just to let you know the capri is cool but the civic is so nice
  2. always one faggot xbox 360 would be better but seriously how is 0-60 in 9 seconds fast? its slow compared to most cars, the ford truck would wipe the floor with that 0 - 60 in 5.4 seconds or sommet daft. May kick the shit out of my lovely civic but i couldnt care cars a car over mod it they look SHIT! but modding out a corsa or a saxo is hardly worth doing? something new would be much better then i could appreciate you leaving trials but to mod a saxo or a corsa behave mate get yoru gloves on an go ride!
  3. not bad at all some nice riding going down buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut the quality was pretty poor dent know wether it was a black guy riding or white
  4. i would comment but its pointless the vid speaks for itself
  5. " Bike riding........ Just different" "MotoBiketrials " " Do a wheelie " " Smooth or lose " " Tap.........Gap........Sidehop " " Naturally Street "
  6. Get in wayne some beastu stuff there :bow all must learn how to real riding for a change an pure determination the one hand after that tap was sick an that taps tough enough as it is anyways lol gotta love you fella p.s. the face you pull when you dont make that gap near the chavs is soooooooooooo funny you can so tell you hate em lol
  7. may show face for once by the way theres one going down this thursday
  8. Shit argument on the forum, Must show face, rep to keep
  9. Mad skills as always man crazy crazy shit!
  10. i know i am Not disputing the fact that i am a dickhead or what ever you wanna call me but seriously go try it out you shall see what i mean
  11. Luke Williams!

    My New Vid

    better be more sidehops rossi you gay lol edit when watched should be beasty judging by the previews i've had EDIT: Lmao rossi the mech hanger no lol clas vid as always dude
  12. you can say that for any sport when it comes to damage an what is 21lbs compared to lifting as much as you do in weight lifting its nothing at all also everybody's bodies are diffrent some things that work for other wont work for other people so you can throw the not doing it right thing out the window! and i'm not saying his a kid at all he lifts a decent size i'm saying there are problems with weight lifting when you start at an early age (which his personal trainer has acknowledged) and no matter how much theory or research you put into it the results will be the same! i big him up for actually getting out there an working hard to have a nice physique as the UK now a days is gettin fat am just sayin watch it but clearly i dont need to as he has the right sort of guidance! but as he said he seen kids going doing things wrong so i would rather let those young at heart who wish to start weight lifting and read this thread information on possible side effects of starting young and not weightlifting porperly! also it wasnt a hissy fit it was debating the truth! lifting your own body mass increses strength more than lifting weights go out and lift weights get bigger then try an do 20 pull ups! do 20 pull ups for a weeks and i bet you will be able to do them a hell of alot easier! than when you just did weights! strength is associated with your body mass! you seem to be confusing strength with power! read a mens fitness magazine this is where i get my information from and as the leading mens fitness magazine i think they would know such things! am not trying to get into any sort of argument am just saying this is from very useful sources i have read and even experienced myself aka the pull ups!
  13. am actually calling americans retarded lol
  14. americans own spell it how you spell, an there supposed to be the smarter country
  15. it depends when the frames where deigned maybe koxx designed there before ali -c also its also like the vario styx with crazy tubing so they may of just copied that as the scorpia frame that caisso is no riding also has crazy tubing! doesnt matter but i see where wyne is coming from sometimes the younger generation on this forum do say some dumb shit but who am i to say that i also do
  16. so he can sell it for more when it comes to gettin rid of it needs to learn to ride cause that shit will still be fooked if i was on it even with the super dooper foam nice pics though abit big
  17. its not bollocks you idiot its built on sports science dick! an its not an argument its a comment so shove what ever your thinking up your arse retard pick up a book an f**king read it! it is true lifting your own body weights increase strength a hell of alot more than lifting weights, also there are problems with doing weights at an early age! as your muscles and bones have not fully developed READ A BOOK maybe one day you will learn something also from various magazines an internet reading, (as i enjoy going to the gym and working out) bench press does not work for everybody some people do fly presses with dumbells or use cable machines the comments i made are backed with proof dick so stop trying to argue you dumb sack of shit and think before trying to start something that is pointless end of discussion between me and you concentrate on the topic at hand
  18. by the way riding doesnt actually effect your body like doing weights at the age of 15 - 16! your bones have not fully developed nor your muscles and this can cause such things as atheritis, high blood pressure, heart problems etc etc your only 16 you may want to calm down before doing real damage or you wont have a future! Also a little note bench press doesnt work for everybody, dunno why dont ask me its the way it goes if it doesnt work for you, cable machines are best also they build your muscles gradually but its more strength doing weights doesnt really give you strength! lifting your own body weight excercises gains strength, weights just make you bigger!
  19. too few videos on this forum are anywhere near as good as this great riding
  20. same my mate landed on his too an its cracked
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